People also forget that Ana has taken the most indirect nerfs in the game which I made a post about too.
80 dmg per shot and 1tick damage is really helpful for her to survive against tracer. 2 shots and some extra damage is almost impossible. Tracer can even have time to recall even if you hit all your shots.
Exactly, for Ana its actually a 4 shot, Tracer just cant be a stupid person in a 1v1 and has to use some brain to bait her kit and abuse her no mobility. I actually mained Tracer for 50 hours a while back and had no problem with Ana in 1v1s or staying alive. Came across as shock to me watching some bad flankers complain about Ana.
Tracer takes skill is high skill, Ana takes skill is high skill. People dont understand this. Think healer means easy pick for flanker. Are blind to skill / reward completely. Meanwhile Brigitte can easily shutdown kill flankers, as well as Moira. Those classes don’t take skill to 1v1 flankers, but even Zenyatta takes skill to aim and he can actually one shot tracer.
People have no real argument against her dmg it seems other than a view of the support category = healer.
Tracer can literally 1 clip headshot Ana. Widow, some damage roles, and even some support roles can kill Tracer than Ana could even with 80 dmg 4 shot kill.
And that’s a very fair point. My healing output is still the same.
She also needs qol buffs!
Nano targetting - distance increased to 200m. Sniper who can’t nano a team member a few metres away? Are you joking Bliz?
Tank hitbox size decreased - her friendly hitbox buff is good but tanks (not including zarya or baby Dva) are already huge) scale it down a little bit and give us size options (current being the largest)
Grenade ghosting - grenade goes through full hp team mates. Also cannot hit a team mate when it is at the centre of Ana’s hitbox (the beginning of the throw) so that it does not blow up on a team mate behind her.
Admit that her unscoped projectile is the smallest projectile because it is smaller than hanzo/genji’s. Testable in game and once again you’ve completely forgot about her when you quoted the smallest projectile.
I like the 14 bullets and don’t see an issue with it. It means less time reloading, which means her healing output is ultimately higher. Why would this be bad design? Just because you personally don’t like the feel doesn’t mean it’s bad design. In my book, the longer she can go without reloading, the better.
Ana’s kit is one that’s difficult to balance, especially at the pro level. As it stands, she’s either not viable at all at the pro level (the case right now), or she’s so OP that nothing else is played at the pro level. The reason you get asked to switch if you play Ana really isn’t about skill (or lack thereof), it’s the fact that even if you were a god on Ana you’d still get outvalued by a Mercy, because Mercy’s kit is just that much better right now. It’s why Ana doesn’t get played in OWL. It has nothing to do with skill, her kit just isn’t good at the moment compared to the kits of the other healers.
She definitely does not need another damage buff, because then you end up with the Moira problem: people play her because she’s fun to play, but they just end up playing DPS healer instead of actually healing the team (because with these two heroes, unlike with Zenyatta, you can’t do both at the same time).
I’d like to see just a small buff right now, then more buffs added if this buff isn’t enough to make her viable. The ability to shoot through shields (healing only) would make a big difference because it would mean that she can support her tank line when they walk through an Orisa shield, and when Symmetra puts down her ult it would mean that her team is not completely screwed over because their support player chose to play Ana over Mercy.
Yeah, I can agree with these few. Especially nano range increase / tank hitboxes lowered.
I will edit the thread recommending these.
Her projectile hitbox being small is fine and fitting.
It does not need an increase “because other players have it” type of argument. Its fitting for aim / toward a sniper that her bullets her accurate. I really dislike that healing gives some hitbox sizes that are bigger, and would like them to be to scale.
It also lowers skill as in 1v1s with fights like Tracer increasing the projectile bullet size could be strong.
Oh I just want them to admit it. It’s really sad when they just forget she exists. Better yet if they release all the official projectile sizes
oh ok.
I also updated the thread, the fixes / QOL changes into the thread. If you know any bugs in-game for Ana or any QOL change then feel free to post em and i’ll update the thread.
That goes for anyone.
The main issues I see with Ana are this:
-She’s the only healer that can’t heal and deal with pressure. Whether it be fighting or an effective tool at disengagement, Ana is the only healer who can’t do that while still healing. To even attempt the sleep dart skill shot, you need to turn, face your attacker, predict movement abilities or barriers, then shoot and hit. You aren’t healing while doing this, and it’s a temporary measure as sleep dart wears off and allies can’t necessarily peel back to confirm the kill depending on your positioning. Enemies merely need to annoy Ana in order to cause her HPS to suffer.
-Her abilities are too hard to get value out of. Assuming a decent hit percentage, Ana’s HPS is effectively a bit lower due to the inevitability of missed or blocked shots and relaoding. With that said, she becomes a Mercy who can’t damage boost, can’t fly away, and can’t regen HP. Thusly, her saving grace is Anti-nade and sleep dart, both of which are admittedly hugely effective. However, Ana’s counterplay is forcing these tools to be used on herself, something that is very very simple for any flanker to do. Anti-nade can win brawls all on its own, but how does Ana land it perfectly with its floaty arc, large obstacles (allied tanks), small AoE, and lack of an advantaged position where she can drop it where it needs to be? The answer is high ground access, but I’ll get to that in a minute.
Sleep Dart is another ability that can swing teamfights on its own. It can singlehandedly end ult combos despite being just an ability. However, Ana has to often use it on herself to repel Genjis and Winstons who flank her. Consider Widowmaker for a moment. Those two heroes have to use movement abilities to reach her oftentimes, which gives her a fighting chance. I know when I play Widow, if I can peg Genji or Winston on their way in, I have a strong chance unless I screw up or they’re better than average. Again, I bring up the importance of high ground and how it provides a natural defense (as well as its own disadvantages).
Just give her a slow wallclimb. That way, she has consistent access to high ground without giving her a tool that can be used to escape threats. It’s a prep tool. Right now, high ground is so tenuous as Ana because she needs to land that Anti-nade well in order to have unique value over Moira and Mercy and she obviously needs to heal her team, so she needs LoS on enemies and allies. Not to mention, high ground you can walk to easily with stairs is not really the ‘good’ high ground that Widow or Hanzo can sit at. Again, Los is MUCH easier with high ground where you don’t have huge hit boxes lumbering around in your field of view.
With a few of your points, it does back up the reason to give Ana damage actually. You say often times flankers force out or just harass Ana to make her utility diminish and cause her to kinda be this useless healer and you also mention how limiting her utility is with the player skill. For the most part I agree with your points on how Ana is kind of this hassle to play at times where others have ease.
My idea is that if you gave her proper numbers then Tracer wouldn’t be this 6 shot kill, she’d be 4 shots, Doomfist would be less of a hassle, and it would give her good dmg numbers in that 1v1 scenario or when multiple people jump her whereas other dps or supports can get out that scenario where Ana cant. It would also let Ana pick some 200hp targets off – but even with 80 dmg youu can still outheal that dmg since its DOT, now it would not just be this instant little amount of regen that makes her rifle useless dmg at distance.
So you give her dmg, its skill sustain & saves her utility for more uses.
For the idea of mobility options like a vertical wall-climb I disagree only for this reason. If you give Ana mobility, then you basically say “here have free sniper angles” It is what Widowmaker already has. Shes able to get angles that Ana normally cant and that is one of the balances within Ana compared to Widow.
So thats why I recommended a VERY limited idea of a vertical climb. Removing the idea of a no mobility sniper lessens the variety of gameplay, and it causes for a Widow vs Ana balance issue.
Another suggestion I’ve made in other threads is the idea of a more controllable Anti-nade. If it function like Junkrat’s Concussion Mine or like Orisa’s Halt, it would be much easier to detonate it on the targets you want it detonated on. Personally, Anti-nade has never felt quite right when it comes to its ‘feel’ and ever since it’s nerf, it’s harder to use it offensively. Let the challenge of the kit be the gamesense and tactics of using the ability, not the physics and size of the ability itself.
Well I’ve seen them say a while ago that they like the design of Ana, so I dont think they are planning on big reworks like that.
In my opinion they are more likely to change numbers within the role. That does sound cool though, like Ana has some detonate C4 for the team lol. Idk to me the nade feels fine how it is and you can do some trickshots with it.
I also dont agree with that last part you said
We have enough boring heroes that take no skill to use abilities. I’m perfectly fine and happy with Ana’s utility needing skill to use.
It is a high-skill ceiling hero, so let it fit that idea well. Just give her proper numbers.
I think she has plenty of skillcheck already, and I really don’t think skill is much of a hero theme.
That wouldn’t be a bug. There’s a small window where the enemy can still take damage right as they’re sleeping. I think it’s the first 0.5 seconds of it. It’s basically to avoid the ability becoming utter garbage and having no reason to use it.
they changed that for Ana?
that’s a nice joke.
Yeah, shes not balanced as well as people around her.
I like all these ideas, particularly the nade self heal. I agree with many people in this thread that she shouldn’t have crazy self-sustain, but having to choose between healing yourself, your teammates, or anti-healing is not good.
I also had an idea of reworking her grenade to a MIRV with three smaller grenades in it. I believe her current grenade does 60 damage, and each baby grenade could be dropped to 40 damage or lower to compensate. I think it should still have the anti-heal effect, but it would be for anti-heals, rather than damage (more so than currently). Even with a big damage reduction on each smaller grenade, this idea could be OP no matter how you slice it, since it would be possible to anti-heal the entire enemy team pretty easily.
I’d also like her rifle to be hitscan both scoped and unscoped.
Well obviously not, but thats the idea of this hero. That you have utility – BUT unlike others your forced to decide, make decisions, strategy. Others have self-utility while you have this split between you and your team. Whole concept of this hero from her rifle to utility. It is one of the many reasons good dmg was acceptable on Ana’s role as it made sense with the many negatives within her role.
Its good in a skill / unique playstyle type of sense.
If you do this, you need to make unscoped inaccurate for balance purposes, otherwise makes her scope useless as she has instant hitscan. Also making it inaccurate is not a good idea since healing is a portion of her role.
I prefer how it is, & I think its more about muscle memory with her projectile bullets. Just practice.
I think they are fine honestly.