A true balance patch!

Hey blizzard, You guys want seee more junkrat and torbs on the Game!? Fine, then remove/nerf pharahmercy!!!

Jownahout mccree? He is one of the Best dps on the Game. put fan of hammer on cooldown. He can’t have a 600dmg combo. And now Also nerf hanzo storm arrow and soldier dmg.

And about tanks… The double shield is still a problem but is not easy to fix and almost all developers are working on ow2… Maybe just remove of posibilitys to pick two Main shields tanks… and try this change for some weeks…

But plz stop trying yo fix the problem, BUFFING the counter!!. This lógic only create powercreep!


They wont listen u.u they act like they do, but they dont u.u


They Will bufff hanzo and soldier again xd

I’m starting to believe these buffs are to offset some nerfs they will be given, like mines becoming less stupidly overloaded with damage and CC, turret having less range or hp and doing less damage and overload granting overhealth instead of armor, flashbang gone so now mccrees will have to aim in their duels instead of taking away control of player’s hero so they can line up the headshot.
I might be wrong though


Lul, with 47-50% winrate? Sure. Too much plat chatters.

Well your changes kind of suck too
Double shield isn’t a problem and wdym 2 main shield tanks? Sigma is an off tank
Are you complaining about rein Orisa? Those heroes have absolutely 0 complimenting features
Mcree just needs flashbang to be nerfed giving it longer cooldown, shorter stun time and MUCH smaller radius and his damage per shot needs to go down or fth needs to be removed
It does nothing but give him tank busting abilities. Not necessary thank you

And solider… don’t nerf the damage
Just remove 5 bullets and nerf helix
20 damage per shot is good and helps him
But removing 5 bullets and nerfing helix will just help cool him down