According to the new patchnotes. Sombra being able to contest in stealth was a "bug"

Like i said, it was not wrongly labeled as a bug. It is a bug for the current Sombra, not the past one.


Then why on earth did they later decide to “ammend” the patchnotes?

I don’t know and i don’t see how it relates to this. They probably forgot to add all patch notes, i don’t know.

It was said in the patch notes that this is no longer something Sombra should do, even in a developer comment weeks before. It was nothing surprising and it’s in fact a bug right now. Before it was a feature indeed.

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Ugh, you know, as frustrating and demoralizing as their balancing is, what truly angers me is the blatant lack of respect they have for us as players.

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I think you are jumping the gun here. The change that Sombra can no longer contest was listed under hero updates. Also it was public knowledge before the patch notes. Then in bugs it said fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to contest, so it would make sense that there was a bug after the balancing changes.


I wonder if it was actually a bug at first and they were just left it in.

Its weird that they word stuff like that though.

Wait… they fixed a Sombra bug?!
I don’t believe you.

Sounds like Blizzard made a mistake and corrected it. The patch notes also initially said that the detection radius was increased to 4m. Different groups handle game balance and public communications. That’s not an excuse for sloppiness, but I wouldn’t call it dishonesty.

Maybe there was a bug that allowed a Sombra to bypass the new “no-contest” system, and Blizzard is directly addressing that…

Actually I just checked

Patch notes have the no-contest in both her character changes and the bug section, stating that there was a side-bug to this thing as I wrote at the beginning.

This was ammended in the patchnotes since the thread was made. Initially it listed the change as a bug fix.

to be fair…
sombra contesting a point whiel invis should of been removed as it was 100% not fair to enemies (as they have literally no way to know where its being contested from unliek with stallers like mei or reaper)

whole hog is channeled not casted like zarya and mei

wow. spitting on us that much Blizzard must be running out of saliva

So you want her to have infinite stealth and be able to contest? Lol?

I feel like a week or two a go, some dev was like
“Guys! I’ve thought of a way to make the players have to live with any change we make! Call it a bug fix!”
And everyone else was like
“Oh mah god, bruv, you’re a genius!”

So now anytime the devs make a change and can’t attach a valid reason for it they’re like
“Hey… psst! Hey, Gary! Do you wanna just… Do-Do you wanna just like… put it in the bug section? Teheheheh”

Yeah, both the ahem Sombra and Mercy ”bug fixes” are massively disingenuous and insulting, there is no reason they shouldn’t have properly labeled them as nerfs and went through with them.

We all know that Sombra contesting while invis wasn’t a bug and that Mercy damage boosting D.Va/Hanzo ults weren’t bugs so why lie about it, it’s scummy.

One major point of contesting an objective/pushing a payload is that the defending enemy can see you, so that they can react and attack you.

An invisible hero should not be able to do this, so of course, this is a bug.

Yes it is all just a big lie and conspiracy eyeroll grow up.

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It specified payload because she isn’t supposed to be able to contest while invisible due to the new changes. They add things like this to Patch Notes even if the bug was something in the PTR only before the new patch went through.
Protip: Make sure you know what you’re talking about before you post something like this accusing someone of something they aren’t guilty of.

Lemme ask you this. How would you feel if next patch under bug fixes they put “Fixed a bug that prevented Zenyatta’s discord orb from dissapearing when behind a shield”