Hey, I hit comp accidentally and I immediately exit my game window in order to not join a match and I reopened my window to see if I did infact, join a game. I rejoined my game, but then the game kicks me immediately after and now I’m temporarily suspended? I mean I get it’s supposed to punish leavers but I’ve left a comp game once and came back for the second half and that’s the only time I’ve left, ever.
So why did the game kick me when I rejoined my match, is what I’m asking. Why?
If you take more than 2 minutes to rejoin a match, its still penalized. The time you are gone harms your team’s ability to win the game, and the rule is in place to prevent abusive leavers from trying to return in order to avoid the penalty (regardless of match result). More information:
This system is over-bearing. I have been in WAY more games where someone left and we lost than I have been in games where someone lost because I left, yet due to a stubborn router I have found myself with a permanent ban. I have seen 2 24 hour bans, and one 48 hour suspension. After that 48 hour ban, I was permanently banned. Now keep in mind, this is over the course of more than two years. It’s supposed to be based on a ratio of games completed to games left. I have about 2000 hours of successful play. There is no way my ratio can be anything but diluted by all the good play I’ve done.
My recommendation is get this game out of your system as fast as possible. It will teach you to hate, it will leave you wounded, then they will poor salt in that wound with a smile on their faces telling you they don’t intend to do that. What on earth is solved by banning anyone from a game that is at best unstable frequently? What good is a ban of more than 2 hours? Who is going to get on any game just to leave once every two hours? This leaver policy is a non-solution to an irritation involving competitive pay. It should never result in a permanent ban. Nothing over 2 hours will change the number of leavers in this game.
Yeah I can attest that is complete fiction on the two minute time. I got disconnected and punted to menu with immediate 15 minute suspension so no I was not given any time to reconnect, would not let me try to rejoin the game, and I never disconnect deliberately and wasn’t disconnected in days. So penalized for 1 connection issue even though I tried to get back in less than 30 seconds. Maybe if Blizzard put more effort into fixing their games instead of microtransactions and complaining about someone posting on an older forum post (like really afraid people might figure out that you guys have done zero in years to address legitimate complaints about buggy connection issues??) the player base would not be bailing. You should always be able to rejoin a game without any penalty for up to a minute at the least, connection issues happen and if someone is deliberately leaving they probably not trying to rejoin, and if a player is repetitively doing that then they can be reported by other players and appropriate measures can be taken or automatic account management can check it.
It has happened to me, my brother and my son multiple times this season. Im banned for the rest of the competitive season and my son is close to be there too (He is afraid to play right now because a posible ban if the game kicks him out).
Still no solution? Im really surprised because it was happening to me like years ago and now it happened again, it still happens as far as someone got stubborn router or internet connection just goes away for no reason, no thunderstorm, no wind, no nothin, like in my case its veeeeery rare to lost internet connection, but if it goes off, closing game itself about 10 secounds, battlenet closing for about 15 secounds, relogging, opening again battlenet and game ~20, and, of course, router reset ~1 minute, so its simple you get suspended, shame theres no such thing as “pardon” because its not your 5th leave this week, but like first within a years, it doesnt affect on leavers if they got multiple accounts or just better things to do. Big drawback theres no “fast” way to contact about such problems, because when you finally get some free time from work and life, router comes in and all you can do is rejoin hopefully it was <2 minutes off a match, it was >2 mins so after match, even won, get suspended and watch your endorsement lvl 4 goes down as fast as after being reported from a guy going alone on point and start reporting healers for no healing