Add an option to permanently turn off text chat

Please, I’m sick of all the salty and mean comments. Yes, I have been banned too for toxicity, but guess what: Because you get trash talked in this game almost EVERY MATCH. Every person has a boiling point.

I’m into gaming since more than 20 years and this is the worst community I have ever seen. And believe me, I played GW2 from the start when dungeons were only for zerker builds.

I have to turn off text chat every match, this certainly can be improved.
I want to do it ONLY ONCE, so its set forever on “closed” - this should not be to much being asked I think, every game has it. It’s very basic, very easy.


You can turn voice chat off in settings by setting team and group chat to “off”. This disables voice chat and the microphone option to join isn’t even there until you change the setting back to on or auto join. To remove text chat, just type /hidechat in your text box at the start of every playing session. Problem solved my dude, have fun enjoying the game without the toxicity.


Bind hide chat to an easy to press key and press it whenever you open overwatch


I only want to turn off text chat. And thx for the tips, but there should be an option to turn it off for ever by only doing it once. It’s very basic, very easy, all games have it, is it too much to ask of?


Well there’s always the possibility you’ll want/need to use text chat. I have voice chat disabled most of the time but sometimes when a person in comp asks nicely for me to join VC, I have to go back into settings and enable VC, but if it’s the middle of the match and I don’t have time to, there’s no convenient way to join back. This is why having text chat disable non-permanent is good so you have at least one way to communicate without having to halt your gameplay, so it’s really better to have it non-permanent for your own sake. Devs also probably dont want to discourage communication by giving the option to permanently disable comms. Do all games really have the option to permanently disable all communication? I don’t play many online multiplayer games.

You can turn on and off any chat whenever you want.
This thread is about the option to permanently close it instead of what we have now.

And no, text chat has nothing informative, all the good players when playing serious use VC. Text chat is 99% salt, mean comments, toxicity and douchebaggery.


It seems like you do join Voice Chat, but not Text Chat? That’s a rather odd preference :thinking:

Why? Voice chat is your team and I’m talking about the toxicity coming from text chat. I don’t know about US, but in EU voice chat almost has zero toxicity because of the language barrier. So you might be able to communicate basic things about the match, but not argue over how “nooby” or “trashy” you are.

However text chat is filled with mean comments EVERY game:
Someone called me “dogsh*t” yesterday, just because I used FtH. Others harass you nonstop simply because you killed them. People keep littering chat with toxicity in EU and I just want to TURN IT OFF FOR ONCE AND ALL.


Voice chat is highly overrated playing with random people.

As a person who is sick and tired of being banned/silenced for trash talking, I don’t understand why you just can’t click the mute/block/avoid options available and move on if someone bothers you. I think Blizzard is WAY to overbearing in the policing of chat and should not even be involved in it. The players have options. Let them use them. Focus more on balancing this broken game and stopping trigger and aim botters.


If you get banned or silenced so much you have to be sick of it, I suppose your argument is the only option left for you in order to not feel completely guilty. But you are.


It has nothing to do with feeling guilty or even being guilty. Nice try though. It has to do with Blizzard being too overbearing over stupid things like chat when there is no need to be. The players have multiple options to block/mute/avoid other players. Why doesn’t it end there? You want to know why? Because people are not satisfied with just not hearing the toxicity anymore, they need their feelings validated. They need to know that someone was punished for having the audacity to say something they disagree with. It’s a joke. It’s a competitive game. if you don’t want to hear trash talk or curse words then use the many options available and POOF…problem solved. It’s really that simple. Blizzard shouldn’t be involved in policing chat at all.


Its a QoL thing and its very basic and very easy, there is nothing to “develop”. They could integrate it right now without much effort and it would decrease toxicity quite a lot because obviously you’d divide the people being able to communicate with you per match by 50% and since your team is more unlikely to flame you verbally it’s probably an even higher number.

You think a game with more content and more depth and better balance is all it takes, but even the best game in the world can’t stand and survive this community’s mentality.

Noone will bother to close chat in every game, it’s just terribly annoying to do that every god damn time you join a game and there is no reason to leave it like this.

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I love how in this long thread no one is addressing the actual question. So what is the answer? Can one permanently disable text chat by default?

Voice chat has an option to autojoin/enable/disable. But what about text chat?


Is it too much to ask you, just you, that need this, to do it once a session? It’s not even once a game, you just have to do it on opening the game. What a chore.

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That doesn’t answer my question.

To post this thread…to shut off chat “forever” is over reacting. You also shut out the fun and nice chat too. Don’t be lazy to shut off or mute chat from game to game. Don’t deprive yourself just because there may be some that don’t know how to play with others. :men_wrestling:

yeah… then if you press / to do a whisper to a friend of yours the chat is open again -_- not an option

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i get the arguement sadly the devs arent interested…

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Mute and report are not mutually exclusive. You know what you are doing. If you don’t want to be muted then don’t be toxic raging and instigate people. I use the chat and listen to comms to win the game not to be your therapist.