After a 600 SR Losing Streak I Quit the Game

It’s because of people having many accounts. I said this would happen very early on. They NEED to ban “alt” accounts from competitive ASAP.

Went from 3500 to 2600 on my main last weekend. On the weekenda we always run like 5 dps so i hemorrhage SR. Then on the weekdays we get more sane comps and i gain it back.

90 percent of matches come down to who is playing less WORSE then the other team. Its never about maximizing your skill its about filling the wholes in others skills to make something work.

No amount of adjusting or filling is going to fix the tremendous smurf issue we have this season.

Smurfs have always been somewhat a problem. This season it’s flat out of hand.

Its not that rare to lose 1000 sr naturally. The matchmaker can make wonders in that regard, i too have managed to go from aproxx 900 sr to 1900 and completely lose all of that.
That is my only account and at that low you try to break out not stay there.

smurfs are not really a problem most of them end up at their rank and the ones that stay at low are not alot of them… and to that isnt the point to rank up to play people at that rank anyway why not just bet them now and show you belong there plus focus them down you know they have one tell your team be on a look out and counter pick hes pick if you go in the match and be like ooh look a smurf we lost thats how you lose. dont you want to beat the best theres your chance to do it. the next thing i see is ooh thats a smurf no it can be a reg guy having the best game he can but they call him a smurf so people who have great games are smurfs now ok. just play the game to win and dont think of their team just yours and dont try and make to much mistakes and mental mistakes and you will win most of those games cuz sometimes the other team is just better but that doesnt mean you have to play bad also and you will improve more then you think.

Speaking as a smurf this is patently false. And I’m tired of seeing this. We actively maintain a lower rank on our smurf accounts.

like i said not all do your one of them then.

I’ve been smurfing in bronze and silver on numerous accounts for several seasons and there’s constantly influxes of new smurfs every time the game goes on sale. There’s a whole community of at least 50-100 smurfs who all stay bronze and even play across regions and all know each other. We even have a discord server. There’s a worse problem yet is I keep seeing these new accounts who trio queue and go AFK to derank to >500 to sell the accounts. I see this happening regularly and this guy is just farming money selling these accounts. Ever played a bronze 6 stack game? 8/10 have boosters from masters. Normal bronzes can’t even 6 stack without a smurf. I’ve been steamrolled in a bronze 6 stack with two other diamonds. I’m part of the problem but I’ll be the first admit it’s a much bigger problem than you make it out to be.

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yes one way you are right and one im right but this has always happen in competitive in any game that has released from the begging of video games theres nothing new here. halo, gears , unreal etc. even in real life like you go play bball in the park you can see that your better then them but you still play them right even tho you know you going to beat them even in the nba there is always a great team going vs bad teams right but they still play and take the l you dont hear them or the street people complain you are smurfs you acted bad to play us to just beat us the only real thing you can do is get better and take the L’s on the way of getting better how else do you get better if you play bad people all the time. my bad on a long post

It’s different though. You wouldn’t have grand master chess players disguising themselves and (and chess spawned the elo system) going to stomping on low elo players. It would break the system and the grandmasters would be disqualified and barred from playing chess. Why should competitive gaming be any different?

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your right but this has happen since for ever theirs no real way to make it stop because of people and young kids and people never really change and want to show how good they are by beating the bad players and make their ego bigger and not have to worry and play hard every time and can joke around and to some its just more fun and they like its only a video game chill.

It’s easy to detect though. If someone’s MMR is much higher than bronze and they stay bronze the system should be able to flag it. I don’t think smurfing is necessarily a problem but it has gotten out of hand in OW. And not all smurfs are in bronze to stomp. Some of them are sick of the toxicity at their higher ranks or there are plat smurfs who are sick of GM Smurfs in their rank. And I know a few who just love to help out bronze players, but there’s just as many vicious toxic smurfs as friendly ones.

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let them “help” people in a qp game not in comp. Coach in arcade and qp all you want. Keep your diamond plus carry hero play out of the 1600s cause it’s wrecking the ladder.

Silver has always had skill variance. This season has taken it to a whole new level.

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You should only lose 1000 SR naturally if

You got mad boosted

You were over ranked the first time you did placements (this is common)

Or you insist on learning a new hero and are dead weight. Sorry if your mcree is rocking a 35 percent accuracy and your KDR is 1.5-1 its time to swap cause you are mad throwing as far as I am concerned. Learn new heroes in qp and arcade to get the basics down first.

1000 SR is a MASSIVe skill difference.

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I literally can’t and don’t believe you, sorry.

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i agree with you but on detecting its alil harder cuz you can just buy a new act and play like crap and enter comp and play like crap and your mmr is way low so how do you tell there have one or two good games then do it again and play like crap and system be like ok that was luck games nothing here.

I agree with you which is why I’m being transparent. There’s a reason I don’t play my main anymore. I dropped to plat and that rank is a total mess.

@Sincable. This is very true, which is why there needs to be soft resets of MMR as well. It gets cemented in too quickly. And but also vast skill variance from game to game can be detected as well. Not sure how lucky it is to feed on doomfist then suddenly have 70% accuracy on widow xD

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on a soft rest its hard cuz then like you said some games are bronze and masters on one team and the other can be diamonds and gold or diamonds and masters vs silvers and golds.then here comes the game is trash comp is even more broken etc.

That sounds more like hard reset, which frankly the game might need at this point. It is throwerwatch at this point and the ladder is far from accurate.