According to the new patchnotes. Sombra being able to contest in stealth was a "bug"


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to push and contest payloads while invisible

That’s… actually pathetic. They slipped it in the patchnotes calling it a bug so they’d have an excuse to not revert it.

Just so you Mercy mains know, apparently your ability to damage boost dragons and selfdestruct was also a “bug”.

Weird how these “bugs” for Sombra and Mercy surfaced 2 years after being untouched.

Protip: If it’s a balance change. Don’t cower around the subject. Put it in the patchnotes as a balance change. Do NOT label it a bug hoping people won’t expand and read the patchnotes.

EDIT: Looks like it was silently snuck into the patchnotes as a feature last night. Upon the patch’s launch these changes did NOT say that Sombra could no longer contest objectives.


Next patch note: Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to be a playable heroe.

Seriously, this takes me back to how Lucio being able to gain speed while wall riding was called a bug as well.


I got the impression that they meant these were bugfixes from the PTR changes. Considering both not contesting and destroyable TL were both called out as actual feature changes in the patch notes, it would be redundant if it was also called out as a bug.


Next patch note: Blizzard decided to stop introducing unneeded reworks to heroes and ruining the balance of this game.


Old Mercy wasn’t balanced lol
You’re in bronze rank and you don’t even play Sombra. You haven’t played Sombra in 10 months


The programmer definition of a bug was an ability that is being used outside of its intended use. Blizzard has a history of allowing bugs that they find interesting exist as gameplay mechanics but that does not make it not a bug anymore


They also took Mercy’s ability to damage boost dragonstrike/self destruct a ‘bug’

…A bug that’s been in the game for 2 years, a bug that was apparently so prominent it was considered a part of Mercy’s ability to, y’know, boost the damage dealing abilities of her allies? Like she’s supposed to? - I’m not mad that it’s gone, I’m mad that it’s being passed off as a bug when it very clearly was part of her design.

Blizzard, as OP said - don’t take this and push it as a bug. That’s what you did with Lucio’s wallride ‘BUG’

At least be honest!


Those are deployable skills. Just like how Mercy can’t damage boost a turret, Junkrat’s ult etc…


This isn’t the first time they’ve done this. Just adjust to the new one. That’s what all the other heros who have had to adapt have done. At least they didn’t say Sombra players were ‘abusing a bug’, like they did for the Lucio rollouts. Lol.


She was balanced. All stats from all sources say she was.


Next patch note: Fixed a bug that FORCED Digit to click on threads he didn’t want to read and wasn’t interested in.


Because turret and tire are objects. Dragonstrike is not a seperate object, and D.Va’s mech is treated as its own being.

If you put a spray down in your mech and then de-mech, the spray disappears. If you get nanoed as pilot, re-mech and de-mech, the pilot D.Va stays boosted. These things don’t apply to tire or turret. Dragonstrike is a cast ultimate, it works the same as any cast time ultimate.

As I said, I don’t care about the nerf - I’m mad that they can’t at least say it was a nerf.


What… LOL this is such a bad reach…


How’s it a bad reach? It’s literally how the mechanics work.


Sorry my dear you’re wrong :confused:

You’re saying I’m ‘reaching’ and that I’m wrong, but can you tell me why? You’ve failed to do so, thus far.

Hanzo’s ultimate is a cast time ultimate. Whole hog is cast time. One should be treated like a tire, one shouldn’t?

Don’t get me started on D.Va. (Edit: oh, look at that? Her ultimate is also cast time! D.Va - Overwatch Wiki )

I’m very sorry that someone is holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to read threads you hate, though. Really sucks.


Hanzo is deploying a dragon, while Roadhog’s weapon just changes its functionality immediately. Also, Roadhog can’t use any of his other abilities when using whole hog. D.VA isn’t self destructing, her mech is… Damage boosting D.VA when she self destructs should technically only be damage boosting Baby D.VA and her pistol’s damage as at that point D.VA has no control of the mech… She literally EJECTS herself out of the mech and the mech autonomously self-destructs… Visually, Mercy should have her beam connected to the mech if she wants to amplify the damage of the explosion. Also, they can both move freely after they use their ults and continue to use their other abilities.


Going by that logic, Pharah’s ult is just deploying rockets. Let’s nerf her ultimate too, then?

I’m kind of seeing the point with D.Va, but not with Hanzo.

(oops, I meant the damage boost. Not ult. Sorry.)

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Pharah can’t use any of her other abilities while using her ultimate. Also the functionality of her ultimate behaves differently.


I think they are trying to make heroes that are used only to stall a point used different. An infinite invisible sombra could easily contest a 2 cp map. I think they will make be movable or cant contest during ice block.