After Hard Work, Dedication, and 7 Seasons

Very proud of you. I went from very low bronze in Season 5 to low masters today!


Thank you. As you are well aware the climb is tough… but overall fun. I would do it all over again if given the option.

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To be fair, since the beginning of season 6 lucio has been a fairly bad choice, until this season anyways. Mercy rework made him bad, mercy nerf made him good again.

Well congrats you deserve have fun

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He was great in Season 5, made it to Plat from Bronze. Season 6 I barely played because I started a new job. Season 7 not much changed since Dive was still good and so I made it to Diamond.

In Season 8 Mercy recieved a waves of nerfs and everyone refused to play her for a while. I climbed 400 SR on the day of her nerfs. I made it to Masters then quit for the season due to demands from work.

Seasons 9-11 I’ve been in Masters the entire time mostly low Masters due to life being busy. Season 11 I finished around 3800s.

I basically only played Lucio the entire time. I can vouch that his “effectiveness” did fluctuate, but only Grav/Dragon meta felt quite oppressive as Lucio.

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Heyy nice work fellow Lucio main! I’m still in diamond… but who knows, maybe I’ll get there someday! :+1:



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You absolutely will. You just gotta keep trying!

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Congrats! How many hours did it take you? What roles did you play in each rank?

Thanks! I’ve actually been doing a lot better as Lucio recently, probably because of the buffs he got and the more favourable meta!

I have a total of 400 hours in Comp across all seasons starting in Season 5.

338 of those hours are on Lucio alone.

I have 545 total hours on Lucio across all modes.

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Thanks for your feedback! So would you recommend mastering 1 particular hero, or flexing and being a jack of all trades?

Congratulations on your climb!!!

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I recommend mastering one but getting good enough on a few others heroes to flex onto in situations yours isn’t an ideal pick.

For example: If I am on Attack and the enemy has Torb and Sym I am going to have a bad time on Lucio. It doesn’t matter how evasive I am, their turrets don’t care. Since my mobility is being hard countered playing a hero without mobility but with range would be better.

Because of that Ana ties Hog for my second most played at just under a 100 hours a piece.


Congrats getting to GM, especially as Lucio when meta hasn’t favor him past seasons. Did you solo queue by any chance during the 7 seasons of climbing?

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Mostly. When I was in Silver I met two people who are now among my best online friends (We play lots of other games with each other now like Minecraft, Survive Together, etc.) and we made it out of silver mostly as a trio.

They stopped playing comp as frequently while I started more frequently. So around Gold I started to solo queue occasionally grouping up with people I met through the climb.

I would say about 70% of it has been solo.

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Dang wish I can do that from the past 7 season. I duo 99% with my dps friend. I did planned to solo queue this season but I can’t. Idk, I cant just do it. My mind is stopping me from achieving that but I really want to. Kinda don’t want to play with him anymore since I want to climb on my own and having my own freedom to do so makes it easier. Solo queueing will be a new experience for me so I have to suck it up and get used to it.

I play in Offline Mode a lot. Often times I get people who want to queue up with me a lot but sometimes I just want to play solo. There is a different expectation when you play with friends versus when you play with strangers.

Especially if said friend gets upset easily and doesn’t perform at the level you’re trying to.

If trying offline mode doesn’t work for you I would recommend getting an Alt account and keep it secret.

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Yeah that’s what I’m going to do currently since he wants to play with me. It gets annoying when they message to play comp together.

In my case he just wants to play comp. I want to get better like actually get better at the game but I feel like playing with him is stopping me from doing that. And I also feel the reason why I have been hardstuck in plat for 9 season. Like my friend, I just play comp. Reocrding vods and actively think in the game is what I should’ve start doing few seasons ago instead of just playing comp with my friend.

Anyway thanks for that, I’ll consider it for several seasons or if I climb to the rank I want to get. If you do choose to climb further, good luck!!! ^^

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You’ve climbed more than me in less time than me :stuck_out_tongue:
(My low is 1499, season 2; high 3639, season 10. All on Junkrat, 440 hours)