Actual Thai Overwatch Hero 37 leaked "LifeWeaver"(confirmed)

Honestly, the only problem is his hair, The rest fits the aesthetic


Itā€™s not even the official Blizzard post, but just an article from a random website.


This is from the official overwatch twitter.


Oh please god no. The last thing I want is for my allies to be able to reposition me.


Will need to see how it plays out I guess, but a cc ability to use on your own team sounds like such a bad idea on paper. I hope its different from what Iā€™m imagining.


ā€¦So? I still donĀ“t follow, why you are bothered by my comment, adressed to someone else btw xD

Why canā€™t he just be called Niran? Ugh.


To be fair remember how the first version on teleporter went.

People just lost trust in Sym mains and cliffs after that.

if you donā€™t want people to partake in your comments, then write DMs.


It can be used to troll people. There is lifegrip in world of warcraft too. A priest ability. But yea in WoW we can have an item that disables that.

I can see how it can be used to troll aggressive players into bad positioning and get them killed. So it may be a trolly way to kill your team members if you hate them.

Jokes on you - there are no DMs on this forums. I donĀ“t mind people to join conversation, I am trying to find out, whatĀ“s your point.

Exactly. It will just be the Mei players that do bad walls to mess with their team, except times 10.

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My point is that you say that you donā€™t care or donā€™t want to know about heroes sexuality, yet I am 99.99% sure that I will not find you have a single comment about how you donā€™t want to know that Torb has a wife.
If you donā€™t care about it. Cool. But why feel the need to be negative about inclusivity?

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I asked for this a month ago. NICE

hopefully we get a ā€œgameplayā€ trailer soon. i wouldnt mind an animated short and story short either but the gameplay seems more important to me lol

That is your assumpsion based onā€¦what exactly?
Do I need to explain again, that itĀ“s how it was presented, whatĀ“s bothers me?

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Weā€™ll see what happens. Since there seems to be a shield component. Which is like bridgetteā€™s old think with overarmor.

Yeah that sounds god awful if they can just do it to you and you canā€™t refuse. Difference with Mei wall is it sounds so easy for bad players to screw your teammates, people barely understand positioning on ladder of OW2 at the moment so I can see terrible supports just moving you in even worse positions. Nevermind the selfish supports who just force people to come to them because they are terrible at dueling and feel like they need the help.

Basically, I expect that if the ability can be forced on your teammates, it will simply not stay in the game in such a state. It will be complete hell.


yes, it is homogeneously woven into their story and its also important for their own story or even the existence of other heroes (see Pharah and Brigitte).
Here in the second sentence: He is pansexual.
Itā€™s just ā€œin your faceā€. If itā€™s woven into the story with sense and understanding, I donā€™t care at all, but itā€™s just forced. Just like Sojournā€™s 1h stream was all about her being an African American woman. Or with Rey in Star Wars, where her whole character basically consisted of being a woman.

It doesnā€™t have to be the first thing when a character is revealed that sexuality or anything else is rubbed in peoples faces. A few teasers here, a few allusions there and then maybe the resolution later. but not right away in the second sentence of the revelation.


Againā€¦ this is not even a blizzard article. itā€™s literally just some random gaming news site.