A support patch is coming OMG

I can’t believe it’s been nearly two years of this mess. I actually became a Mercy main after 1.27 because I was so sick of being destroyed on Pharah, thinking it was our healers being the problem. Turns out it was the deathball/rush comp just as you state (not necessarily lack of effective Mercy pocketing)

No thank you. I liked mass rez, but reworked Mercy is much healthier for the game. The only benefit of mass rez was to discourage ult stacking which is so dominant in 2cp.

Current Mercy reduces the power of one shots with a Rez every 30 seconds, and Valkyrie is a much more balanced ultimate that brings a lot more consistent value than mass rez.

All Mercy needs is 60hps, a slight % nerf to damage boost and she’ll be perfectly balanced.


Some people might be, and they can be safely ignored.

When I play Moira and a genji comes around, he’s only a free meal if, like I said, he commits to an assassination without proper preperation.

No shuriken harassment to force out healing orbs or M2 healing (moving me closer to the front line). No accompanying dive-tank. No teamwork. Just genji, without a blade, expecting to kill me on his own when Moira was built to prevent exactly what he’s trying to do.

Only dumb genji’s are a free meal and you refuse to accept that there is a distinction for some reason.

Regardless, it doesn’t matter what I think. Moira is getting nerfed. I just hope they don’t dumpster her to appease people like you who seemingly want genji to not have any counters anywhere at any time.


I’m not a Genji player and I don’t have an inordinate amount of trouble killing him without a truck sized hitbox. If I’m on Zarya and Genji comes in range he’s going to die just by virtue of me having a beam weapon that he can’t deflect.

If Moira had a Zarya sized hitbox it would be the same situation, it would not be the same situation for people who can’t track and want a crutch. Those are the people who are crying and handwringing about this change. And I would be willing to bet they’re not even going to make it as small as Zarya/Sym, it will still be forgiving.

Genji has never been this omega level threat you people make him out to be. Only to bad players so I’m not surprised when those same players are acting like he’ll be some unstoppable force if they can’t hard counter him.

They’re gonna nerf Brig into the ground and give Ana a completely inconsequential slap on the wrist. Mercy and Baptiste will be completely untouched. Zen will get cosmetic bug fix.

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Well Jeff mentioned both buffs and nerfs coming. The only supports that need buffs are Baptiste and Mercy.

Zenyatta is in a pretty rough spot too. However, he synergises very well with Baptiste and Mercy so making these two relevant will help Zenyatta a lot.

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Rein is the easiest tank. He always has been. Theres a reason why just like Mercy, he sees good use in bronze and wins as much proportionally. Unlike Mercy though, he continues to be used across all ranks of play.

He is not difficult to play and is the tank you pick when you are new to the game and have never tanked before.

Everything people say about Reinhardt that requires skill like ult tracking, is something that everyone should do, and it has nothing to do with Reinhardts difficulty. Like Mercy, he only needs to manage one thing at a time.

He’s not difficult to play at all. He has ways to optimize him, like Mercy does, but you don’t need to in order to play him. Mercy has superjump, but you can never use superjump and still play Mercy well (not like you could be bad at her, but hey).

You forget the most important part, its that the 65hps isnt limited to one target and leaves a small heal over time afterwards.

Anything more then +/- 10% number tweaks would be surprising.

I wouldn’t put it past them to give her 55hps though. It’s such a small change that there would be no harm in doing it. But they should really just dive in with the 60hps because they did say experimental is for “aggressive” changes.


So, anyone know where can I read this whole Q&A, instead of just selected random quotes from twitter?

Stylosa has made a video showcasing all public questions so far. However, there are more questions that haven’t been showcased yet. This is likely due to the people that asked these questions are yet to make their own videos.

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I agree. I’d rather they start with 60hps and see where she is and if she still seems to “dominate” as everyone is sooo afraid of (60HpS mEaNs MoTh MeTa 2.0!!!) then maybe 55hps might end up being the magic number


Thanks, that helps.

I was expecting someone to have copy-pasted it into some written article somewhere because it’s a lot easier to do than taking multiple screenshots or recording a video.

If they do end up changing the supports, I hope they be careful with a select few of the supports. I think that Mercy does need a healing buff, but if it’s too much, she could cause trouble for the supports (Remember Moth Meta?). Also, as for Moira, if they were to address her kit and allow for more skill, I would be interested too see what happens, I do want her to be more unique, however I don’t want to see her deleted from being a viable option. As for the other supports, I find Ana to be fine right now, Bap could use some tweaking, Zen could have a buff because personally I see him as troubled at the moment, and as for Lucio, I see him to be fine as well. I want to quickly mention something about Brig(I haven’t played with her new iteration long enough, so I’m sorry if it sounds crazy what I’m about to say) but I think she is fine too. I’ve seen many people ask for a shield buff, but I think the 200 hp shield is enough for her. Overall, I’m excited for this experimental card, and I can’t wait to see what happens.

Well a hero that can fly to allies working with a hero that has Self efficient flying capabilities, to stay mobile in the air is what one calls a synergy.

Or how her damage boost Allows for a ashe head shot to go just over that 200 points of damage mark is definitely a intentional game design synergy as well.

these work together to improve the other in unique ways.

Yep, I’d rather they just dive right in and try. The state of supports was a lot different when they decided to put her to 50. We didn’t even get to see how the new support changes compared to 60HPS Mercy before they changed it.

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Ur right! mercy is a pocket bot for a pharra and an ashe! we know

What we mercy mains want to have however is a way to get out of this unhealthy way of playing the game by simply “pocketing” a dps and actually be the zig zag flying to all teammates strong single target healer she was designed to be.

By all means pocketing is not fun to play against OR play as a mercy

60hps would naturally end pocketing and make it less efficient in 2-2-2 because mercy can be ran as a viable main healer again over moira / ana / bap and she can be ran more effectively with off healers in a dive composition with Lucio and Zen.

So there would be no need to pocket a dps if mercy is the main healer in dive comp in 2-2-2 which was her main viability in OWL when she had 60hps, not just pocketing as she is only used for now

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maybe… just maybe a zen buff. pls. its been too long. :pensive: :pleading_face:

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I completely understand that Zenyatta is in a rough spot right now. But bare in mind that he was meta in this exact state with Baptiste before the immortality field nerfs.

If they buff Mercy and Baptiste now, Zenyatta will become much more viable due to his synergy with these two.