After a 600 SR Losing Streak I Quit the Game

Just out of curiosity, what sr are you at now? Were you successfully able to regain it all back?

The day I fall from Masters to Platinum is the day I quit the game lol.

Iā€™m hard stuck in Masters and Iā€™m quite thankful. However, I would never fall from Masters to Platinum as I mentioned because I play like a low GM and can even carry few games. I hardly see diamonds unless I search at a bad timezone.

I completely agree. Overwatch is one of the best competitive games out there with the absolute worse competitive system. A few seasons ago I dropped 1000 SR from low diamond to low gold lol. All it took with 3 games in a row in diamond with throwers and the game was like ā€œokay since you lost 3 games in a row you must be bad so weā€™re gonna pair you with the worst toxic players in this eloā€. Every game was toxic throwers or leavers or just really really bad players until I dropped all the way to low gold. I was actually laughing when I got down that low cause of how incredibly stupid the system is. Once I got down to low gold I straight up carried every single game cause I was clearly far lower than where I belonged. I ended up ending the season in high plat with an 84% WR on hammond out of like 80 games lmao. I felt bad stomping noobs but itā€™s not my fault, itā€™s blizzards garbage comp system.


You got my like. it feel like every season you just spend the whole season trying to get back to where you were in the prevoius season only 5 sr less. I hate the way the match maker balances the teams sr - expecting one person to make the bulk of the teams sr and carry while the rest of the team are all lvl 25 to maybe 50 and the enemy team have a good all round spread of expierience.

When you start well someone on the enemy team leaves in the first few seconds an the match is cancelled. hit the first minor hiccup and someone on your team leaves yet the game limps on.

Placement matches are a chore. Iā€™ve had seasons where the bulk of the games have been ruined by people leaving and then dropping a hefty wack of sr. Then Iā€™ve had seasons where Iā€™ve done well and climbed like 5 sr. I you take those ten games where you canā€™t see what you are getting and you make a rough guess on the low side (worst outcome) of what you normaly get it never seams to add up.

finaly the amount of games lost before they start because people canā€™t pick characters that are right for an occsion or synergise well is staggering. It seems like the lvl of gameplay has gone down, people seem to be making mistakes that we made in season 2. I think many vetrens in all ranks have left and now we have teamates who are still learning the game.

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Although there are some new players here and there for the most part the majority of what I am seeing is veterans in the slums. Silver is basically a graveyard of washed up plats.

I mostly see people line of sighting. A and d spamming to avoid getting hit. Remember those season 2 videos of bronze play where everyone really had no idea what was going onā€¦ Hell season 6 in plat no one had any idea what was going on I know I was there EVERYONE was terrible back then.

Those kind of 100 percent totally clueless people dont really exist anymore. If you see them they are probably trolling. If you are new to fps games you are going STRAIGHT to sub 1000 do not pass do not collect 200.00

I can assure you silver is just washed up plats and TONS of silver and gold portrait players. Those new accounts are mostly alt accounts of silver and gold borders. There is very little fresh blood coming into a 3 year old game.

Take any silver player today that is actually trying put em in a time machine back about a year they would basically be plat. This is not an exaggeration.

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Losing 600 SR sounds more like a you problem. I agree the game has problems, but the reason youā€™re losing isnā€™t just the games fault. Being tilted is the main cause of underperformance and if you catch yourself being tilted step away and just breathe. Playing again with a fresh, open mind really makes a huge difference


All of your problems and our too, itā€™s due of not having a proper banā€™s system for throwing, de-rank, smurf, boosted/boosting. So sad about your decision. I did it once in console and think about doing it daily.

We need a banā€™s system with assistance of people who takes our tickets for a review.

All blizzard has to really do is put in an algorithm where if someone loses 1000 Sr they are automatically flagged. Do a little research oh yeah this guy has lost 30 straight games on x hero with horrendous stats and has like 15 deaths per 10 minutesā€¦ ok ban have a nice day.

Itā€™s not hard. Losing 500 SR is going to be rare losing 1000 sr I am sorry is flat out throwing outside of brand new accounts which were woefully overplaced.

It is 100 percent lazyness on blizzardā€™s part


QYes, but you have smurf who buy new accountsā€¦ you have diamonds playing silver character at their Elo that should be 3h ban too.

The worst someone can get it is a Mei blocking your doors. You feel you should just uninstall the game.

If the match is fair a X person canā€™t get more than 40 kills unless hanzo or Widow main at M level. Or like you said how can someone lost 1000 Sr ? Auto ban and prove you not smurf- de ranker

I always fluctuated 200 SR on my main. I donā€™t see how people go on such big loss streaks.

Maybe they played one night when their aim was better than usual but once they started performing normally they fell back down.

this just came to mind, know what you could try if you still want to play?

If you fell that much, you could try a different set of heroes while youā€™re down there, to refresh the game for yourself. Just a thought. You might not be able to climb that easily still, but it could be a decent opportunity to try new things for a season.

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Initial placement is garbage honestly, important is where you end up after like 50+ games. Thats your real elo.

This was recent actually. I am currently 3600, I am climbing back a bit every day.

It feels like Iā€™m fighting my teams because I try to shot call and they act like they know more than me. A lot of people talk trash because they have a worse understanding of scenarios or positioning, so when I make a recommendation or try to help they call me trash šŸ¤· itā€™s a problem because I generally lose said game, and I get free wins afterwards because I avoid them, but that leaves me at the same SR.

I know it may sound like a mindset issue, but genuinely a lot of people down here have an ego issue, they think that because they hit masters, they know everything they need to, but I literally can see an issue with a team, try to communicate with my team and be told Iā€™m trash.

Whether I climb each session really just comes down to if I get tilted, the games arenā€™t hard at all, just the people I am trying to work with are.

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Why care? I mean, itā€™s just a number you by default win back as eventually it gets synced with your skill level once again.

I feel sorry having read this, it hurts us all somewhere whenever we loose a player due to reasons such as this. I hope you enjoy your future endeavours.
Best of luck! :cowboy_hat_face:

I know how you feel. In s11 i dropped from 3998 to 3017 on a slow decline.

Honestly, it was my attitude. It kept me from my true potential. Once i realized that i gained 700sr in 2 days.

Damn being 2 points away from GrandMaster mustā€™ve hurtā€¦ I suppose youā€™re a good example that having enough willpower and discipline will eventually lead to you climbing. But the question is if one is willing to put up with that and invest all that time if the way there isnā€™t enjoyable anymoreā€¦ as in ā€œthe way itself is actually the destinationā€.

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Guys, i got one question for all of you:
Full of complains about bad comp experience in this forum, did blizzard even cares about it>>>>?
Never. We need to en-louder our voice,

sorry for the long post

why is it that people who under-preform think they should rank upā€¦no you under preform you rank down thats how it goes and they never look at their game play and see why they lost nope lets just blame teammates and you must learn how to win just cuz you win dont mean you know how to win its making the key plays for that win.

people never change how they play they think playing the same way everytime is making them better no its not in point lets say a dva player almost all low rank players always backs up to throw the bomb all in while theres a team fight going on and their team lost that fight cuz the dva play back up to throw the bomb when they should have been in the fight or just place the bomb in the middle of the fight to win that fight not every bomb has to be big or thrown it just has to win you that fight or not protecting teammates etc.

now on the overextending if you see your team doing that move up with them to make sure you win that fight now im not saying spawn camp but stay with team.unless they have a sombra then dont try and stay to close when you think she has alt theres lots of cases and things that can be done to win and your the only person in your games all the time ā€¦now im not saying its perfect but it does work you just have to but in the time and also getting better at the same time ā€¦

now also on people that be like i flex but still lose yes your flexing to things you dont know how to play right your making it 5v6 so if you flex make sure you really know how to play that character not just to fill.take me someone ask me to go lets say df i tell them stright up thats one person i cant play by all means if you can go ahead i got you on your role.

I cant carry. Half my issue. Also I couldnā€™t land a rocket to save my life with Pharah today. I hear you.