About Venture's 'Monarch' Rare Skin

Just name it non-binary you cowards.

Monarch Skin

Non-Binary Flag

Also, Venture is the only Hero with 5 Rare Skins, and they also still have 0 Legendaries. Mauga doesn’t have any free Legendaries either.


Oooo purple :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

But yes call it non binary…


They should make similar skins for the other LGBTQ Heroes.


Can’t agree more.
Lack of narrative stuff around the last 4 heroes released, lack of basic skins.

I guess Blizz / devs were too busy working on this unessential … thing :



Why not epic?

Maybe to draw less attention to it?

Who knows how the homophobes will react when they see the colours purple, yellow and white together in a vaguely stripy pattern?

(They will have a seizure and try to cancel Overwatch on the site that was once known as Twitter).


oooh enby flag skin :blue_heart:

Gimme pansexual skin Weaver so I may anger my opponents further when I Weave all over them


Botanist™ skin with Panssexual® color pallet

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Mauga needs the straight flag colors. Because he is manly.

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What I don’t get is why it’s labeled as “Overwatch Esports.” I hope that’s just a mistake or placeholder and they’re not actually tying a pride skin to their Saudi backed esports league


I support this only because it gets us closer to an official Talon skin for Mauga

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Nah, Torbjorn does, he has anywhere from 8 to 15 children, IDK. If he isn’t the straightest character in the game, I don’t know who is.


It needs to be his surf n’ splash skin too. Show off all that straightness and manliness.

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Monarch is a way better name though? :joy:

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I would tell you why they don’t have any legendaries but I’d probably get arrested.

They can’t

China and most Arab stuff won’t like it.
So OW will support all this but can’t go too blatant with it cause of some countries.

Makes sense tho cause not all of them support it.

And skins for each hero represent something

Like moira has elements
And so on

who cares venture may not even last at this rate

Dude they’ve literally already had an entire Pride event.

And where? Haven’t seen one