After we playing 5v5 for a long while, what're your opinion?

o yea i forgot about that, been so long lol and yea i was always dva so that never worked out

one of the reasons i have a lot of time on rein. i saw the other tank ball/hog i just picked rein but yea i rather be dva

those two heroes (ball/hog) should have been nerfed harshly to stop people from playing them. only for a while and buffed later. it was a problem for a long time

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I’d just pick Sigma all the time and hope that if my co-tank did happen to go Orisa, that I wouldn’t get mud slung my way.

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OW1 was legendary. OW2 is irrelevant. 5v5’s the only thing to blame.


I hate it. I want 6v6 back so i can finally start playing tank again cause solo tank is really not fun especially with that mm where you have to give 110% every match.


At the beginning i liked 5v5, now i think 6v6 without so many shields would have been better
I don’t like playing tank anymore because it’s just a matter of countering and switching all the time
When your tank dies the fight is basically over already…
Also the op is right, in 5v5 when a teammate dies it means you are at a bigger disadvantage than 6v6. I don’t like that


my opinion 5v5 is boring crap without fun


It’s awful. No one in their right mind thought it was a good idea to put all of the pressure on one person aka tank


Its not just that all the mm problems are far worse cause 5v5, if the mm gives you a worse tank than the enemy its basically over. The mm now needs to be far more precise than before cause now you have 1 less player and 1 player thats far more important than the others


I think it’s superior to 6v6 and makes the fights way cleaner/easier to pick up for new players. The only problem is that tank is just unbearable to play even though they made tanks super buffed you’re now the main focus for being countered and the scapegoat of every match.


This as well. I had a match today where i was screaming, my Rein was charging all the time and dying, he had 3.5k dmg, meanwhile the enemy Zarya had 8k dmg. Not fun at all

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I can’t speak for other roles, but tanks have been thoroughly ruined.

-Off tanks can no longer off tank
-It is far too easy to nullify the enemy tank and force them to switch
-tank synergy (arguably one of the most interesting facets of OW1) doesn’t exist
-Causes certain heroes to be incredibly powerful (read: Hog in S2 or Widow in S4 as I’ve heard)

5v5 could theoretically become good with enough work, but is it really worth it? 6v6 is still inherently better, no matter what improvements they decided to make. 5v5 is the sunk cost fallacy in motion and I hope Blizz can realise how they’ve messed up before it’s too late


Garbage that ruined the game. They could have addressed double shield but coped out.


Or JQ she feels like she was completely designed as 2nd tank.

5v5 is awful and in order for it to become good basically every hero needs a drastic rework where multiple heroes will lose everything that made them unique and fun. Im just waiting how bad the Hog and Sombra reworks are gonna be


This just went to show how little the dev team understood 5v5 when they released the game. They thought widow needed a buff even though everyone else was saying the lack of the 2nd tank was a major buff to snipers. The dev team still couldn’t figure that out.

There is no hope with this balance team. None.


i think it allows more individual skill expression, which is both good and bad, first its way harder to balance than 6v6 because each hero has more impact, second it allows play making but if you are bad then u also have more impact from being bad

Mixed? It’s not terrible but it’s not great either. A lot of characters didn’t get reworked for 5v5 and a lot of strong synergies still exist and are even more oppressive in 5v5 than in 6v6.

I still firmly believe that everyone should have been reworked or none of them. There shouldn’t have been this pick and choose.

(Granted tanks would have needed to be reworked from the ground up fully if they wanted it to work without the need for convoluted balancing)

I think it’s far better than 6v6.

I actually want to play Tank on a regular basis now that they aren’t punching bags, I feel like I can do my job as DPS far better since there isn’t a mound of defenses at every corner, and I feel more active than ever on Support.

So true. It could definitely be argued that tank synergy was one of the most interesting aspects of OW1, and part of why it was so revolutionary.


Devs messed everything up.

They made it 5v5 when the whole concept, gameplay and maps are designed for 6v6. They destroyed doomfist, widow, orisa, and more.

They disabled the main menu all chat, made heroes that do not follow the fundamental the other do.

Weird pay to win skins.

Put auto voicelines when taking a kill so the hero wont shut up.

Put the “revenge” indication, which realy is stupid, considering many kids will consiously or subconsiously will start morphing their playstyle based on that.

Changed the heroes looks (for worse if you ask me)

Changed the music that is slightly less fit to the overwatch identity.

Removed the SR system, witch was fine and now you dont even know where you at withe those stupid cards.

Made the push map which is some BS.

Removed many cc and shields. Which is basicaly why overwatch is overwatch and not just another FPS game.

I am soooo dissapointed. OW was my only favorite all time game with a huge gap from the opthers. I was putting money on it not for the skins, just to support it. But now that they made everything pay to win, i am so disapointed, i guess PapaJeff had a reason to leave Blizzard.

He was about making the game to have fun, and if you want to support it you can support it. Now its completely monetized.

Bring back Jeff.


Try to imagine playing 6v6 again, just to realize that ball/hog, double shield was a thing.
And now with doom being a tank, ball/doom or doom/hog or ram/rein would steamroll you.
6v6 is completely tank driven, the tank performance decided the game.
And no thanks :blush:
I don’t need that ever again.

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