Advice for each tier - What do you think?

in all honesty there is a lot of commentary how this tier doesn’t do this well or that but its all sort of vague. If you had to sum up the core skill lacking at each tier, what would it be? It would help if you could describe your thoughts for each tier from Bronze through top 500. This isn’t trolling, I am genuinely wanting to get perspective to help my game along and understand the overall game better.

Idk where the original clip is, but yeah, in summary that :point_up:

Jayne is a really good source of information for the exact things you’re asking for. If you haven’t already, I’d really recommend checking out his twitch/YouTube.


Not to forget that he‘s the most down to earth person and really honest by giving positive and helpful advice instead of telling you that you suck cough stylosa cough

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Hey thanks, I do appreciate it!

No problem, I’m glad I could help :blush:

Jayne tends to be too advanced for people in the low ranks (me included), and his clip above is too brief to be useful. My guide is here: Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide.

Thanks so much - great guide to read!

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Stylosa also acts like people should be tracking ults when he doesn’t even do that in his playback… Stylosa is honestly not that good of a coach

Jayne’s decriptions of the ranks are sort of accurate but very generalized

Here are the skills or traits if you will this game consists of

Teamwork coordination
Game Sense knowing what is going on and survival
Mechanics aim

I will desribe sub 3000 cause I cant comment after

bronze you are pretty much deficient in all 3.

silver Maybe you have some semblence of mechanics or game sense and that is a maybe. I have actually seen somewhat decent mechanics in silver (generally post 1800) but generally speaking ZERO ability to survive. No coordination

Gold you pretty much have to have at least some mechanics or game sense/ ability to survive. This is the ranking where woeful positioning starts to get punished. coordination once in a blue moon occurs such as ult combos whatnot. Widows in this bracket can actually hit headshots but have ZERO game sense.

Gold is also the first rating range where you really need to make adjustments if you want to win consistently.

Plat is where supports actually start to get attacked. Mechanics are a bit better than gold but the BIG difference is people who main a role actually know how to play it more consistently. Tanks are MUCH better. High plat widows start to get oppressive and you better find a way to counter them. Speed of the game is a good bit faster too.

Diamond cant comment. One final thing about bronze and silver there is usually 1 opposing player that is “carrying” or getting a lot of value out of an easy to play hero. Counter them and you win easily cause no one swaps in those rating ranges.

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I would say best advice or sub gold is literally just learn to survive. No mechanics are going to help you if you are constantly dead. People around 1500-1750 just run around like cannon fodder and use no cover.

Interesting - I genuinely try, but got keenly aware of cover once i started Sub-maining Zen… I have heard too that your k/d ratio is a major element of MMR/SR up through Plat…

Yeah you will see posts all the time from people like man I have 3 gold medals most games and I am stuck at high bronze for example.

You then look at their KDR that is like 1.8-1

Now I know KDR isnt everything but you cant be rocking a sub 2-1 KDR and wonder why you are stuck.

You can’t list advice because the tiers are trash and a multitude of different approaches can be taken to climb.

You only start to see a good confidence of the SR system as you approach the extremes. Bliz has so little confidence in the middle and bottom that they don’t justify using a fair non pb system until Diamond.

The system is designed to push everyone into the middle… If everyone is in the middle all clumped up… and only the really “good” and really “bad” players are pushed to the edge.

There really isn’t much difference between high silver-plat… you’ll find a hodgepodge of all different talents and techniques in that range spread all about it.

I dont agree that silver and plat are the same.

I DO agree that there are way too many players lumped up into 2 brackets. About 60 percent of players are between 1500-2500 which really is bad design

Bronze: can’t aim because of bad computer and/or settings.
Silver: same as bronze
Gold: can’t aim because just bad
Plat: aiming better but positioning is terrible
Diamond: aim is decent. Positioning is still bad
Master: pretty good aim. Positioning is ok but could be better
Grandmaster: even better aim and positioning
T500: not that much to work on

I would argue that positioning cant be terrible in plat cause you wont make it there with terrible positioning. You really do start to get punished for “terrible” positioning in gold you really do. Now I am not saying that positioning is always ideal mind you.

There is a difference between unideal and terrible positioning.

How long do you think a zen is going to last if he is woefully out of position as in way past a rein shield and off to the side in the middle of the galaxy in plat? Not very long that is terrible positioning. That is a death sentence past 2200 every time.

I see people say this a lot, as well as say they don’t think teaching lower ranks more complicated/advanced tech or strategies is a good way to learn. This however is very backwards thinking. You say this as if lower ranks are full of toddlers. It’s actually more productive to expose people to more advanced information before they know what to do with it, or before you think they’re ready for it. Most people above bronze will know what to do with information such as hero synergy, ultimate synergy, animation cancelling, etc. It’s just a matter of applying that information to their games and learning when/how to use/do certain things. You’re getting people nowhere by babying them because you think certain information is too complicated for them.

Even then, Jayne reviews low ranked vods and already has a lot of those on his channel. It’s not like I’m telling people to watch Jayne’s t500 vod reviews or try to analyse his gameplay and pick apart tiny details.

I dont watch his vods so i cant really comment. The truth is especially in sub gold games you need to keep it as simple as possible. The best thing to do is first address the most glaring issue of game play in those games.

9 times out of 10 it’s an atrocious ability to survive. You are better off saying you died here because you didnt look both ways before crossing or you charged as rein into the enemy team alone. That is simple and easily fixed.

going into a Doctorate dissertation is going to be too much to process. Taking that one glaring issue out first will get someone to up at least 2-300 Sr especially if they are in bronze.

If you look at people profiles that are in bronze a good portion of them are rocking like 1.7 1.8-1 KDR. You aint gonna climb reliably with those sort of stats. Again KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. Screw mechanics screw coordination just exist and you will climb.

BOOOOOM !headshots! That’s what every teir needs to work on.


Thanks to the last two posters. I have to say after reading them I think the reality is both points of view have merit actually. Why, because some players do need the “simple strategy” of layering on concepts to move forwards, however some are simply need an overview of what to do to move forward… no one is born with these concepts in mind, most have picked them up along the way from gaming before OW, while many in lower ranks have possibly never played another game resembling an FPS. There are some folks who can and will move up more quickly with the bigger picture and more advanced techniques in mind, the others will need the staggered, simple steps. Having access to both I think works best. I teach as part of my work in IT, and definitely see this play out, some need a simple starting point that is common, like the look before you leap tenet, while others “get this” inherently, if they never do actually think about it, it is sloppy, but they do better in the long run if the have access to a mosaic of information to move forward (I fall into this category which frankly is why I posted this thread).