Activision Patent to Manipulate Matchmaking

New players still need to buy a battle pass to access her.

New player that buy the BP get much more time to practice her while those who dont, dont.

So youre telling me you cant afford less than 10 cents a day?

Ah, yeah - i mean, i know for a fact that other games will put you in easier games after a purchase, so its not a new thing. There’s no evidence that this is the case for Overwatch though.

I own the BP, so its not about me. I just think any form of P2W is a scum move by the devs.

she isnt even that OP though, not like release brig or release sigma. She is actually quite squishy, especially against a hog

Yeah, i get what you mean, but she gives players extra options, which means there’s more chance to win.

I REALLY hate P2W.

But it isnt really P2W. You can win without her.

I bet you that she isnt even meta cause her healing output isnt great

You are telling me it is worth 10 cents a day?

Yes. I would say more

As i said, its P2W if it gives you any form of advantage ingame. That means if you dont have her, or havent played enough to have the knowledge when to switch to her, you’re at a disadvantage. If there’s ANY situation where playing her means you would have won, its P2W. It doesnt really matter if she’s OP or not.

trust me, she isnt meta defining

Doesnt matter. ANY advantage is P2W, even outside the meta.

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she isnt advantageous. Ive seen loads of players not knowing how to play her

Of course she is. If there’s ANY situation where she’s better than all the other supports, that’s an advantage.

this is a creepy and disgusting Patent, but it does not matter for OW2 since there’s nothing to buy that makes you stronger.

yeah just like blizz won’t monetize the entire client interface, or add pay2win, and will deliver a redefined sequel lmao. yeah they’re really looking out for us which is why it couldn’t possibly be rigged for engagement. lmao to be so naive.

ez prey for bobby