🐬 Again why haven’t Big Name Youtubers ever brought up Leonora

Is this leonora a toxic or positive person?

I was hoping revolutionary…

Even though Leo is part of Talon, she generally thinks she doing the greater good because she actually is.

Highlighting the fight against corruption of humanity and Omnics.

She is working hard to find that ground for peace, even if she has is a elder of Talon.

The good guy/ bad guy.

Ahh forgive me though it was a popular streamer or pro player or something. :smiley:

This is why again she needs more attention

I say Queen and everyone knows who I am talking about

And the I say Leonora

They are like “Who”

Maybe they don’t care :slight_smile:

I wish they would a least try, they did for other like characters

Like the Meka Squad members

Much like this Sanjay person I was like ‘who the heck is that?’.

People know who Sanjay and he actually has Concepts like the Queen

Leonora has none of that.

if hero 30 is actually Lenora

then you will be my god (technically your dog but still you)

Not really, just been pointing out her existence since Hero 27 predictions

And no one knew who she was either even though her map was just released.

(Everyone seems to fail to look up and focus is elsewhere)

lmao, that’s not BTC :sweat_smile:

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Your right, but honestly I don’t feel like going them all to find that one so here another just to prove a point

Honestly, I wish they would keep her as a side character but give side characters more love. Like, what if Leonora was an announcer and had a new exhibit map?

What if Sanjay/Vishkar ran the new, intensive achievement and trophy system? Or doled out the competitive points.

Something to make the overwatch world feel more alive and even get more characters out as merchandise without just slowly waiting for three heroes a year.

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Seriously if youtuber would just talk about her existence, I could stop being the Leonora guy

Her primary weapon better be a paint brush.
Yellow paint: Healing
Red paint: Damage

Here’s the thing with Leonora, people MIGHT be dismissing her off the assumption she has no combat experience. A few other characters also are under that assumption, namely:

And Maximillian

My Concept is above if your Interested

The lady of the hour has arrived! xD