Account in Overwatch 2 Bugged: Stuck in Bronze 5

This is just a theory. It is the only thing that makes sense to me as to how I have not climbed out of B5 by now. I was upranked to bronze 4, i won 7 and lost 2 of my next 9 games. Somehow after getting ranked up and going 7 and 2, i was put back down into Bronze 5. To me this is only possible if, 1 of those 2 lost games put me below the Bronze5 threshold, this would have reset me back to bronze 5 (1sr). I would have added SR with my other 7 wins after that point, but I would still be well below the 1100 SR needed to get out of B5, so at the rank update, it would show me bronze 5. The other option for how this would be possible, is if I am somehow losing more SR in my losses than I am gaining in my wins due to performance, this to me is very unlikely, as OW1 did not grade that harshly, as I was gold in OW1.

Im am so upset because I AM STILL on Bronze 5. it LITERALLY doesnt upgrade me at all and its so unfair :frowning: Why does Blizzard do this? Why is this an issue? This shouldnā€™t be. Itā€™s giving nepotism and unfair advatages. I donā€™t appreciate it at all.

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Who can we talk to for support bc this is serious. I am beyond upset


Iā€™m still experiencing the bug, my stats arenā€™t logging still either. This whole thing has been a mess, is everyone going to have their rank adjusted before the seasom ends? Assuming you can find the games weā€™ve played not showing our stats

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7-0 Bronze 5 to Bronze 4, 7-9 Bronze 4 to Bronze 5 ( D: ) , 7-3 stuck in Bronze 5, How works this pls?

Apparently winning doesnt matter at all. Just donā€™t die and try to pump your stats even if your team loses.

I can confirm that as of the patch on November 18th, I am now advancing in rank. I didnā€™t get the ā€œboostā€ I keep hearing about. I went 14-4 with dominant stats on most matches and I went Bronze 5 - Bronze 2 - Silver 5. Thatā€™s normally okay, but considering I should have ranked up multiple times before, Iā€™m a little annoyed. It is what it is I guess. At least Iā€™m advancing (for the moment :face_with_peeking_eye:).

Bro big same, was hard stuck at Bronze 3 for the longest time, min dmg 10-15k and 20-25 elims per match, touched silver just the night prior but then it dragged me to bronze again after winning a fat seven. This needs to be fixed like yesterday

Same here! Iā€™m able to consistently heal my entire team as the ONLY healer in Open Queue and do MORE healing than the opposing teamā€™s TWO healers combined yet Iā€™m stuck in Bronze 5? This is absolutely ridiculous. The person I play with most is literally almost exactly the same in healing stats as me (maybe even a little less). He did all placements as healer as well and somehow ranked Gold. Iā€™m starting to dread even playing this game.

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I have two accounts from OW1. Did my placements on first account and was Gold 4. Second account Bronze 5.

Something is broken.

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I think the bug is still going. I almost never play comp but decided to try it again for Overwatch 2. Iā€™ve been playing since the first summer games and was gold back in my very early days when I did try comp. Now I did my support placements, 7 wins, 8 losses, so not amazing, but pretty average, right?

Most games I had the most healing, the most assists, the least deaths, and near the amount of elims as dps and tanks. Now maybe Iā€™m wrong but I thought my stats were fairly average, but I donā€™t know a lot about comp to be sure. I averaged 12 elims, 18 assists, 5 deaths, 3000 damage, and 10,000 healing per 10 minutes. Is that bad enough to be placed in bronze 5??

I am also stuck in bronze 5. I believe it may be linked to none of my games played being recognized - after many hours of competitive play, my profile has me as zero time played this season, on any character. Thereā€™s clearly something wrong with the back end.

I suspect it is linked. If the game isnā€™t recording any comp stats for those of us with Xbox accounts linked to past pc accounts, it makes sense we are stuck in bronze 5. Thereā€™s no way of climbing if the game determines you to not have done anything.

After promising the bug was ā€œfixedā€ back in October 13th in Patch 3.38:

Many players were ranked too low during the first week of Overwatch 2, so we are implementing a boost as players continue to play games for those affected by this issue.
Players who were ranked too low could have the feeling of being stuck in this rank. Moving forward, players should be able to climb the ranks in their first rank update assuming theyā€™re supposed to be higher based on their performance.
Players who havenā€™t ranked will not experience this issue after this patch.

Blizzard admitted itā€™s actually not fixed and released a ā€œfix for the fixā€ on Nov. 17th:

Resolved an issue where some players could be stuck in Bronze 5 even after several rank updates

Iā€™m an OW1 low Gold support main who has been playing since open beta in 2016. In one season (Season 34), I ended with 52% win rate on Mercy (71 wins).

I came back for OW2 and did my placements.

Most games were very good and competitive games - it felt like I was playing near the top of my game with as good or better players. It felt like a familiar Gold game.

I went 7-3 and got placed in Bronze 5.

I decided to place my DPS role for fun, which I rarely play. I played Torb and did fair and went W7-L4, even with a leaver one game. I placed Gold 4 in DPS.

Fix your placement system, Blizzard. Youā€™ve made this more complicated than you can understand, apparently.

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they obviously are aware of this and just refuse to acknowledge it, it seems very frustrating

Same problem here, stuck in Bronze 5 even after several rank upgrades, with many wins. Game on xbox

Same here, Iā€™ve been stuck in bronze 5 thinking it mightā€™ve simply been a skillissue but considering Iā€™ve had a 5wins - 0loss with really good stats for bronze or silver I donā€™t see why I would still be bronze 5 (also the animation is weird itā€™s like Iā€™m gonna rank up but then it cancels). PLEASE FIX!!

To no oneā€™s surprise, yet another manifestation of this bug has spawned. This time, players are being told ā€œYou are at the minimum value for this rankā€ whenever they rerank, regardless of winrate or individual performance. This is completely unacceptable.

You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Linking my post in case you would like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Iā€™ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

Same here, this is so frustating. I am doing 5 wins and 2 losses and my rank remains bronze 5.

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This is not an image

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