Add back in "tea-bagging"

you can still teabag teammates right?

that’s what matters to me

(also being able to sit on their head so they can’t be shot until they wake up)

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Tea-bagging is a huge part of gaming culture. It isn’t necessarily rude, just competitive. I personally love it- when you get killed/slept by someone and they just carry on playing, it feels like being killed by a machine which will just go onto another target. When someone teabags you, it makes them feel like more of a person. It’s an actual interaction between players which takes no words.

Overwatch is a very censor-heavy game, and so I’m not surprised that Blizz chose to remove this. Next match chat will be removed, probably.


Ha, you realise that if it was to stop tea bagging it would effect dead enemies right?


I legit don’t care about tea-bagging, but if I sleep a Doom, and he’s got me in a tight hallway (say Oasis University coming up from the pit), not being able to walk through him is going to be HUGELY detrimental.

I do not want to wake up the Doom - he will kill me. I would have to walk back down the stairs, towards our spawn, come up those stairs and rotate back around to point.

That downtime is a death sentence for my team if the other healer is dead or can’t keep up with the damage. IF my team lives without me for those eight (?) seconds, I lost a ton of ult charge for healing.

Disable crouching in an enemy hitbox or something if it’s so important, but jeez, let me pass through them.


The developers clearly indicate the future direction of this game. I don’t like it.

I don’t really care that my heroes’ ability to walk over sleeping bodies has been limited. What upsets me the most is that whiny players seem to have managed to influence the development team at Blizzard.

Reasonable criticism and questions that regularly come up on the forums remain largely unanswered / are ignored.


I don’t really agree with this, but even if you genuinely believe this, that doesn’t make it right.


Literally unplayable…

It’s true- and if people are upset with a fake character crouching on their screen, they shouldn’t be playing the game.


I just don’t think it should be seen as acceptable to simulate sexual assault.


I really, REALLY hope you’re joking here. (I feel like you’re being sarcastic, but I’ve met some stupid forum users before so I wouldn’t put it past this community to say something like this).

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I’ve never been a victim of sexual assault, so it might not be my place to say,

but I think it’s absolutely despicable that you’re comparing someone crouching in a video game to actual sexual assault.


If tbagging is allowed then you should also be allowed to call them a derogatory name that starts with an F and rhymes with maggot.

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You sleep someone in the doorframe and you can’t get over, locked yourself in the room. Nice


My god, imagine being this sensitive…

That escalated quickly…

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Why do feel people attacked if I teabag them after I slept and killed them?

This is just banter.

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OH that explains everything. A Tracer tried to pulse bomb me yesterday, I slept her, (my team woke her and she recalled…) but I guess I tried to run over the Tracer because I got stuck on seemingly nothing and couldn’t get away from the pulse bomb in time. That was tilting.

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Good. An act that has no purpose other than to foment negative emotions in others should not be enabled by the game’s mechanics. It brings nothing to gameplay.

Now if they’d add a cooldown to crouching both to combat tea-bagging and gamey crouch spam I’d be happy with the state of the game.

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yes please do not compare video games to sexual assault, it’s highly diminishing of the actual trauma victims and survivors have gone through.


Top notch priorities here.