Adding new Tanks/Supports may attract slightly more Tank/Support players, but you will still get teammates who won’t stop begging for generalist / enabler heroes, such as Reinhardt & Zarya; Ana & Mercy.
Even in some map sections (e.g Watchpoint: Gibralter, Dorado 2nd section, Numbani 1st section) that don’t favor Rein comps, people still beg for Rein.
Due to the popularity of “Rein + Zarya”, it feels adding new Tanks is quite pointless when the community prefers “Rein + Zarya” more than anything.
“Rein + Zarya” jail actually doesn’t appeal to Tank players in general, except Rein/Zarya mains or one-tricks. I avoid playing Tanks sometimes, just not to fill these heroes.
Some people want Rein + Zarya as permanent meta-picks, NOT BECAUSE they actually like playing Rein + Zarya. They want someone to pick these heroes to correct their mistakes and give them free POTGs from their Grav / Shatter.
Rein’s large, mobile shield appeals to players who have bad & lazy positioning habits; Zarya’s bubbles satisfies to players who like to hyper-feed, etc.
When 5 vs 5 news is announced, the majority actually misses “Rein + Zarya” comp more than any other Tank comps or synergies. They won’t miss Double Shields, Hog + Ball/Orisa, Sigma + Ball, etc. (Winston + DVA doesn’t get much hate though.)
Same goes for “Ana + Mercy” jail, because some players usually feed to enemies more than relying on natural covers & health packs, thus they need strong, consistent healers more than anyone to correct their mistakes. (Bap is acceptable until your team often scatters and picks dives.)
DPS will always be the most popular role, even if it’s in the worst and the least impactful state (e.g GOATs era). Plus, it has the most FPS-trait gameplay which generally satisfies to players who enjoy shooters.
Why is Ana so fun to play? Because she has the most shooter-based gameplay in Supports’ cast and being a Support Sniper is another huge bonus.
Why do many people instant-lock Roadhog? Again, he has the most shooter-based gameplay in Tanks’ cast and he’s very self-sufficient.
Thus, most DPS mains lock Ana/Roadhog when they play Supports or Tank. Other popular choices will be usually Baptiste/Zenyatta (Lucio in a few occasions); Sigma/Zarya (sometimes Ball; DVA not so much).