After Hard Work, Dedication, and 7 Seasons

You placed much lower than me, yet climbed much faster. Congratulations on improving so quickly! I wish i was like that.


I played a lot in a very short amount of time. Overwatch became my second most played game rather quickly.

Sweet dude i’m pretty close to Master finally myself starting from mid bronze

Pretty much same but i started at mid bronze late season 3 when i started went from silver to diamond season 4 now pushing master just need a couple more wins.

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Have any tips? Do you stop after two losses or three? I am low gold right now (highest was low platinum). I flex usually, preferably playing tank and DPS. Read your reply about being able to flex, but also master one hero. Issue is that I like to play a lot of heroes for fun and want to learn a lot of them. I want to play D.Va, Zarya, Reaper, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Tracer, Zenyatta, Ana and Brigitte. What I read was that this causes me to play at an average level. So now I don’t know who to focus on. My profile shows my partial flexing in competitive.

Congratulations are in place indeed!

why not pick another faceroll hero to climb on rather than junk? Brig is suited to a “man” of your talents.

Congratulations.That’s amazing!!

congrats! now u make me wanna practice lucio, damn <3

My first tip? Stop flexing.

Play your main. Improve yourself on your main and climb. Pick four additional heroes you don’t mind playing and stick to that small pool of heroes (I mostly played Lucio but would swap to Ana/Hog depending on the situation and could manage Moira, Winston, Orisa pretty well).

I learned long ago Flexing decreases my average winrate. Better to play heroes you are confident on.


Grats man, that is huge! I just started playing and I am a Lucio main, this is very encouraging! Well done to you!

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OP, unless people like Kuuwamba notice, nobody cares!

Go for it. I was inspired by other Lucio mains when I started playing. I was literally in your shoes a year ago.

You can do it too.


OP: So many grats honestly impressed. Your assists make me drool. You are using lucio so correctly <3 it inspires me to try to be a better lucio, stick with it, and grind out those games. Thank you for this topic. :heart:

stop hijacking every thread in this forum with your useless irrelevant agenda. Thats really what “NO ONE CARES” about. Its literally spam at this point since its ALL YOU POST ABOUT!


-1 trick


Just gotta wait on some streamer to look at your season 5 profile and call you boosted.

Jk, great job on the rank grinding dude. :muscle:

That unfortunately doesn’t suit well with the playerbase when the player in question is comfortable with offmeta heroes or dare say, “troll” picks like symm, regardless of high winrates. Reporting system is still a running joke for all the symm mains.

i’M sTuCk caUsE oF eLo HelL

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i’M sTuCk caUsE oF BaD tEamMates! HaLp!


nice work. Enjoy the competitive points.

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Congratulations! I’m in my second season, and I’m climbing up silver. Hope to join you one day.

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