Activision Patent to Manipulate Matchmaking

Funny how people above diamond never complain about rigging. Its all the lower skilled players. :thinking:

  1. there are no ranks if there is rigging
  2. there is rigging because there is monetization + patents + dev comments + bugfixes + hidden scoring
  3. Exactly. The rigging is designed to make the diamond brodudes think they’re good so they keep playing and defend the system.

Man, why can’t someone hack Blizzard and leak stuff instead of Rockstar

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I rember when just making fun games and having people pay money to play the games was the standard model.


On Bloxxy Bingo on Roblox… I won like 8 times in an hour yesterday and so many people were losing their minds claiming the game was rigged.

I’m just good at Bloxxy Bingo, even though it’s RNG, most people can only mark 1-3 carsds, where as I have 6 cards (maximum) and mark them easy, oh and thought I’d add it’s “fast” rounds too, so after 2/3 most people cannot keep up with the speed lol

It makes me laugh that people get so angry at pixel bingo on Roblox :sunglasses:

Thats cute. Try pitting a group of plats vs a group of GMs. Oh wait, the plats will lose every time, why? Because theyre lower skilled

I used to be silver back in the day, i got better at the game which in turn increased my SR. I then hit other roadblocks in terms of skill, 2500, 2800, 3000, 3200. All of which I had to get better to overcome.

Skill is not rewarded, its earned through time and practice. It isnt a thing which you can gain loads in hours, it takes effort and alot of dedication to gain.

Can you show me evidence of this?

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you’re equivocating skill with rank. in a game that rigs aim and lobbies.
i can be highly skilled and not have my correct rank shown.

it can be displayed in 2-3 matches. but they don’t display it. why? because it’s either too confusing (i.e. fake and contrived) or it’s rigged.

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That aged like milk LMFAO Kiriko is all but O.P

Not sure how you’re making that call yet. She’s not in ranked… are you basing this off QP?

When the top players are playing her in a team that knows how to utilize her skills then that call can be made. As it stands atm she does good dmg, good healing, has incredible mobility, an ae immortality ability on a short CD and one of the better ults in the game.

Just admit it. Youre bad at the game. There is no shame in acceptance


Again, can you show evidence of the rigged aim?

Your second comment isnt evidence, its an assumption based on lack of evidence. They likely arent showing skill rank ups as often to reduce toxicity. They may also be biasing towards giving teams better matchups following losses for similar reasons.

If both teams and all players have to obey the same rules and use the same matchmaker, the game is fair.

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But heroes are not locked behind a paywall?



Kiriko is - you pay to get her early, which means you pay to get more practice on her, increasing your chance to win.


This dude again with his conspiracy theories :joy:

I remembered this happening as soon as i saw how broken the matchmaking is in OW2.

Now ill always assume it is just rigged no matter how good or bad i play.


Shes locked from comp for 2 weeks, allowing players who dont pay grind her out

OW1 players get her instantly

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there is no evidence of any rigging in OW

Its a lie pushed by people who are too angry to see their own faults and look to blame a system that doesnt exist

Theyll try to push a certian patent that they claim is in OW but such a system is for games that use pre round weapon purchase mechanics and none of that is in OW and never have

Dont fall for the stupidity, because its one wrong turn and BOOM, youre in conspiracy alley full of Flatearthers and Moon landing fake people

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So many disgusting blizzard shills in here. I bet you do like this system if you drop money on this game and are rewarded by being placed in matches where you will win.