Account in Overwatch 2 Bugged: Stuck in Bronze 5

Same issue here, stuck in b5 :confused:



At below Platinumā€¦ itā€™s not just wins that the game accounts for, its performance as wellā€¦

not in the sense that, you did well with your character or made a play of the gameā€¦ butā€¦

it accounts, your character specific stats (the right side of the tab screen) with every other player at that rank levelā€¦

So one trick players (that only play one character) will get taxed less if they under perform compared to players that play multiple characters and get lower numbers on both, all around.

It holds you to this rank until you out preform the other bronze level ā€œwhomeversā€.

Iā€™m Bronze 3 now. but I was only able to climb out of bronze 5 by picking characters that you can easily min/max onā€¦ (symmetra, roadhog, reinhart, ectā€¦)


same here, i ranked up like 3 times and im still gold 1

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No. It is a bug. They said that they fixed it with a patch from a week. But this happened to some accounts. Still a lot affected by the bug. You can see this by yourself in the patch notes.


have 28 wins on support and Iā€™m still ranked as bronze 5


Same here, impossible to get out of bronze 5, and i have win a lot of game.


itā€™s making me think i suck and itā€™s probably right so iā€™ve been sad


Same issue as a Support player.

Got ā€œpromotedā€ to Bronze V 3 times in a row now. The last one was after going 7-1. Often healing the most.

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MĆŖme problĆØme pour moi , jā€™ai beau faire et refaire 7 victoires pour 1 ou 2 dĆ©faites je suis toujours bloquĆ© au bronze 5.

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me tooā€¦ā€¦ i have a support ticket that is ā€œreadā€ but no reply. iā€™ve done 4, 7-win cards on tank, 2 on damage and 2 on support. bronze 5 on all.

also interesting to note that tank and damage were on PC, i tried healer on PS5 just to check, same resultā€¦.

im wondering if it has to do with playing on multiple platforms? maybe the account ā€œmergeā€ that took place?

either way, way to ruin our first competitive season and not at least acknowledge the issue, blizzard!!

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Same hereā€¦ Iā€™m stuck to Bronze 5ā€¦ i did 36 win for ā€œnothingā€ just to stay Bronze 5. Iā€™m so doneā€¦


Same for me as well, always top in damage and elims when i queue damage, still stuck at bronze 5 since launch.

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Same, i won 21 games now, lost 5 in total still ranked in bronze 5. Iā€™m not a high level player I was low plat before but this is like a joke to me

Same here (xbox player)

Have played many hours as tank, winning 7 times many times overā€¦ performing well, potg, highest kills/damageā€¦ kill streaksā€¦ yet Iā€™m still stuck in bronze 5.

Have also noticed that my stats have picked up ZERO MINUTES game time when playing in the role queueā€¦ I played a few games in open queue to see if that would work and it doesā€¦ so why is it not picking up my stats for role queueā€¦ is this why Iā€™m stuck in bronze 5?!

Really frustrating at this point, not only because of how annoying it is to play so many wasted hours to not rank up or have any stats recordedā€¦ but how blizzard have handled or even had the decency to properly acknowledge the amount of players (particularly console) that are still having this issue !


I have the same problem, many victorys and still bronze 5 its a joke ! please blizzard patch that its really bad !!!


Same here Iā€™ve place bronze 5 about 4 times now


Same here, my dps is stuck in bronze 5 even though Iā€™ve had 3 sets of 7 straight wins with zero losses in them and good stats. Pls fix this bug

(Xbox player)


Same here. Stuck at B5 as a Support


I have went 14/4 and on fire multiple times and still canā€™t get out of bronze 5 I done this twice today about to be round 3.


Confirmed This is happening to me as well. Blizzard fix this please. Clearly there is an issue here. its not just a bunch of us complaining that we cant climb, we actually canā€™t progress what so ever.