Activision Patent to Manipulate Matchmaking

100% true, the more players on each side, the less your input matters, it is one of the reasons they are moving to 5v5.

Totally, and the lower the rank someone is in, the more inconsistant their team mates are, the worse it gets.

It has a lot to do with 6v6, and a lot to do with mechanics like ults.

The matchmaker can’t fix it.

If you mean giving people who have paid out a couple of weeks extra on the new OP heroes? yeah. It will have an effect, and not a good one.

Again though, not a matchmaker fault, it CAN’T fix that.

But there is more to it.

I watched Samito the other day. Here is one of the best Overwatch players you can get, and he was playing around gold-plat as DPS, his main role. He struggled EVERY SINGLE MATCH! He ended up placing 2480.
That is just beyond.

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I’d need to see the games, but Samito just irritates me, so I likely won’t watch though them :slight_smile:

No, what I mean is that you will get a weight based on your shopping activities.

That is just straight up conspiracy theory… You would have to bring actual proof.

Go get your stats on, and SHOW me.

Of course it is conspiracy theory, but these days those are just spoiler alerts :slight_smile:
If someone goes buying something expensive, why not make him feel good for a while? From a business POV it makes perfect sense.

You can find the Samito video in my other thread: Samito: "Every support should be designed like Ana"

I have seen the same phenomenon when watching Kabaji doing either Gold-to-GM or Unranked-to-GM.
I don’t normally follow Samito, but am interested in stuff that gets me closer to cracking this nut, that the MM is.

Yeah, this is one of the things I really don’t like about Samito, which is he doesn’t get game design. And so, he is like “I play this hero, and so, I think …”

And it is a wreck.

I’m not a fan of his. In LARGE part because he doesn’t understand why heroes like Moria are designed the way they are.

He would be the FIRST one to scream, if you removed her and rebalanced the game around that removal.

ah ffs not this bs again

I definitely don’t agree that he doesn’t know anything about game design. IMO he is one of the people in the OW community that knows most have some of the best takes.
Whether you like him or not (I guess he isn’t the most charming person, but so what?) it doesn’t change what he says.

Yes, and he DOESN’T understand the parts of the game from a design point of view he is most vocal about.

Ok, ok, lets talk Moira, because he 100% does not get her.

He has everything about her backwards, and this design he pushes for her, would make her a hero he hates more…

So, lets talk about her main attack, the beam.

Moira is designed around that beam, and all of her design choices are there to drop it’s damage so it doesn’t damage the non flankers too much.

He sees her as designed to wreck people with an easy weapon, but it is really the reverse from a design point of view.

So, Say you had heroes which were fast moving and had small boxes, and you were designing a hero which can fight them on an even ground.

The problem with Moira and Brigitte is that they are so low skill that they are essentially self-playing. This has a huge impact in high-level games, as an average player will be able to match actual GMs on these heroes (Moira not as much as Brigitte though).

One player climbed from Gold to 4600+ on Brigitte at her strongest, that alone tells you something.

In lower levels the amount of low-skill heroes has the effect, that it can be hard to get by on high-skill heroes. When I dropped to Silver, it was when Brigitte was at the pinnacle, and I simply had no chance to match the output, even when I used to do well in high-Plat. I simply stopped playing healer when I hit Silver, as I am a heavy Ana main.

That would also be a pretty bad take. Come on man, I’ll give your constraints, and then we will see what tweaks you want to do to her, and see where that leads, because the moment you get your head wrapped around her design, a lot more of the games design makes sense.

Ok, so you have a hero, which is meant to be able to fight small hitbox fast moving targets.

So, it needs to be able to do a certain number of damage per second to them ON AVERAGE. Ok?

And you have Moira and her beam…

Your constraints are, she needs to be able to keep doing that damage per second to the flankers at a minimum (otherwise she won’t work and you have to basically remove the fast moving, and small hitbox heroes), and she is NOT able wreck everyone else.

So, what changes would you make to her primary?

Stepping though this, will 100% get you to understand overwatch a LOT better.

People are so bad at the game theyre still trying to cling onto this bs patent claim so they can blame a system that doesnt exist in overwatch rather than themselves

PvE often has an aim assist, no need for a “match making system” for that… we speak about another things here…

We’re seeing aim-assist/resist in PC pool pvp atm. Some kind of engagement based matchmaking intended to smooth out the skill diversity. The skilled players have to reg 1pixel hitboxes and the fresh inclusions snap practically blindfolded.

They do this in Diablo Immortal. I think that is the primary reason for this. And we all know to stay far far away from that game already.

I really hope that they don’t stoop this low with Overwatch, but they’ve already made some really anti-consumer decisions with monitization already. So, I guess I can’t rule it out. It would be really sleezy for them to do so.

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Well this sure makes sense…

Bump LOL

With how we see the changes they have made in the live game. Alot of it makes sense now…

stop with this BS please

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i agree the rigging needs to leave our beloved game.
no esports with rigged matchmaking and phony algs.
no wonder it bugged and broke.

entire client is a UI for purchases. predatory company rigging for engagement.

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