According to my research....[Brigitte discussion]

And it doesn’t bother you, not one bit, that a single hero can nullify the mains of hundreds of people? Keep in mind that a hundred people can easily be maining all different characters, not to mention these hundred are only a small example

If “shake things up” is to write off almost the entire roster other than the SOLE meta of Zenyatta Mercy Brigitte Reinhardt Zarya Hanzo, which is EXACTLY what Brigitte did, then honestly I rather have dive. Even in dive there wasn’t pickrates as extreme as now. Even 76, the hero who is supposed to be decent in all situations, has a pickrate among torbjorn and bastion. If that doesn’t illustrate a problem to you I don’t know what to say.

Dude are you talking about dive or the current Brigitte comps? Cuz that’s like exactly what Brigitte and Reinhardt does.


Brig didn’t create the meta though. Hanzo did.

People blame the rapid change on Brig dropping, but completely forget that Hanzo dropped at the same time, and as he rose to prominence, Brig fell out of favour.

Brig might have been the catalyst that caused Dive to fall out of favour at all but the highest levels of play, but she isn’t the cause of the meta, that’s all on Hanzo, Widow and Mercy.

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That’s a hard 4Head.
You’re forgetting she can just hold a shield, blinking risks getting stunned which is basically death, you cant kite her cause of her shield, and going behind her is nearly impossible against a diamond+ brig because all she has to do is turn around with shield, turn around again, and wait for her team. A support shouldnt have this ability.

I don’t disagree entirely, but Brig is the only reason this meta happened. Hanzo just enforced it. @awkward


It won’t work mate.

All it takes for Brigitte to do is to hit you just ONCE with the flail to regen pretty much all the hp she’s lost, thanks to her shield and armor

In addition, her tiny hitbox at range means spamming shots at her won’t really whittle her down. All she needs to do is to occasionally let go of RMB and she will be golden.

You can’t kite someone who doesn’t need to aim. All I need to do is to set sens to 100 and I can guarantee you will get hit by the mace.

Getting behind her also doesn’t do anything.

You do realize, Tracer needs almost PERFECT aim to oneclip a Brigitte or even just deal noticeable damage, while all Brigitte needs is to hit shield bash once. Heck, even if she misses shield bash, she can tank all the damage she wants with her shield and regen

So basically a hero that has half the pick rate of her counters and the 3rd most picked support and only just ahead of Ana has caused a meta that made 130 people in your Discord quit?

I don’t see the logic.

Hanzo and Widow rise to prominence partly because dive died.

Dive died because a single hero shut them down

One hero shutting down the cooperative effort of six



The meta would have happened regardless. Hanzo 2.0 is strong enough to form the meta entirely on his own and the current “standard” team of Hanzo/Widow/Zarya/Rein/Zen/Mercy is formed entirely through synergies to Hanzo.

You pick Mercy because of great synergy with Snipers, you pick Zen because of great synergy with Mercy.

You pick Zarya for Grav/Dragons combo, you pick Rein for Zarya synergy.

The only slot that is left open WAS taken by Brig, but people quickly realized she does nothing against non-Dive heroes, and they opted to replace her with Widow instead, who slots in nicely with Mercy and can disrupt enemy Hanzo/Zarya combos.

Widowmaker was already prominent in Dive. She was the 2nd most picked DPS, just after Tracer, despite Dive having all of Widowmakers counters slotting into it. Arguably Hanzo is even BETTER as a “Dive” Sniper since he’s much scarier for Dive Tanks to jump on due to Storm Arrow.

It’s not a stretch of the imagination to say that even if Brig wasn’t released, Dive would have fallen out of favour due to how powerful GravDragon is.


you actually cant one clip a brig unless you’re cheating 100%. her hitbox is wonky. No way

You’re acting like she can AOE stun lol.

She can stun 1 person on a CD which will soon be 7 seconds and actually has it get within 6 yards of someone to use it.

Sorry but no, there is no way she is the single cause of this meta going away on it’s own.


Currently, I don’t know. But her 5 second stun and 150 armor back then certainly did achieve that. She literally made her team immune to dive because dive was all small damage markers stacked up (e.g. DVa pellets, Winston telsa ticks)

So basically it’s not the combined 6 man effort.

It was enabled by just 2 that got countered.

Except she doesn’t nullify them, not as much as a Genji/Winston could nullify Hanzo They have either good range (Genji) which they can harass with or enough mobility (Tracer) to never let Brigitte get in a danger spot, you have the tools to overcome it, it’s just harder than usual. Not to mention that Brigitte HAS COUNTERS while the real issue with Genji and Tracer was that they had none. Welcome to the mortal plane of existence.

It wasn’t solely her “fault”. Because if that was then she would be top pick especially in OWL (which, surprise, she isn’t) where min-maxers do their best to come up with the best winning strategies. Now that teams became more coordinated it seems like the viable pick is WIdow that can oneshot most of the roster from anywhere on the map which isn’t even the GravDragon strategy that every1 talks about. Not to mention that the GravDragon combination is nullified by a single Zenyatta.

Using “Dude” as the begin of your argument is making you lose points immediatly…
The difference is that Reinhardt and Brigitte commit to the fgiht. If Genji or Tracer saw that this wasn’t the best moment (aka they messed up) they could Dash/Recall back and reset the fight.

And that’s all, you can start going all personal now like “But that’s what I percieve and thus I am right” but reality doesn’t work like that.

It’s a six meter charge. You can’t tell me that’s impossible to avoid with the fastest hero in the roster. So previously you could just run up to every hero in a 1v6 scenario and dominate, but now you can’t? uhm. Boo-hoo?


The words you are looking for are, Bridgette made selecting heroes that flourished in the Dive META more risky. You are by no means forbidden to pick any of the Dive META heroes. You just have to understand there is a high risk someone will have already picked or will counter pick you with Bridgette.

Question for you though; Why is it that Tracer, and to a lesser extent Genji, should not have a hero in the roster that can be switched to as a hard counter?

For 10 Seasons you had free reign with no hard counter. Now you have one, and this is unacceptable?


I’d be surprised if you play any CQC characters at all if you think ‘just keep your distance’ is a good argument.

I didn’t say keep your distance. I said charge ult in falloff then use time travel to get behind her and throw a mine on her back. Or shoot her head and blink away if you don’t have mine.

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Both Moira and pre-rework Symm are hard counters to Genji. As for Tracer, she’s a fairly bog standard FPS character with a tiny health pool. Her counter is any kind of aim. She can’t stand still at any point or she’s dead.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. “Research” :rofl: He said “Research” :joy:


No it’s not.
It’s 1.2 Seconds.
Mccree has a 0.7 second stun.


The amount of memes i could make about this.
Just click on her head LOOOOOL
It’s like she cannot turn 180 degrees.