After Hard Work, Dedication, and 7 Seasons

I finally hit Grand Masters after placing 1100 at the start of Season 5.

I feel euphoric.


CONGRATULATIONS! You are awesome!

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Hard work and dedication pays off.
Congrats! I’m happy for you.


Most hours on Brigitte


GM with Lucio, doubly impressive.


545 on Lucio actually.


A lucio main, I respect you. How do you get lucio to work in this meta? Do you ask for GOATS or do you find some way to contribute to grav dragon?

No I was just making a joke about people who tend to climb

Lucio has been favored over Zen due to Ana being played heavily and shutting down his Ult. Zenyatta at higher ranks is pretty bad since Doomfist, Ana, and Sombra make his life miserable. I think I almost always have an Ana in my game on both teams and almost always have a Sombra or Doomfist on either team.

So Lucio has been a preferred choice by many players.

Also Lucio’s buffs helped the team survive if you time the Ult correctly. Especially if you Amp up Heals + Bionade.


But how did you play lucio before this season? (I’m assuming you did.)

That’s a big accomplishment! I don’t think I’ll ever make it to GM lol.

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Oh back then I just dealt with it or made sure to space around the enemies ults properly. Make sure we weren’t grouped up for a 6-man grav every time they had combo.

Granted that season was particularly rough, only made it to 3600s and didn’t do much climbing. Mostly stayed around the same.

Dude, I hit 3700s and get Grandmasters who throw games lol.

I think I should be higher than I am. Congrats though. I used to be a high Platinum/low Diamond at season 5.

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Ok, last question…Which voiceline do you spam?

You get throwers at all ranks. But the enemy team gets them too. If you play enough games the losses you get from throwers is negated by the wins you get by them.

BOOP along with the BOOP spray.

Occasionally when Lucio says “Oh yeah” i’ll have him use the “OOH YEA” voiceline right after.

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I can confirm that this guy knows his stuff.


This is proof that with enough effort, you can accomplish anything.
Unless they have Brigette. If that happens, good f_cking luck guys.

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woah congrats on the huge climb! especially with lucio! :open_mouth:
I’m hoping to get there someday, I went from silver in late season 6 to mid diamond today :slight_smile:


You can do it. You just can’t give up. Take breaks when tilted and keep a positive mental attitude.

I believe in you.