About Venture's 'Monarch' Rare Skin

I see the lightning skin has a rival.


It was last June, during Pride month obviously


gamerant. com/overwatch-2-pride-event-banned-some-countries/

Tho this is 2023
Point still stands

You just posted the already implemented solution to the problem you were mentioning lol

How posts like these are not instantly forbidden or deleted is beyond me.

Blizz really should just add some filters to these forums so people are less inclined to abuse the forums for lgbt propaganda and homophobes baiting/fishing.

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What’s wrong with their post exactly? They’re just suggesting a different name for the skin and noting how they don’t have any legendaries…

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What bait is there tho?
And what propaganda?

The propaganda that op doesn’t know there isn’t naming pattern/convention for recolor skins?

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I don’t get what you are trying to say partner. About who exactly are you talking? Anyway assuming the context then I am going to repeat myself:

I’m obviously talking about the top post. Is that not what you were referring to?

I don’t see what’s so wrong with what they wrote that it should be instantly deleted. Unless you just have a problem with the term “non-binary”? Is that it?

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Sure ok. It didnt seem like you were referring to it but my assumptions were correct.

Who wrote what? Can you be a bit more specific?
But no I don’t have a problem with that particular word, do you? Seems like you’re opening a big barrel of problems here around that word.

I literally just clarified that I was talking about the top post.

At this point I think the only one trolling here is you.

It seemed like you were trolling first. You didn’t make clear about who or what you were talking and then you try to assume I have problems with this particular word ‘non binary’. I think you’re just a perfect internet troll.

Tbh i just want a skin that hides/changes jer ugly face/haircut.

I couldnt care less about imaginary flag colors for a skin.

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Mauga and Baptiste are literally ex boyfriends LMAO the writer who wrote both made multiple comments on Twitter


Yeah, that’s certainly true. I know of other games that have rainbow-themed cosmetics but they’re not calling it pride. One game is referring to the pride stuff as prismatic!

Y’all are really uncultured smh

Monarch is a gender neutral term for a ruler. There is a viral meme on Twitter where someone comments under a picture of Demi Lovato and goes:

“Wait, they’re nonbinary”

And this is clearly in reference to that lmao

OW doesn’t shy away from Pride they have so many pride banners and stuff in game lol


We should have a Venture skin that is wrapped with rotating flashing lightbulbs in seven colors. Would look freaking cool IMO.

I never said Blizzard was shying away from pride, I agreed with the Twitter comment and can see why some companies aren’t using the word pride but are still offering rainbow-themed options. Uncultured is the wrong word, I recommend understanding the definition before using a word.

Absolutely nobody cares, how old are you?

venture as a whole is a rival

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