Account in Overwatch 2 Bugged: Stuck in Bronze 5

70 wins still bronze 5


Ok so I, not a complete numpty its a glitch haha stuck in b5 as support


I too stuck bronze 5. Fourth, I got the same rank.


same here, won like 40 games in dmg and im still b5, thought it was the role so tried to play another role, it still gives me b5 and i cant rank up


Literally won 6 of 7 games. Over 10k healing every game, minimum 4k damage and still stuck in bronze 5. I canā€™t even play with my friends anymore even though we all win and play together. Iā€™m getting to the point I want to uninstall itā€™s seriously upsetting and damaging to my ego. I have over 370 hours on overwatch. I just want rewarded for my gameplay.


Same here. I opened a support ticket a week ago, but still no response.
Get your sh*t together Blizzard, please.


Blizzard hurry up and fix this, this is making the game unplayable. We better get compensated for the games we have played.


Yeah pls blizz fix this.
Heal bronze 5 and get rankup in bronze 5
Dps bronze 5

I canā€™t play with my friends since they are in gold and I am in bronze, although it should workā€¦

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The ranking system in this game is extremely unfair. This is the biggest bug in the game right now. Relax and wait for updates. Itā€™s not your fault, but the developerā€™s. I was able to get out of Bronze 5, but now Iā€™m stuck in Bronze 2. 3 times I just had a liver in my team, for some reason I had to suffer because of this. I get the feeling that overwatch deliberately punishes good players and puts them in the trash so that they suffer there. Hope repair this soon

the stuck in bronze 5 bug still there plz blizzard fix it i got 3 of my friend who keep getting those 7-0 or 7-3 win streak and still stuck in bronze 5 now i just cant play with them anymore cause i past the gold 4 on every roleā€¦

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Same here! Idk, this is getting very frustrating.

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I have notice that my minutes and stats are not tallying in competitive. It states i have only played 6 games and Iā€™ve played over 30 games and got 7 wins 3 times but stuck in bronze 5. This game is effed up. About to abandon it once again.


Iā€™m on pc

Iā€™ve won 93 games on dps dropping 10k+ dmg and my win and loss ratio is never negative and Iā€™m getting bronze 5 every placement, really weird this needs to be fixed it makes me not wanna play anymore. Please fix this

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Same issue here - blizzard please fix this and consider -

  • Compensation for people affected by this who have played multiple games
  • Adjusting the rank correctly for those affected by this.

This is a mess.

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Same! Thereā€™s definitely still a handful of folks that are stuck and the customer support inquiries go nowhere. Iā€™m about to watch the last of my squad outrank me too high to play with despite us all sharing the majority of our wins together as a group. They get promos, I get that sexy bronze 5 every 7 wins. Iā€™m not even sure why I still keep playing it at this point, but I will keep hoping they get it fixed before Iā€™m forced to play alone. It would appear that despite my contributions and winning record, I will be stuck in new developer created elo hell. If anyone finds a workaround or gets any helpful information, I would love to find out how to get it fixed!

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I finally got a response from my support ticket.
"Thank you so much for contacting us. While Customer Support is unable to directly assist with these matters, please know the Overwatch 2 Team has continued working on solving reported problems.

Unfortunately, we donā€™t have a timeframe for issues being resolved but progress is being made daily. The best place to get updates and news on these issues is here:"

So they arenā€™t able to help, and the devs are still trying to fix the busted game. I love the game, but my frustrations are so high at this point Iā€™m seeing red.

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Same thing here, my first ranking was bronze 4 and now all Iā€™m getting is bronze 5. Iā€™m playing support and my friend who plays tank managed to get bronze 1? But we are playing the same games. I agree, it kinda sours the experience

The silence of the Overwatch 2 team in the face of our justified complaints is what forces me to stop playing


The same issue, I am stuck at gold 4, and my friend is stuck at Gold 1 we have played every game together, we usually average about 7-3 and play very well together and usually have good stats, etc even on some of the losses. Our losses are usually close with the odd exception of being rolled overā€¦

This is beyond a joke we have played so many games and not movedā€¦ please fix and rerank everyone and not expect us to climb again as we have already played so many games

Ye same issue here. Have had 7 wins multiple times now, everytime being placed (again) in bronze 5.
They said they fixed itā€¦