A wild genji buff thread appeared!

That’s doesnt mean much since all those heroes are picked a ton. The only people in GM who pick genji are really crazy and most likely will switch mid way after the enemy counters him without trying.

Doesnt work that way due to how it’s spread It’s either hits the head elevation or body elevation or they miss.

Should be 33 right below the 34 breakpoint to account for healcreep.

Healcreep? Unless you’re referring to as far back as the addition of Ana, this isn’t a thing. Healing has only been nerfed since.

The fact that the highest stackable hps was ana lucio vs the highest stackable now is bap moira is proof enough of healcreep.

Max main heal gun potential:

  • ana(100% accuracy) + lucio(healing 6 people) max hps is 172.5 hps
  • bap(healing ~2) + moira(healing 6) max hps is 490 hps
    -317.5 hps difference (around double)

average main heal gun potential:

  • [ana(75% accuracy)=56.25 + lucio(healing 2.5 people)=40.625]= 96.875 hps
  • [bap(healing 1 person)=50 + moira(healing 2 people)=130] = 180hps
  • difference of 83.125hps (less than double)

min value main heal gun potential:

  • [ana (40% bronze acc)=30 + lucio (1 person)=16.25] = 46.25hps
  • [baptiste (1 person)=50hps +moira (1 person)=65hps]=115hps
  • difference of 68.75hps


  • “healcreep isnt real” omegalul
  • one shot dps makes sense
  • sustain and mini-burst dps are obsolete with this
  • i havent even gotten to the number of dmg mitig abilities like imo field have i?

None of which are heal creep.

As for the rest, you’re cherry-picking heavily. You’ve removed both Amp and Grenade while counting Moira as always healing 6, which isn’t even possible, as she cannot heal herself while healing others except with Orb, which has a capped output that can only at best amount to 30 HPS over time.

Moira-Bap is the highest for cleave healing. It is not the highest for single-target. Ana is, has always been, and was far more so. If her introduction didn’t already create “healing creep”, lower outputs have not created it since.

Sustained DPS does not inherently lack focus fire. It is not split evenly among the whole enemy team, and until it does, AoE healing does not equate to TTK extension.

This is honestly a very valid rework suggestion, I was worried this was another “my mains not meta” whine post but I love the idea of making genji less about spamming until you have your braindead weebstick and give him actual utility.

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i added both max avg and min read.

You know what else cleaves, tanks and dps dmg shocker, i know right. Cleave damage made it difficult to heal with lucios low aoe heal and ana’s single target nature. Anyway cleave no cleave it doesnt matter healing 1 person as ana lucio is still less than moira bap healing 1 person.

I’m talking about style of dealing dmg widow, doom = burst, sustain DPS not DMG different terms = soldier etc, mini-burst = tracer & genji. If you arent killing anything with 5-6 people firing on a single target then you deserve to lose.

Except both your max values and min values happen to be wrong and falsely enlarge the skew between the two compositions. You’ve also conflated Moira’s 15m range cone as being equally able to constantly and limitlessly heal 6 people as Lucio’s previously massive-range AoE heal.

But let’s get back to the roots, here: I’ve not said heal creep doesn’t exist. I just said that if it does, it’s nothing new, as the very worst we’ve ever had of it was on-release Ana (4 seconds of 200% healing taken, potentially into 26n HPS Lucio or 50n HPS AiU) atop a 93.75 personal primary fire mHPS. While Bapt and Moira excel at heal-padding, they do less to extend TTK (outside of Immortality Field) than one of the very first post-launch healer additions did.

The addition of Moira and Bapt did not murder sustained DPS. Area denial, by barriers or otherwise, and ease of damage denial relative to finding solo opportunities for damage within very limited windows (or by expanding those windows on one’s own) has done far more to hamper sustained DPS than have either of those heroes.

Nah, i dont even play genji lol

Well i wouldnt say this is true

Healcreep is an important factor to consider when specifically talking about genji and why i choose these changes

The healing “per character” hasnt really increased that is right

But you now have new healers that heal a lot more than back when genji was last relevant when the best healing you had was mercy’s 60hps, Ana, moira, Bap and brig have much higher healing potential than our OG healers,

Its also

However it is also true that there is a ton of damage going arround, also called damage creep which is highly problematic too, and the only other way would be one shots, and.nobody wants that

So the answer is debuffs,

By giving genji the means to out right cancel out or reduce healing we dont have to increase his damage so much, while still allowing him to perform better

I added max value for the sake making a comparison, yet you fail to mention lucio healing 6 people at once, that’s why i added an average to provide a good baseline. You also fail to mention the extremely low Low baseline where ana has a 40% accuracy. Its really telling on how biased you are.

It didnt murder sustained dps by itself yes, but it is a part of the main factors yes.

Think about these:

  • Widow and doom is weaker than their dive era selves yet theyre more picked now.
  • Soldier has the same dps he had when he was considered op (20dmg per shot), genji, sombra, tracer, winston are all also stronger than dive era selves.
  • Baptiste didnt exist during goats.
  • Winston and sombra were viable picks and even goats variants.
  • One shot dps were rare in 3 dps comps, except widow.
  • No sigma yet.

Again. It didnt murder sustained dps by itself yes, but it is a part of the main factors yes.

At that time, Cree had a 33% longer CD on Roll, was significantly more affected by falloff damage than Soldier, and did 27 less dps than now. Meanwhile, Tracer and Zen did less damage, Torb was a throw-pick, etc., etc. And, ofc, Nano made Tac-Visor damn near inescapable.

But, fair enough, so long as we aren’t hanging all the blame on what at most covers about a third of it.