Adding a Role Q wouldn't solve any issues

Just like the 1 hero limit damaged it? Because that is what players claimed when they implemented it. We dont know that it will.

And as I said the devs (Jeff Kaplin) have acknowledged this and stated that some tweaking of systems would have to be made before they would make this change.

Again Devs believe it would be easier to balance around a 2-2-2 structure. If they could balance so that 10 of 15 damage were viable in a 2-2-2 structure that is way more option than we have today. Yes only 2 can be played but more options over all to the 2 playing damage.

The statement was about flexing… How does that show I dont care? Flex players dont get to play damage often. With a 2-2-2 structure they can play damage when they want because they can queue for it. As it is today being a flex player really means tank/support player. Because there is no room for them to flex into damage. So my statement is more about flex players getting to play what they want when they want.


People forget we technically have a role queue…it’s completely optional…but even though you can set it up however you want…nobody wants to use it (for various reasons)…if it fixed everything people would use it

Mandatory role queue will fix some issues and create whole new ones…in the end it won’t change anything…


Believe in Jeff he makes so many good decisions, has a firm grasp of how the game actually works, and the changes the developers make to the game always turn out well. Don’t pay attention to the entire history of this development team that proves that to not be true at all.

Yeah keep not listening to me. I have just been right about pretty much every thing they have done and why it is or isn’t correct and what kind of impact it will have. The playerbase is not as diverse as people pretend it is in NA it is overwhelmingly FPS players and they have been hemorrhaging players because of their moronic campaign to force the game into something the real playerbase doesn’t want it to be. No one but support mains and BLISSARD white knights would defend this idiocy and FPS players aren’t going to deal with this MOBA BS after you just put them through goats.

Fixes everything except the time people have to sit waiting for a stable team that will last more than one game. In a 2-2-2 structure you just queue and wait for a game to start. No more worries about people staying for more than 1 game.

If you truly believe that the devs can’t do anything why stick around? And I am looking at the history. Last time they made a change on this level of core game play it worked out well. (1 hero limit.)

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And wait time is a very serious consideration for a forced version…especially at higher ranks…

People said they would be willing to wait as long as they got a lfg system…long story short…they weren’t

That’s just 1 issue

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Yes people were willing to wait 1 time for the group to form. Not every time a game ends and a group breaks up. That was stretching times out longer than queue times.

Sure, some people hate it because its new. Truth is, we will lose some folks, but being a better game for it, we will also pick up and retain the kind of players Blizz wants for the game in the long run. The only people upset with this so far are the hardcore DPS players… and it’s amazing because they have the biggest roster to play from, all of them should be proficient with 2-3 at least. I’ve played in one other game that had it, and you now what? It works.

The only question I have is Jeff stated (and I think he was seriously ballparking) that about a 20 minute wait if implemented as a flat 2/2/2 system would mean DPS wait times of 20 minutes… so, given that, I suspect they are working on some kind of flexy system… most likely 2-3 queues for different roles. its high time some DPS players learned to tank and heal bit too, they might actually be better DPS for doing so…

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This kid thinks it will actually function and that it will magically alleviate all problems people have working as a team and picking characters. :rofl:

Riot has been doing this far longer and puts significantly more resources into the development of League and has without question done a better job than the Overwatch team and their role queue is completely broken and nonsensical in how it functions and didn’t fix any of the things you think it will. All it does is streamline like 10 seconds of who is going to fill for the match in a role they don’t want to be playing. Which isn’t a problem; it never has been a problem. Welcome to the world of endless match dodges by the way. Overqueue.

Its not fear mate, its basically a backpedal on one of the basic mechanics that defined the game : Being able to switch freely. That liberty is gone with this change, you will only be able to switch in your role.

Sure many people dont care because it fits their personal play style but its a total middle finger to Flex players. Many Flex players like me decide what role to play based on the map or the comp that is going to be played and not beforehand.

When its forced, if we have a problem and we need X, we will only have 1 person that will be able to help in that regard. Now we have 5.

Its really not that hard to see but I understand that some people need to see the problem before being able to acknowledge that it is a problem. And it will be, trust me, it will.

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The problem is flex players are the minority. The devs have said this. Jeff himself said they didn’t really see this coming. But the truth is people have mains and we also have many one tricks. 2-2-2 structure is the next logical step to a player base that the majority of the players have adopted those ideas leaving people that flow from role to role as the minority.

I would disagree on the point that we have more people willing to swap now to deal with x problem. Like I said players that are willing to swap, especially from role to role, are the minority. The reaction of most is to either argue their medals or to simply leave chats and just do what ever.

As far as seeing the problem… well I see the current state and know that it isn’t working… so yes I am willing to give another system a shot to make it more enjoyable.

Huh? It’s pretty much been confirmed to be on it’s way. It’s not right around the corner, but it’s coming (thankfully). Did I miss something?

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So, I agree the 30 minute queue time is a huge problem. But role queue would solve some problems as well.

If there was a solution to keep your queue times similar to where they are now, then I think you would end up with more balanced and more enjoyable matches with a role queue.

In my mind, the queue time is the big hurdle currently. Other than that, I think the upsides drastically outweigh the downsides.

It won’t solve any issues?

It won’t solve the 5 DPS in 1 team problem?
It won’t solve people being unable to play what they want?
It won’t solve people only being stuck to 1 role or throw because their other roles are at a different SR level?


I hope blizzard is smart enough to realize that a host of tank/support players are quitting or swapping to only dps because of people like you.

Spend half your games filling rather than thinking you deserve 100% dps play rate because you’re GM.

Or blizzard can leave it the same and tank and support players will all either leave the game or swap to all dps like I’ve done. Far more fun to hard lock dps in lower ranks if the system is going to be engineered to favor dps who want to lock despite the # of dps players being massively larger and 3 and 4 dps being autolosses in the vast majority of defensive situations

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I think wording is important (so I’d have to watch video again)…but the impression I got from the interview was not “it’s coming”…it was “we’d like to do it and are working to see if we can find a system that works…here are the issues we don’t want to see”

Like it was hardly a guarantee…and I can easily see those reasons he gave as why it ultimately doesn’t end up happening…cause they’re hard problems to solve

Either way it’s not coming for a long time if it does happen so I wouldn’t get all anxious about it…


Yeah let me stop you right there.
Many “mains” statistically are true Flex players who happen to be more close to a main support and tank rather than a Flex player.
Stats can truly tell you if someone is an OTP but the ability to flex is not reflected in your profile just as accurately.

Also OTPS are a minority but they are not “illegal” nor the system prevents them from being OTPS. If this 2 2 2 is forced, Flex players are OUT. Its way different, do you understand?

You are talking about the attitude, behaviour and ability to be able to switch/swap and be effective after that, im talking about the OPTION. Restricting options for the sake of doing so is never good. And not having the option it really makes a difference.

I understand that mentality, the “well, this is not working, lets try something new”, i get it. The problem is that it is a system change trying to address a player issue. That is bad, REALLY bad.

Its like saying “Oh, people are using knives to stab people? yep, we are removing ALL knives from everyone”.
Does it solve the “stabbing” problem? Not really, people will use screwdrivers or other sharpened objects.
Does it destroy the chances of cutting your food / cook with a knife? Absolutely 100%.

Truth is, this forced system, won’t solve the player issue and you can even argue that it will make it worse. You do NOT want a frustrated-with-queue-times DPS main “tanking” or “healing” for you. You truly dont. You will see.

Like i said to him before, Replays “are coming” since September 2018 … and those were there “for sure” when they worked out the updates, how the files are saved, etc.
So yeah, lets see what happens first.

Jeff has to be very careful about how he words things. If you take what he’s said, in addition to him confirming that they are putting a lot of work into the match-maker, in a addition to them testing match-maker changes on the PTR, this all pretty much adds up to that it’s coming.

Most OW content creators also believe that Jeff’s interview pretty much confirms that it’s on it’s way.

You are right, it’s probably not anytime real soon, but the section of the community complaining about 2-2-2 needs to wrap their mind around the fact that more likely than not, it’s going to happen. The real question at this point is which game modes will it be enforced it.

This literally means less than nothing…

Again I have to watch it again but it did not give me the impression in the slightest that it’s a sure thing