Ahem... Orisa, is dead!

Hopefully sigma falls out of the meta too

The issue is how they nerfed orisa and sigma barriers. Just makes it so it is even more necessary to run them together.
We want to remove synergy between barrier tanks, not enforce it.
They should have exposed sigmas and orisas weakness more rather making their strengths weaker.
Were having the same issue as hanzo has were they are just good in every situation. And again were not making them more vulnerable to certain strategies but just making their strengths weaker.


Yeah, was hoping they nerfed Fortify.
Not Orisa’s barrier.

Tbh i dont think so. The 10 sec does feel a tad slower but Orisa is still the same. Its really not that bad imo

Sigma as a main tank was pretty much killed with the ptr patch. A cool down on replaced the shield basically solidified him as a off tank sadly. But bunkers pretty dead by the looks of it.

On the upside. Less Orisa means more EMPs.

She’s not dead, probably will be used more than Reinhardt and Winston unless teams revert back to the Lucio/Rein comps.

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God forbid anything besides the same 5 god damn heroes ever get played right?

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Orisa needed 8 seconds of barrier cooldown before double barrier.

Now, she still be viable in bunkercomps at defense (with double barrier) and payload maps (even without double barrier). So she will remain as viable as before.

Winston and Dva buffs are wellcome, though.

Winston got the wrong buff, so I don’t think he’ll be enough to spearhead dive again. I’m pinning my hopes on Rein deathball beating out double shields instead.

I honestly think Sigma got buffed. Removing the .2 second cast time on the barrier reduced the need for reaction time immensely. Like he got wrist slapped by a pool noodle.

Mostly good stuff in this patch. Orisa’s shield at 10 seconds is perfectly justified. Sombra’s translocator change is just a weird one though, makes me think they have something more for her?

Dive becoming meta assumes that winston has good dive buddies to go with lol.

That’s not the case as long as they refuse to give dva proper buffs.

That buff is amazing, McCree and Hanzo can’t instantly destroy the bubble anymore and Ana and Widowmaker get imprisoned for 50% longer in/behind it. The bubble does every thing you could reasonably ask it to do now, it is a massive buff.

Too bad we didnt get to rid the horse before she went away.

At least Orisa got nerfed cause i was sick of playing her.

I liked my robot water buffalo, though…she was the first tank I had fun with before Hammond was introduced. Plus, she’s just so positive.

Then again this just enforced the “every main I have gets nerfed” since Symm and Sombra got their dead horses beaten into pulp again. At least now I can play Lucio again, I guess, but god, at what cost?

At what cost?

(Also seriously, people, she’s not a horse she’s a water buffalo. Small thing but it bugs me so much. Have you never seen one before?)

Orisa is dead as a solo barrier tank, yes but more than ever now you will want to run double shields, because one shield won’t be enough thanks to the dps power creep that was not revised.

Double Barrier will still be king and actually forced to run now, otherwise you may as well just not run any barriers and go 2 offtanks.

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you know whats funny.
Like many said before.

If double shield is still a thing like now, you will see doomfist just as frequently as now.