Age-ism(?) and Sexism

If you are a kid or a girl, you are INSTANTLY bad at the game.

Why might you think that?

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I am Groot.

Really just as good an answer as any other.
I’m 45 yr old and bad at the game (and not a girl) so shrug


I don’t automatically assume a kid or girl is bad at the game. I will say that playing with people younger than college age gives me a headache because they keep chattering during the match about things that aren’t relevant.

Not all of them are like that, but most of the blathering comes from people in the 8-18 age range, male and female.


It’s fair to assume young teenagers and kids are worst at the game because their brain isn’t developed as well as an adult so they are handicapped in comparison, I think I’ve seen maybe one twelve year old at Diamond? Yet in the lower ranks you see them everywhere.

However as for females it’s simply just a stereotype that females are bad at games, if the male to female ratio was a lot more even it probably wouldn’t exist

Neither two things justify abuse or any sort of negativity.


I think the age thing started with the “cod kid” stereotype, but don’t quote me on that. I don’t know about the female part but both are equally dumb assumptions.

People also seem to do this when they hear someone with a speech issue (such as myself) in voicechat, it is one of the reasons I don’t talk in VC.

Just because someone is different does not mean they’re bad. I have met way more good and chill kids in comp than I have adults, which is sad because adults seem to make up the majority of comp users that I have seen.


Oh boy this thread is gonna get derailed so hard.

Some people need an easy scapegoat why they lost. Using stereotypes fits that need perfectly. If they don’t know of any child or girl on their team then another easy stereotype is blaming the healers for doing poorly.

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Nah. Who says that? If you are good, you are good. If you are bad, then you are bad. Stereotype exist because there’s some truth behind them, if you don’t like it prove them otherwise. I’ve seen and respected many insanely good younger players, and female players to a rarer degree but they do exist. It’s up to you how to receive and make of that kind of snarky comments.


There’s a lot of sexism on Overwatch for litterally no reason. Like a lot of people say that girls only play Mercy which is far from true.
I guess people just use kids/girls as an excuse for why they lost a competitve match. They probably assume that at a young age they won’t understand the game, and that girls are just “inferior to men and suck at everything”. I’ve met kids and girls who seem to be really good and don’t belong in the rank they are in, and I’ve met really bad adults who are toxic and just scream all the time about why they keep dying to the Bastion.
Being a girl, I’m not terrible, but I’m not godly either. Overwatch is my first FPS so I might not be as good as some of the other people who have played FPS games before.

I honestly haven’t seen anything really uncalled for when it comes griping about age. The only time people complain about age, is when it is some little kid trying to be some little memester. Pray to God you don’t get two of them, because their obnoxiousness seems to grow in numbers. For the most part though, kids seem to be ok.

As far as girls go, I haven’t seen a single one get made fun of or called bad. What happens in my games usually, is that some of the dudes start flirting instead of playing the game. This never fails to give me a loss in SR and an awkward 20 minutes when I get these kinds of games.

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I think the responses are pretty fair, I’m glad people are taking it fairly seriously.

Kids and teens brains not being fully mature can apply to an extent, but I think a lot of young teens sound less serious than they are.

And the abundance of younger players in lower ranks is because a lot of kids play for fun, as teens and adults are either sweaty try hards or literally give zero poops about trying at all.

Thanks for the feedback.

I just hate kids shrilly voices but I never assume there bad. But I’ve noticed they like Bastion alot.

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I don’t think this, actually. I literally had an 11 year old on my team during placements (we grouped after, actually!), and he was a pretty mature, adorable kid. Also really good at DPS.

Mmmm… I don’t think I’ve gotten any comments about my gender stating that I’m “bad”. But some could’ve been keeping those comments to themselves though, I wouldn’t know. Everyone I’ve ran into in comp voice coms have been pretty chill about my gender so far though, which is pretty cool. :v:

Only bad kids and bad girls say that.

I’ve never heard/seen anyone using the “girl” argument. Played the game with some women in the voice chat as well, I don’t recall a single time anyone actually blaming them for the loss because they are “girls”.

“Kid”, yes, but in all cases people used it not to showcase the age, but the lacking in maturity of behaviour and/or teamplay capabilities.

If someone uses either of these with a real connection to the age or gender, then their words are as valuable as a bag of trash. No need to worry.


Kids - nobody wants to listen to someone who just learned how to tie their shoes tell them how to play. Act with respect and you will receive the same respect. Start squeaking profanity and you will get muted instantly.

Girls - Statistically speaking have far less experience gaming than boys do by the age of 15-20, and a lot of the skills are past on from one game to another. Which is why I think people usually go with the “Boosted untill proven gud.” approach.

I try to give both the benefit of the doubt and I’m rarely disappointed. But then again I gave up trying to improve at this game 3 seasons ago.

Gad. Alright, I’m gonna give my opinion, then.

I am a twelve year old girl. People don’t immediately think I’m twelve, or guess my age right, because I have a deep voice. But the latter can be frightening. I’ve experienced p_d_philes who think I’m fifteen+. I use my mic in competitive to shotcall, although I usually play Mercy (which means staying in the backline) or flex. Most comments are, “Are you a boy or a girl?” and the occassional “How old are you?”. I tell them to guess, and it’s usually fifteen or older, as stated. Reminder: I’M TWELVE. I don’t know how to shake this off my back, so I just deal with it. Usually they found out I’m a girl because of my laugh.

Personally, I don’t think that. I had a comp game this morning where I had two ladies on my team, and they were fantastic. :slight_smile:

I’m not a young kid (16) but my voice makes me sound like I’m 13. Even with people thinking I’m 13, nobody comments about me being bad because I’m younger. Neither have I been told I’m annoying because I only make important call-outs in VC. In my experiences, age-ism is not a thing in competitive.

Don’t think kids are bad, but I think most have different priorities than adults and it shows in gameplay, mechanics and decision making.

Also can’t stand the voice.

I’ll mute you, but I won’t judge your skill because it would be dumb to do so if we’re sharing the same elo. I’ll respect your skill, but not your decision making until you’ve had a few more years of life kicking your ___.