Adding a Role Q wouldn't solve any issues

They claim they’re happy to wait 30 minutes in line, but won’t spend half that on LFG. It is what it is.

The tech is obviously there from Yeti Hunt (I expect it’d be role preference), so I’d love to see them try it out as an Arcade mode, I don’t mind being proven wrong; but I just can’t see it working. And personally, it would detract significantly from my gameplay so I’m utterly opposed to it.

I mean, wouldn’t really change the fact that the main problem would be wait times, which would be dramatically worse than the current LFG’s.

Yea, really anyone who says they’d be fine with it are most likely just fooling themselves. We’d all wait for it maybe once or twice to try it out, sure, but no one’s going to consistently wait half an hour just for a 20 minute game. It just isn’t worth the time.

Eh, I don’t really think a preference system would be good either. Half of the reason they’d do it is to solve the “reluctant filler” scenarios, so people can actually play what they want. Putting it to a preference system means a DPS only gets to actually play what they want a third of the time at best.

Fair enough.

At this point, I don’t even care either way any more. I see the pluses and negatives to both sides, so if it happens, it happens. If not, then oh well, I’ll just continue to play the game I already enjoy.

Don’t make a strawman argument just yet. There is a big difference between people making peace with the role they are going to play and flexing to that role because they didn’t get to play the role they wanted (usually DPS - which is what we have now). It has quite a lot to do about tempering expectations.

Flex players can decide to queue up as multiple roles. Furthermore, nothing prevents them from flexing within their role. IMO the trade off benefits to flexing to other roles are minor at best compared to cons and what we will get with a structured 2-2-2 system. As a flex player, I see 2-2-2 as a positive thing with some very minor trade offs.

You realize you could still queue for flex for the same amount of queue time right?
Of course you couldn’t just instalock widow that way sadly :smiley:

As opposed to the largest category [dps] punishing everyone else by locking in 4 slots just to get what they want - which is what happens right now?

Flex players that can flex to only 1or select few characters in a certain role are a liability. What happens if you need to switch comps from deathball to dive and you don’t know how to play winston? Or you’re an offtank and need to switch to zarya to help your rein? Or are getting absolutely wrecked by flankers on ana/ zen and you don’t have a lucio / mccree / brig to peel for you? Or you’re playing reaper/ soldier / mccree and can’t flex to dive dps?

OP is 100% correct. Role Queue will hurt a lot of players. This gave will become un-enjoyable to a large portion of the player base.

Many players really love the “switch to whatever, whenever you want” philosophy of OW. Ability to switch mid-game to whatever you need is probably the biggest aspect of what brought me to this game to begin with. Destroying that… Just sucks :(.

There is no strawman mate, my statement is 100% accurate and i am not misinterpreting anything.

I dont know where did you get that from but unless you are involved in the development process i think you just made that up.

Thats … not really flexing dude, thats swapping heroes within a role.
Flexing is being able to play multiple roles during a match without a change on the performance level so yeah, if that system is “forced”, that is gone. Period.

Sure looked like you did. There is a difference between players queing up to play dps, and being “forced” to play tank as compared to resigning to play tank because of long queue times.

There is nothing to say they won’t either. It’s a pretty basic feature, so basic that I don’t see them not implementing it if the community asks. Even then, nothing prevents players from changing what they want to queue as.

Except it is. To be a Flex players means that you are playing whatever is needed. A flex player picks last. He will pick the hero that synergizes with whatever the others have already picked. If we have a zarya player, that means picking rein. If we have an ana, and no peels that means picking lucio. If we have a pharah that means mercy. If we’re running dive, that means dive dps. If we have a mercy and no hitscan or to contest pharah it means ashe/mccree/widow. If we have a genji main, that means not picking genji and picking some other dps.

LFG is actually a great idea. As you say in a later comment, people just don’t want to go through the hassle of making their own groups. If there was a second Mode, next to the original Mode, where one click does all the work for you, then I’m sure people would use it a bit more. Making it mandatory isn’t the “path of least resistance” as there has already been a lot of resistance from the playerbase against enforced RoleQ, and many people would not enjoy it or just outright leave the game due to it. And no matter how much people want “those whiners” to leave the game because they’ll think it will make the game better, losing large groups of players is never a good thing.

Or get non-toxic team members.

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