Activision Patent to Manipulate Matchmaking

Because it isn’t

Is it too hard to believe that it just isn’t?

Not everything is a bloody conspiracy lol.


Looks at the loss of tank players over overwatch one.

If they were rigging for player retention, they would have you know… player retention…

The point is, rigging would look different from what we have.

People with CC which the tanks didn’t want to play against would have sky high queue times.

That is what rigging looks like, massive differences in queue times based on the hero (not role) you tend to play.

But we don’t have that.

We don’t have the counters to the roles which are the bottleneck being practically unplayable from queue times.


Tons of evidences points out that it is.

It is not based on classes. Every team has tanks in them so one tank always will be losing a match either way while the other one will be winning one.

Lol. No it hasn’t.

Take this post for example. They are talking about a patent submitted before October 2017. Which was widely reported on at the time.

Such systems were never implemented, it was just them protecting the work that has been done. A fail safe so they could make money off the idea if someone else used it.

It is also clear that patent is for games like WoW and Diablo, but that obviously didn’t fit the narrative of the OP.

ok, lets try again… You are suggesting they are rigging for

Means keeping THE TANK PLAYERS, because that is the bottleneck in OW1.

Which would mean, making them face the heroes will CC LESS. Because that would drive retention.

But they didn’t DO THAT. And we can SEE they didn’t because we didn’t see the queue time shift which that would create.

This is the thing, rigging for player retention is REALLY obvious, like all kinds of screwing with the matchmaker.

People mistake their expectations to win 70% of the time, and NOT do so as rigging.


Yes… Yes… This… again…
:sleepy: :woman_facepalming:t2:

Care to elaborate?

Hulk and rigged/receipts/outside/etc aren’t the same person. Hulk is from EU and receipts is NA.

He has his own stream.


The best part about all of this rigging nonsense is, assuming MMR is the monster the rigged cultists claims it is, its barely (if even at all) being used right now because of how dead the playerbase is.

You need a large player base to keep stringent MMR implemented. Otherwise queue times would be drastically worse than they already are.

So at this point I’d be surprised if MM isn’t more based off of SR.


They are rigging matches to make sure most players gets the same amount of wins and loses so they don’t quit if they feel they are losing more than anyone else.

They have other ways of retention to make people play tanks - i. e. the free lootboxes when queueing for one.

Ok, ok… lets for just a moment. You tell me what you expect out of the matchmaker.

Like, if you keep winning games, you would expect your SR to go up right?

And when that happens, you would expect to be playing with and against people of your new SR.

And once you reach the SR which is your skill rating, and you are playing against and with people of your own skill…

What percentage of games are you expecting to win.

Fair matches not just trading steamrols till the 50% winrate quota is reached.

No they are not.

The are putting 2 teams of 6 together with a similar skill number.

That by proxy should make the match relatively even.

GG EASY GAMES where I always win, my enemy always loses, and I only get all golds because I’m clearly the most superior player in existence.


You are getting fair matches.

Steam rolls are down to you, or your team making basic mistakes.

No match maker can predict that.

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Except the matches aren’t even at all. It is always 1 team rolling the other most of the time. The close matches are rarity.

Ok, lets talk about why that is.

It comes down to two thing.

they can’t predict if someone is having a bad day, and they can’t predict if someone is playing the heroes they are good at, and they can’t predict if someone is going to get a team comp they will be good with.

And it ALSO comes down to “making a game where the winning team gets more of an advantage going into the next fight

THAT right there causes streamrolls. Not the matchmaker.


If there was locked heroes, we would have seen some form of iteration on that in the betas and during OWL tournament games, we have not. JQ and Soujourn are in every game because that’s the meta these guys want to play. There are a ton of hero comps that would destroy this clown setup. A good Torbjorn player could even eat this meta.

Team A:

  • Hog/Ball
  • Symm/Sombra
  • Lucio/Zen

Team B:

  • Rien/Zar
  • Mei/Reaper
  • Lucio/Ana

Map: Kings Row

Haha… Yup… Game rigged. 100%


They don’t have to. If the matchmaking plans for that player to win but they fail, they just get much easier opposition the next match - therefore steamrolling the other team just to guarantee the 50% winrate.

It goes like that until the player starts winning again.

All companies do this son. Welcome to modern day gaming.

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Plans for them to win…


The game makes me position better so I win??

Who knew.

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Yes. If they lose too much the game simply gives them opposition that is way easier to deal with and maybe even stack them together with people with the same situation who also needs wins.

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