Address Ana --- [FEEDBACK]

But ana heals so she needs that slight forgiveness crutch, because she has no mobility or self heal she gets punished for everything enough

I agree that snipers should land hits but hanzo has infinite ammo and widow has 10 high powered 1 shot potential shots, with mobility so its only fair imo that Ana gets something to compensate


Here, have some stats.

As much as I like that it claims that Ana play has increased I struggle to find it creditable due to the decrease in Hanzo play. That’s not been what my competitive matches have reflected after the changes to the hero.

I could take faster reload over more ammo but i like how more ammo lets me heal tanks a bit faster…but the faster reload is way better

Season 7-9. 20charss

I’m not going to look at Season 7…that’s way too long ago.

If your data isn’t current, you’re just cherrypicking…

I will edit this in the post about faster reload.

I just dont think it fits 14 bullet, the shots through teammates full hp makes sense, but combo’d w/ 14 bullets it just encourages playing up close and spamming shots into tanks like a bot. Thats not her gameplay and discourages skill which sucks to me.

I haven’t read through other posts, so this might have been mentioned:

I would sacrifice Ana healing herself via a biotic grenade if she can regenerate on her own. Either like Moira/Brigitte where she deals some damage to an enemy, or like Mercy/Zenyatta/Lucio.

That way she can use that grenade on enemies or allies instead.

Personally i think piercing shots should be a toggle on/off option so people who prefer pre-healing have that option, that’s another thing id like to see for ana

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Ana’s still got a low win rate, she just gets picked a lot because peeps are sick of Mercy and are expecting Moira to become a joke in a few days.

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Insert Jontron “Excuse me whaaaaaaat?” gif here

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I’m picking Ana currently as I am so sick of not being able to play my main. It has nothing to do with her in general, just how sad I am. So thats my reason that paper stats don’t show.

Frustration gets the best of me :confused:


Within 2% of 50 is fine. It’s not ideal like 50%. But it doesn’t beg for attention.

100% yeah.

pierce shots through full HP lowers accuracy as you are unsure if you fully heal people at times. Preheal can be important for roles like widowmaker or bastion peeking high dmg corners that need it.

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I actually think Ana is in a relatively decent spot now with 70dmg and the larger magazine. I’m not convinced taking away pre-healing was a great idea but eh, it’s not really a nerf in my eyes.

I understand your issue with the 14 shots clip is about a fear of Ana being dumbed down. Yet in light of your first point on why she is struggling to be a relevant pick, wasn’t that the only option?

It simply can’t be overcome if another healer can just press/hold a button when ammo management is a requirement on top of aim and positioning. Something had to give to make her a more reliable healer.

I’d rather the emphasis on aim and positioning stays than ammo management. Which is why i also disagree with giving Ana mobility.

That’s actually a pretty low winrate. It’s not like that number is just Mercy teams vs Ana teams, or it would be lower. There would be an even bigger difference if a number could directly indicate the difference in efficiency between the to, but alas, overbuff is the best we have.

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The small things are sometimes the things that matter. If you have a pro widowmaker peeking a high dmg corner, and she gets picks, stays alive because of your preheal then she can ultimatly do more and you are a huge help to your team.

Thats one scenarios I can think of few more that are kinda big in the heat of the moment.

can you clarify, i’m a little lost.

Shouldn’t the skill of Ana influence the skill of other support picks?
. . . rather than other way around?

Also I do mention it in the post with damage. If you added damage, lets say your in a 1v1, but you kill someone with your damage, but save your nade. At this point you have more potential to your team. Win Win off skill rather than being spoon fed.

I too disagree with mobility, I just know its a common point people make so I give it in the slightest way possible to the thread for those interested. I think its fitting no mobility adding unique aim / positioning.

Megathread are born, not created.

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Yeah, putting the word in when it was one post was a little arrogant.

I addressed this specific comment already, someone said same thing.

I was thinking more of the thread is a big in-depth post, like a big thread. Sorry

Yes, I know. Again, sorry. I am a professional screw-up.