Activision Patent to Manipulate Matchmaking

I don’t think Lara realises how much work it would take to make a matchmaker which does what they think this one does.


Well JQ wasn’t in every game which is how they managed to get an unmirrored win %… ?

Topic was made more so about OW2 and how this system could be used there to directly influence sales and player purchases. I couldn’t see this being in OW1… like I’m not even sure how you would use it there.

Also it may be an older patent, but is still one owned by them after r&d and following the flow chart it’s easy to see how it could be applied to OW2 if they chose to use it.

I haven’t said they are using it in OW2 and definitely haven’s said they are using it in OW1 somehow.

The are perma negative about everything, so it makes sense.

But if the match maker could predict what they claim… Blizzard wouldn’t be making simple video games.


Also the mm, especially in qplay is rubbish in OW1 due to the low player count at least. Watching my gf be up against people with 3000sr+ when she’s nearly blind and this is her first ever fps is kinda horrible

None of the rigged cultists do. Thats why I’m certain none of them have the foggiest idea of what they’re talking about.


If anything, this was more geared towards Call of Duty. For OW2, it’d be just really nice looking cosmetics and I’m sure the very talented artists won’t disappoint with Overwatch 2’s cosmetics.

And this probably means that new heroes will be locked behind a BP grind that for free players would take hours, or you can purchase the new hero directly. So the MM will match you up against players that have this new OP hero just to showcase how OP it is and entice the players to purchase that hero instead of waiting for it.

But this isn’t anything new to be honest. ActivisionBlizzard is the most scummy and predatory company out there, and is a consumer threat in the ways they are going about their business model. And people can’t vote with their wallets either, the company is so big now and has shown a complete disregard for anything human, so they make their money what ever way they have to.

As someone who knows basic programming it is really not as hard as you may think.

Possibly. But the patent was created 5 years ago for WoW and not used.

So this whole thread is a waste of time lol.

Yeah I think it was more so aimed at COD and OW wasn’t even a thought back then. It just made me uneasy considering we can now have locked heroes and that this system exists how it could be implemented and have an impact on all our experiences (whale or not)

What you say doesn’t correlate with this statement.

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Oh, ok, because it is a napsack problem the size of the number of players which are queued.

it is by definition hard.

Ok, lets see how would you go about writing this?


Sense is the new proof. Lol get evidence are you living in the 80’s trust me its cheat steal lie deny deny deny. Your arrogantly assuming superiority just because i dont try to live by your standards :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: he will never get it.

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everything is simple. You make it harder on yourself by Imagining complexities.

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The copium, not surprised coming from you :rofl:


I imagine no complexity.

I have an SR and an MMR score.

My teams average will be similar to the enemies average. After that it’s on me and my team to do more or make less mistakes.

The game isn’t that complex.

Well, it is more complex. You have to take how long someone has been waiting for in there :slight_smile:

The pity timer is a thing

But generally yes, you use a constraint solver!

I love constraint solvers :slight_smile:

It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just needs to lean towards 50% when possible.
You get whoever is currently queueing and put them in respective “lose” or “win” team.
Even if people who needs wins ends up in the losing team, just give them priority for the next “win” queue.

its like subliminal messages in music everyone is zooming in when they should zoom out, yes it is in fact meant to say what it sounds like its saying not what the lyrics tell you it said.

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Winners queue?


Can you stop. You sound ridiculous now.