After Reading the Brigette Hate I've Decided

I think what the Brigitte defenders aren’t realizing is that a SUPPORT character is running as OFF-TANK. OP or not, people crying their eyes out or not, she is not working as intended. So players do have a small leg to stand on when they ask her to be adjusted, nerfed, what have you. Remember the devs are aiming for META to be 2-2-2. You could still run triple tank or even quad tank if you wanted, but those builds weren’t the META (think we all agree last couple of seasons 2-2-2 dive comp was the meta). Right now triple support with Brigitte as off-tank is frighteningly looking like it’s working up to be the new meta–that Brigitte as an OFF-TANK, not OFF-HEALER, is the must pick. That IS actually problem in the vision the developers tout, regardless of people’s whining or crying for her being OP.

It’s not the same as when the Mercy meta was a thing. Why? Because Mercy was still being picked for SUPPORT. You didn’t see Mercy being the must pick for 2nd DPS or something insane like that. Kinda like when Solider:76 was the must-pick DPS, at least he was picked ONLY for filling the role of a DPS. You weren’t must-picking S:76 as a healer now were you :stuck_out_tongue:

I do think she needs adjustment. I’m a support main, mostly Mercy, Lucio, Zenny and then I also play and Pharah to flex for teams who need it. I don’t think Brigitte is healthy right now. I’d rather see people pick her for purposes of 2nd healer, and only 2nd healer. She’d be rly nice to have as 2nd healer, if only because I think she could protect the main healer very well from flankers trying to pick them off. I was hoping that’s what the original intent for her was but she ended up too OP for it, so we see her as off-tank.

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Actually, it does,I see it on OWL, because harassment and chaos inducement is a flex function. Lucio is not a passive healbot, and if he’s played that way, then he is being played wrong.

It is as stupid as claiming that breaking to speedboost a tank to return from spawn is “depriving the team of valuable heals”. It’s only “depriving” when it’s a task you don’t like. Removing a widow to enable a widow free engagement is innately valuable, particularly when you can cause further chaos on the return without breaking a sweat.

I mean, since blizz explicitly said that’s what she is. I don’t think the Brig defenders are in the wrong here. They literally described her as a tank healer.

So I’m going to bring this back up.

Brig as of yesterday (last full day of data) has a 14.44% pick rate and a 54.8% win rate. So about that argument you were making. She is now lower in pick rate and win rate than Mercy 2.0

This so much. One of the reasons I don’t bother with comp outside of placements anymore is the lack of teamwork. Most of my matches have no comms/teamwork. It feels like QP - Tryhard Edition

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Genji and Tracer can’t EASILY kill a backline. I doubt you have tried it yourself, where the enemy has a REAL comp.


this is a smurf, I’m a rien main. enjoy the nerfs. I told you all it was needed.

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That’s 4-5 rein swings if she is hitting you constantly and regenerating health. And with her shield bash she can stun me and knock me back every couple of seconds. Brigitte wins most 1v1’s against rein if I don’t pin her instantly. How is that fair?

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She has 200 hp, rein does 75dmg per swing. 4 swings and shes dead, that’s 300 damage, she auto heals herself 16hp/s. To heal the extra 50 damage he does beyond her 250hp in 4 swings would take over 3 seconds of her passive healing. Rein can swing 4 times in 3.5sec. You’re complaining that you can’t kill a hero, as a tank, using NO skills and just your left click in 3.5 seconds.

No, she can’t. Her cooldowns are both 5 seconds. You could theoretically kill her 4 times between the start of a fight with her and the time her bash is back from CD, all from just pressing and holding left click.

It’s fair because what you said is inaccurate. Rein is one of the best heroes to go vs Brig 1v1. The fact that you are losing so consistently is something you are doing wrong. Her entire stun, swing, flail combo does a whopping 155 damage, after that she’s chipping away at your 500 hp doing 35 dmg per swing, meanwhile you are doing over twice that to someone with half your health pool.

So yeah it’s pretty fair that a hero using no skills, and doing nothing but holding left click can beat another hero that is using all of their CD’s and self heals.

This isn’t about feels, this is about facts, and numbers don’t lie. If you are losing full hp v full hp 1v1s to brig as rein, you are doing something terribly wrong. Which is mind blowing, cause all you have to do is hold left click.

lol let me grab some popcorn.

Maybe you can not assume it’s a 1v1 situation?

No I didn’t forget, that’s why I completely factored it in.

In literally the first sentence of my post.

Maybe you should read the posts before commenting on them. That’s two comments you made in about 30 seconds that would’ve been answered had you read the posts.

The brig hate comes from two different area’s in lower to mid ranks its the stun, in high ranks its ult and armor.

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Mercy low skill? Do you even play the game?

The thing is, even if you’re someone who wants to coordinate, you won’t necessarily get teammates that also want to coordinate.

Lmfao, are you joking right now?

I’m really not. Nearly every post you’ve made defending brig has been laughable.

The newest PTR even shows how horribly wrong youve been

She’s not a “mobile hero”, and if she’s using dash to be mobile, she’s not using it to stun you.