Add an option to permanently turn off text chat

Hey dev’s! Following up on this. Can we get an option to permanently mute team and match TEXT chat? This would actually be a great “parental controls” feature. You could allow your younger ones to play without worrying about all the foul things people can say that the robots won’t catch. Set it, and forget it!


Was there a reason to necro this?

Mean people will say mean things, that is life. Why should they add a parental setting to a game rated M?


Yes. I’ve wanted this for yeas. You should be able to leave the room chat permanently.


I’m wanting this too. 98% of my matches involve toxic players on at least one of the teams but most of the time its both. I want to play this game because every now and then i want to play something with good mechanics in short bursts rather than start up an rpg and play it for half the day. Having to mute everything each time i start the match is annoying.


This game absolutely needs this option. For every positive interaction I’ve had in match chat I’ve had 100 negative interactions. I don’t try to engage the people who taunt and insult me. I even try very hard to not read their taunts and insults. But it’s just not possible. Call me a snowflake, but there are times when somebody said something in match chat and triggered me, and hours later I’m still angry and can’t sleep because I read a message that I didn’t want to read while playing a game that helps me to relieve stress.

I don’t want to see match chat. I don’t have the discipline to turn off match chat every match, or else I would probably have quit this game and accomplished what I want to do with my life. I want my team chat so that I can see the sometimes valuable team call outs. This could be accomplished with a simple QOL change.

Please, devs.


I bet this gets posted on here soooo much and I agree. Let us silence these trolls and bullies. Just give us the power to save an extra step and permanently turn it off. League did it for god sakes and I have such a good time playing now.


I’ll necro it again! Because I want the feature! 2 years and counting! Options are called options for a reason.
Also, Game is rated T for Teen for Blood, use of tobacco, and violence (online interactions not rated by esrb)

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Bump because I wish this was a feature so badly :+1:

This option has existed for a while now. Under social options, turn match chat off.

Heyooo! Right you are! Not sure when they snook that in under the social options, I swear I just checked a month ago. Oh well. Thanks!