A wild genji buff thread appeared!

His winrate in GM is bloated this week, 60% win.
Even then, he’s picked more than over half the dps roster (9 to be exact) in GM.
In masters, he’s the third best dps with a strong win and pick.
His winrate and pickrate in every other rank is completely fine.

Sure, genji isn’t picked in OWL. But we dont balance around OWL do we?

WR is week is kind of a very small sample size tbh, now with hero bans too everything can get skewed very hard

For the rest, even if you consider his stats to be okay, i still think that in paper he has severe flaws on his kit like many other characters

That’s fair

Yeah I do consider his stats to be perfectly fine considering that over half the dps roster is worse than him ._.
he’s really good in masters for some strange reason…?

According to what i seen he seems to peak in usage in plat

I think it has to do with genji players beeing good enough to use his ult but enemies still.not beeing good (or coordinated) enough to stop it

Eh, he’s pretty consistent throughout ranks, I think some people just like playing him and plat is a (relatively) casual rank.

His winrate, even after a month is actually really high in GM. I think people definitely underestimate him.

Depends on how high it is that can actually be considered a sign of the oposite in relation to other factors

Like we saw with old sym

I’d rather not buff Genji. I don’t think the problem is with him…

Genji is fine as is. Most people try jumping into enemy backlines 1v4 and can’t get a kill and wonder why. You’re not supposed to win any situation if it’s remotely 1v2 or worse. If you can’t get value out of a dive hero with zero Dive team members then you swap. That’s like trying to play Roadhog against double barrier and your other tank is Winston.

Probably already mentioned, but I keep Genji the same but allow his deflect to be cancelled after 0.5 seconds of use. New Cooldown starts after cancellation.
Net effect would be (at most) a 1.5 second reduction in cooldown, allowing Genji to ‘parry’ a bit more but with a narrower deflect window.

Old sym had like a 0.4% pickrate or something, genji has like 3 times that
And anyways, aren’t you saying he has a niche? A lot of genji mains seem to think “he’s viable nowhere” (which is pretty laughable)

i do think that he has a niche and saying that he is completly unviable isnt exactly true, the issue is that there are way better options in that niche in ever aspect

I think he is the “best” of the “not good characters” for sure, but i still think he could use improvements

if that was true he’d have a 0% pickrate in GM and an extremely low winrate…
If he’s getting buffs, at least 9 heroes need to be buffed before him, which obviously isn’t happening.

Thats not true, even highly overshadowed characters have decent pickrates

No hero in Gm (maybe except bastion) has 0 pickrate and very low winrate (except bastion lol)

Rein completly overshadows sigma and orisa for example yet their stats arent 0%

No hero has “better versions” of them. Like I said if that was the case they wouldn’t be picked at all.

The closest to that is reaper, and he isn’t getting buffed.

Actually, let’s talk about reaper shall we? He’s clearly doing far worse than genji, why does genji get priority?

He’s been the worst hero in GM for a while if you didn’t know (or didn’t care :frowning: )

This isn’t true at all, all 3 have their uses.

Because i felt like doing a genji thread?
Its not like i didnt make an entire Thread suggesting multiple changes for multiple heroes in fact i suggested probably changes to almost every hero in the game

But rein is better in almost every.aspect as we know by his gigantic pickrate (when he isnt banned lol)

He’s pretty much fine now after the recent set of nerfs even as someone who’s advocated for rein nerfs for awhile, The tank roster is actually very balanced rn. Orisas at 4%, sigmas becoming meta at nearly 6%, reins 9%. Rein lacks range, mobility, and cannot fire while holding his barrier up.

Oh and btw forgot to tell you, I changed my name to SquidwardT because some streamer had the same name as me.

Was called bastionmain

Tbh sigma and orisa kinda need buffs as well to keep up

Thety got nerfed super hard, the tank roster aint balanced at all in my opinion, in fact id probably give at minimum a minor buff (some bigger) to every tank except zarya and rein

I dont think rein needs a nerf tho (zarya is another story tho)

Oh i didnt know lol

I’d say orisas the only one who needs a buff (cough paper barrier)

zarya is falling out of the meta right now…
so i doubt that

sigma rein is insane

sorry dude i gtg now to swimming
will reply later tho

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Regardless of meta state i think her design is problematic for multiple reasons

And i still think sig should have that horrible shield CD gone and im happy with that

Aight, i should be sleeping myseld since its like 3am rn lol

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