About the phrase "gg ez"

So as all of us know, when someone types in “gg ez” or any similar phrase it gets altered to something silly like “Cmon mom! One more game before you tuck me in!” and the like.

It’s basically so that the toxic phrase is dealt with… BUT people walk around it just by saying only “ez”, so i was hoping maybe we should also have “ez” altered like “ggez” so that might lessen the toxicity more because players have been using it to annoy teammates and be bad sports.

What do you guys think?


Let’s just replace everything anyone types with nonsense phrases like those instead. It’d be a much more friendly game.


No I didn’t know that. How would you know it unless you type it? :thinking:

Console players don’t know at all since there’s still no text chat on there.


Count your blessings, sweet angel.


Maybe give the server an in-game filter update that identifies anyting like Ez, ez, ggez, or ezgg, or even way2ez as instantly replaceable text with “Please Forgive me, I just want to be a good player.”.

I just use “g g e z” when someone is cocky on the other team.

Just make it so typing “ez” in any format just makes it so nothing sends in chat.


Y’all wouldn’t have lasted long in halo 3 lobbies


Hahaha or it just disables match chat.

Wait, that’s what’s happening? I always wondered why it was so commonly used. Honestly I’m going to have to start using it myself, because I always found those phrases entertaining.

Are there any other conversions?

“what do you guys think?”

what do i think ? i think people need to stop being so upset about something as small as easy even if it is done with poor sportsmanship it’s not the biggest deal, would you rather hear “yall are fock1ng trash ?”. I say ez sometimes cause it’s funny, and that’s why everyone does it, if you’re inexperienced on the internet i can see why it would offend someone though.

Even if i were to side with the people that don’t like that or EZ…it started off as a cute joke to censor GGEZ and after playing for a week you understand the joke, so there’s no point.

How about instead of being triggered by ez and ggez we pressure blizzard to outright remove words like “n----r” “f----t” “k-s” etc. – in paladins you’re flat out not allowed to type it in chat filtered or not, and in games like RSS you’re just autobanned (extreme case, cause if you misspell frag you can be autobanned, instead of just not allowing the word to be typed).

no flame but some people are being more upset by small taunts while blizzard allows racist and homophobic words in their chat, just think about that.

also regardless of what you censor people still find ways around it…if you’ve heard of leetspeak well yeah, you can easily write terrible words, i can think of 10+ ways to spell something bad using numbers, uppercase I’s, x’ing out something, you can’t find ways around it cause they’ll find a way.

edits are grammar and sh1t i forgot to add.


I don’t have much to say but thought i would drop by and say


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People will find a way around it. If it’s not EZ they will just add with hyphens, space or full stops to get around it.

“It’s past my bedtime. Please don’t tell my mommy.”

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I dont care about Ez or gg.

But if the Ez guy appears in next match and his performance wasnt worth of EZ in previous one, it triggers me and makes me play better.

I focus on humiliating the guy, make him inside his head cry about the enemy team Hanzo. And it works all the time, cause mainly only diamonds and below say EZ le easy to destroy for me.

If it was worth of Ez though, I just dont care.

Good thing too.

Symmetra upsets her team because she exists and if there are try hard DPS mains on the enemy team (and you ruin them as Symmetra) you will get reports from your team (sabotage/toxicity) and the enemy (cheating/boosting/toxicity)

If there was text chat, those reports will be more coordinated and you’ll get band much sooner.

I really wish they kept the April Fool’s Reinhardt feature year round. I had some much fun exchanging quips with the enemy Rein.

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Then I will just start to writte in german: leichtes spiel, ihr wurdet weggefegt.
And then if this gets blocked i use swiss german: mega eifachi rundi gsi, sid ihr aui bronzä odr wa isch los?

Srsly when I writte ggez, it only serves the purpose to annoy my opponents. I mean, thats the reason we writte into match chat at all right?

I usually writte wp in team chat if they worked together. :sweat_smile:
My solution, grow a skin or mute every single player.

My solution is why not just behave oneself and let others play the game for what it is, instead of spoiling their day with child like actions.

how about you know disable match chat for yourself if you are affected by legit everthing that a toxic person says? because they will still find a way around the system to use toxic insults

~Sincerely Yours LoLo,
a Lover of Fun, Awesome, and Challenging Experiences
LethalDevotee :heart:

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