I’m having that feeling too. Ana is my best main healer (I even have the golden gun for her) but sadly Mercy just outclasses her in terms of reliability. But I’m still going to try play Ana a lot because again she is my best main healer although I get similar performance with Mercy. Ana is good if you’re good at her but you have to work for it. The devs have to be careful with Ana though. I don’t want her to end up like Hanzo where he has virtually no weakness.
Dude I was so hyped back then about Ana w/ 80 dmg. I was hyped at release liking how that sniper looked. A few seasons I didnt player her, but then I really got into her later.Use to play like 50+ hours each season ACTUALLY TRYING in competitive to be the best at Ana. Now I play like a couple hours and don’t care about competitive as I use to.
I lost interest sadly, but I’m hoping to get it back. Shes a cool sniper.
80 dmg is the only buff I cannot get on board with, and that might be for personal reasons, I still have nightmares of trying to jump in front of Ana bullets so I could get heals instead of her trying to dps.
Thats part of the skill in Ana to be fair. Smooth transitions from dmg to heals, and proper use of her utility. A strategy-type role where it takes a lot of skill. Her only focus isn’t healing and thats a big appeal to multiple audiences.
Same way as if I had nightmares of Widowmaker never getting picks.
I see your point. I’m not a fan of the change myself but felt it was of little consequence.
I assumed you don’t want Ana to be made like other healers, low effort for high reward/value. But unless you take a nerfbazooka to blast her peers with, the only option is to make something easier in her kit.
I guess. But drastically raising the skill floor of all healers would not go over well with the community.
In a sense isn’t that the goal of this damage buff though? To make it less of a waste of utility in 1v1s and more use for the team. That way she can be more viable and less of a struggle to keep the ship alive.
oh, no lol. I did not mean in this sense. I mean like theres too much crowd control, not aiming, high value – low-skill type of design in the support category. Just SOME challenge to the skill to make you work a little isn’t so bad. It actually makes the game less anti-fun when less CC and low skill crowd control is involved.
Like I really love that Symmetra aims now. Stuff like that improves the game experience.
Thats kinda what I mean with Ana influencing others. Rather than seeing that Brigitte or Mercy got these easy low cool-down or easy value so Ana should conform and go on the same bandwagon.
Shes her own role.
Lol what the hell? We were discussing Zenyatta’s viability in the dive meta. Oh my god. You have no clue whatsoever what you replied to?
The thing that gets me is I see some of the comments in this post and some believe Ana is ok but she’s not and is only being played because people like her and got tired of not being told to play her. Ana still lacks a lot and we are asking just for a few things.
But yet people are ok with Mercy having all of this and saying this is fine…
Yet what we all kind of want for Ana is…
- Damage revert back to 80
- Passive Self-Healing
- Lower Sleep Dart Cooldown
- Something done to Nano-Boost
Which all of these doesn’t technically lower her skill floor much. Because at the end of the day you still need to heal but at the same time you need get value for your hard work or else there’s no point.
It’s annoying that people don’t seem to understand that.
Ana is the only support without a defensive ultimate which makes it harder to justify playing her over the other healers. There are so many team wiping ultimates and combos now that you rely on having a support ult to counter. I think it would be cool to maybe give her a second ultimate or allow Ana to nano boost herself to somehow increase her supportive capabilities as an alternative to using it offensively on another player to boost their damage.
In a sense I always look at Ana closer to Widowmaker due to them both having weak ultimates, but high value in their playstyles.
A.k.a they do work on their snipers / utility. Ultimate is not a priority to them. Their skill on the rifle is.
I always saw Ana as more of a defensive sniper / crowd control, and an eh ultimate. So with damage to me it would make all the difference staying alive, getting picks, and being a smooth flow of her sniper / utility making plays and solo clutch plays over putting value in her ult like some other roles have that design.
want a cool one I thought of?
a single .50 cal bullet she manually loads to her rifle. Does high burst dmg to shields only. You can break a shield if its low enough and combo with rein shatter stuff like that.
Lol thats kinda cool / fits to me.
hi CNR, I remember you from the old forums and your huge ana thread that had HUGE numbers of responses yet didn’t get anywhere. I am here to continue to support your amazing threads and our love ana
Just thought I’d say hi.
No, because she’s only 10 less damage than where she used to be, but has traded 4 more ammo and the ability to shoot through allies for it.
Likewise with any support, however Mercy is far more lienient since she has mobility tools to get to them, and she still has the ability to heal through barriers, which will always top Ana’s burst heals and strong healing.
I’d rather not.
No, because it puts some good limitations on her, as she’s not meant to be a sudo DPS-healer hybrid. That’s why she worked so well in TT.
Interesting, since her nade is always a tough choice between healing herself and healing allies.
No, I’m sick of the mobility feature creep as it is already. Her weakness is that she has no mobility.
False. Her healing is way too good if you’re putting her in the context of being a hybrid. Zen has his place in damage, but that doesn’t make him a DPS, and he has small but consistent heals to make up for his high damage.
What you want is to give Ana the reward of high healing and high damage. Something doesn’t add up.
No, you don’t play her or any other support like a DPS.
She’s there for those who like aiming and want to pick up a support based around that,
All subjective. Most people I’ve met have liked her ammo buff because less time reloading = more time healing.
That’s a problem with the other support, Mercy, over Ana having problems.
Nerf Mercy, and I’m sure you will see a spike in Ana being played, and she’ll be balanced.
You can’t assess her balance state if Mercy is always in the picture, towering over her.
I have a feeling nerfing Mercy mobility best makes Ana a option for dive comp. currently good mercys just dive, and I think that isnt what she is intended to do
Hi, thank you for the support and remembering me.
Ah, but it can become super inconsistent. All 200hp heroes can become a 4 shot, roles like Tracer / Doomfist are overwhelming to her damage forcing too much utility when she shouldnt have to and save it for her team.
Its better off to give her dmg for consistency in sustain / less people running away that you 100% should have killed.
Not so much with any support mainly Ana. Ana is the only sniper, and only aim heal. So your playing far back-line and only have windows of opportunity where all support healers have ease.
Its a big difference for a sniper with a small window compared to a mobility role like Mercy that can cover a lot of the map Ana cannot.
Also this idea is more that people are use to a pocket behind them now since all of support is kinda like that except Ana. So part of it is just for Ana.
and she wouldn’t be. 3 shots on 200hp targets should be a 3 shot. That is asking for consistency not a buff so she can kill as if it were some headshot mechanic or huge increase that would make dmg extremely useful.
Ana shouldn’t have to land 6 shots or more (armor, heals) on an enemy tracer when Widow can actually 2 or 1 shot her without use of recall, most dps can 2 shot her or have easy self-utility, and most of support category has an easier time killing or escaping a tracer.
Its talking about fairness for a role that doesn’t have consistent utility like all of support category & damage roles that only concern utility for themselves mainly.
80 dmg is fair.
The plan with that passive is to fit skill. Any passive for Ana should be skill-based even if its only a little. She should not have it for free. It is not fitting to her design.
I dont want mobility either, those to passives are just random suggestions. Really only for the people who want a mobility option, I even limit it extremely
No man, true. Category system is irrelevant. stats in numbers mean nothing.
Her whole design is a hybrid. If she heals she does damage on her rifle. If her nade does instant heal it does instant dmg. If her nade has burst heal it has anti-heal.
The whole design is an appeal to those who dont like primary healer in hopes of getting them on that type of design. Damage is vital to the role for consistency / skill-play.
Ana aims, dps aim, healers dont aim.
What I am getting at is it is obviously an appeal. Please dont have a fixed argument, because of the category she is in. Balance is never like this and would create a boring dull experience.
Shes holding a sniper, she has damage on the role, she has utility, and is this big appeal to those who like snipers, who like dps. Not asking for a big dmg part on her role, I am asking for consistency.
If she lands 3 shots on a 200hp target she should kill that class, they shouldnt escape, because of the slightest heals making her super inconsistent. Same thing with 1v1s. She has no mobility and is forced to 1v1 it needs to be a fair fight.
Yes, but that again is where the idea is lost among people.
Rather than understanding this role is for aim & skill people like the idea of being able to heal more, because they have more ammo. It is the same, but overall more fitting balance to have them carefully aim than spam shots.
Why not have proper numbers encouraging careful aim over spam?
It is kind of hidden within the role that a problem she faces is ammo consumption for the reasons I listed in the thread.
I am talking about a problem with her kit alongside that. What I ask for is nothing huge of a buff that will have Ana team-wiping like Widow.
I am asking for consistency in her damage. Ana is a sniper, the window of opportunity to get a kill is so small since she plays at a distance. If I have the skill to outplay and put pressure or possibly kill a flanker at a distance due to my positioning, aim, and management with my team focus heals / focus on enemy flankers. I should be rewarded.
Not have this unfair scenario where Tracer needs 6 shots to die, my utility is on cool-down, and she can 1 clip me. Make me useless.
No, because look at Hog. A skilled Hog will know the correct way to kill an enemy, despite each hero having some sort of different combo.
The inconsistency is what brings balance, and in my 32 hours of playing her I’ve never felt her damage was a problem at 70.
I’ve played her as a frontline medic on many occasions, if not more than half of my playtime on her.
If you’re far back from your team, then not only is LoS a problem, but if you get attacked then you better hope you land that sleep dart.
Just because she is a sniper, doesn’t mean she needs to be played like one.
IDK maybe it’s because I’m naturally better at projectile heros over hitscans.
No, because it doesn’t work that way. Bastion doesn’t shred a Rein as fast as he shreds Winston, so I don’t see why you’re advocating for fairness. Life isn’t fair, nor is each 200 HP hero dying in the same way every time. The heros designed with aspects that puts them above Ana’s 3 shot are fair, imo, because that’s what their design does.
No, I think that’s fair since her damage is DoT, and not instant like a widow shot.
It’s just that one of the repercussions is that Armor is effective against it.
80 damage is DPS.
Ana is not a DPS.
Agreed, which is why I don’t want mobility that you get via pressing a button. Mobility itself is a problem, but stacking everyone with it is getting old.
All I see is a support, that doesn’t make her a hybrid. Otherwise Mercy’s pistol which is quite lethal would classify her as a DPS as well.
5 shots per second, 20 damage per shot, not including headshots, is 100 DPS. So please, get this noting out that just because she has damage that she is somehow a hybrid. She is a support. Every part of her kit supports her team.
That doesn’t make her a DPS, that just means you need to aim to heal.
I’m out of time, but the biggest issue I see is that you want to play her like a DPS, but because she is a support you think she is weak. She’s not. She’s a very powerful healer, but Mercy is heavily skewing that truth.
Why are you comparing Ana to Hog? Ana is a sniper with utility concerned for her team and goes on high cool-down. Hog has utility for himself only. Huge difference in sustain, oh and the dude only has 100000 hp over Ana. Inconsistency is already heavily in Ana’s role. She has no mobility – easy to abuse for flankers. Utility concerned for her team so shes on cool-downs often, she has DOT dmg, a sniper line revealing her exact positioning, and drawbacks to her scope.
She has plenty of designs that are inconsistent that make it fair for Ana to have the 80 dmg which are easily skipped, because support = “healer not a dps, must be weak / easy to kill.”
I have 281 hours on Ana. I feel the difference between 60 dmg, 70 dmg, 80 dmg, and its for consistency. It is not a dps buff as you assume or not a huge advantage that is unfit.
Your argument is you want Ana inconsistent to your own misconception of her role and being this fixed idea on a category over opening your eyes to look at what she actually is. No shes not a dps, no im not asking for dps, I am asking for her kit to be less tedious / gimmicky. I am asking for skill to be properly rewarded and for sustain to make sense.
80 dmg fits, is fair, and is balanced for Ana whether people like it or not.
People seem to have this flawed vision in their head of a flawed fixed stricted idea on Ana that does not represent her fully. Seeing her as “dps Ana” over what the role is capable of and what the role actually is.
So Brigitte, Mercy, Moira, Zenyatta, Lucio are able to have a pass on killing targets – while having more ease / less hassle – oh and they are all roles with healing mechanics that also do not aim while having self-utility concerned for themselves while Ana has high cooldown utility. . . but the moment we talk of Ana it is a no? even though it takes skill to do, positioning, and is well deserved with the amount of limitations inside of the role.
Also is the high-skill ceiling of this role not even considered in your argument? That these roles usually have more in their design allowing for solo carry potential surpassing medium / lower skilled roles. Like comparing Genji or Widow to an average dps.
PREACH!!! MY MAN!!! I say the same thing all the damn time. It makes no sense that Ana the most skilled and the easiest to fail with gets no pass what so ever. In my post I said Ana needs something like this…
Then people suddenly screams “NO TRIPLE TANK” yet when Quad Tank failed with Moira and Lucio because of Junkrat. So basically what makes this any different if Quad Tanks fails but Ana having supposedly triple tank will be better?
Then I get a answer of “Well it will be Moira/Ana to heal the tanks.”
So basically some people’s logic is…
Ana has to be bad because of Moira…
EVEN THOUGH she’s harder to play and easier to fail with.
This community at times…I tell you…
IMO peoples misconceptions screwed her damage over. She was popular during tank meta, but a lot of tanks were strong.
So people scapegoat look for fall-guy type of blames to what to nerf. One I saw often was “healer not a dps, nerf dmg”. Mostly bad flanker players.
Now they have Brigitte, something to really complain about that doesn’t take much skill in a 1v1.
Nowadays, rip accuracy. Just focus on healing and picking low health enemy targets.
Landing timely shots is more important than stats
I agree, stats don’t record a Widow killing 1 enemy, but that enemy was going to shatter their whole team so Widow got a clutch pick that was HUGE.
Stats are bad examples not considering actual live scenario. I dont like when people compare stats like dmg, because you think every Ana is god 100% accuracy doing your “paper stats” damage per second, or heals per second. So annoying when you skip live scenario and give them a spreadsheet that can mean anything.
A lot of stats are not accurate at all + this is a video game for most, not pro leagues for them.