A Superior Alternative to WASD

I have all the key bindings spread out between the Nav controller and the buttons on my Deathadder mouse.

On the Deathadder I jump and melee using the two side thumb buttons, have ult on scroll click, switch weapons with scroll wheel, and have primary/secondary attack on left/right click.

On the Nav Controller I have abilities/healing/scoping on the triggers, movement on the analog stick and reload on analog stick click-in. Crouch is on X, Interact is on O, and finally comms/spray/scoreboard on the D-Pad.

So if I want to “ult while moving left”, I just hold Nav analog stick left and click the scroll wheel on mouse (I can also be moving the mouse for aiming while doing this). If I want to use certain abilities while walking, I can just move analog stick and then pull the triggers, e.g. for Widow if I want to hook I might be walking backwards using analog stick on Nav controller while aiming the mouse at a ledge and then pull the L2 trigger.


Same! Then I completely forgot how to play fps games on console. XD

Either this is a troll or you’re some kind of unicorn.

You’re telling me you can’t keep your index and ring finger on A&D while using your middle finger for W and your thumb for spacebar, your pinky for ctrl / control while using your middle finger to press down S (not hard to do), tapping E with your index finger (not hard to do and of course it can be done in a flash), your ring finger for Q (again…guess what and how?) and your pinky finger to press shift…which again can be done with near to no movement and quickly.

And you’re telling me you had to stop… just to press anything but WASD… I highly doubt it.

Not to mention I happen to have a DS4 and I took a look at it and I hate to say it but those “8 directions” a keyboard is limited to is pretty much the same thing on an analog stick because you’re going to generally point the stick to a general direction unless you’re rotating it and focused on the very specific direction.

Again, there is a difference in movement sure but just how great is it?
On paper it sounds like there is a difference but in practice? From my experience I’ve never had the thought of “damn if only I could’ve strafed at that specific angle”.
Nor do I press the wrong keys (unless drunk or intoxicated in some way shape or form).

Again, if you want to use that then go right on ahead.
I’m just skeptical of your claims.

Like I said if you play long enough on PS4, especially on high mobility characters like Tracer, you feel the WASD constraints as you move to PC keyboard. They’re not game-breakers but they are noticeable enough to be annoying, for me at least. There are many times (particularly in Deathmatch corridors) where you’re facing a certain position (say firing at an enemy) and the optimal blink movement to safe cover is an odd angle to 5 o’clock, or 11 o’clock, or 2 o’clock, or somewhere between, angles that aren’t neatly covered by the limited range of WASD.

As for the keyboard combinations, let’s say you’re playing Tracer and are strafing left behind an enemy and want to throw pulse bomb ult on Q as you pass by. Your ring finger is on A to strafe left, but you’d have to lift it briefly to press Q to ult, so for a brief moment you’re not strafing left. It’s not a HUGE problem obviously but it feels unnatural, in real life if I were moving continuously in a direction and wanted to throw something I wouldn’t briefly stop every time I wanted to throw. Not to mention that my same fingers for movement are doing double duty for performing ult, or an ability, or reload, etc., when I feel it would be far more comfortable to do those kinds of high priority tasks naturally while I’m moving without having intermittently to stop movement for them. And considering those events happen very often where your fingers for movement might need to lift up temporarily to perform some other ability task, it’s just kind of a jarring experience, especially after coming from a platform where that was never a thing.

With this setup now it’s not a thing at all, it’s just straightforward uninterrupted flow. It’s not necessary but it feels very comfortable, intuitive and natural to me. And I wouldn’t say that makes me any kind of “unicorn”, considering as I said the #1 ranked NA player Circci uses this setup, as do a number of pro players in Overwatch Contenders.

You can move at those angles with WASD by holding down two keys at the direction you wish to go. So you want a 5 you hold down S and D, apply this logic to other things.

You can remap the ultimate to something else like F or Mouse 3, wheel up, wheel down, M4 or M5.

You can push Q down by having the tip of your ring finger on the Q key and pushing it down or you just tap which only lasts a fraction of a second (barely noticeable), you can’t do that? Try something that fits like remapping it to M3 or something else.

I’m just going to stop because you prob get what is coming, for every point you make, I can poke a hole into it.
Not to mention your setup has been tried by others including yours truly and the advantage you gain from this isn’t even noticeable but you still try to sell it as something with more use and effectiveness other than personal comfort.
And that’s the main selling point you should be advertising, if you’ve spent years using a pad but want mouse tier accuracy, this hybrid setup is for pad users who can’t be bothered to fully adapt due to years of muscle memory.

That’s why you like it and will use it.
Nuff said.

Can’t really remap ult to F, because then you’d experience the intermittent problem when strafing right instead of left. But in any case, like I said it’s not impossible to work with the default keyboard mappings and briefly moving fingers off movement to do things, I had to do it when I was first adjusting to PC. I just found that personally it’s just not as smooth or as intuitive and has built in limitations that you have to adapt to.

You might not feel that it’s all that noticeable or troublesome, which is fine, to each his own, everyone’s different so different things work for different people, obviously the great majority of pros presently use keyboard successfully without issue. I just personally find this to be, for me and quite a few pro players, a better and perhaps little known solution worth sharing that might appeal to others looking for such an alternative.

I’ve never found a single problem with this set up in overwatch… but Overwatch automatically accepts secondary bindings and doesn’t automatically assume a controller being plugged in means you’re not using a mouse… so forth. Most games don’t like both. So that’s the catch, it only works for overwatch.

IMO the controller is superior to a keyboard in overwatch (especially if you want to play on a laptop or something more relaxed posture). I do have to use my mouse wheel for 3 different things to make it work(dont have a gaming mouse)… scroll up-reload, scroll back-interact, wheel down- is my ult. You’d think scrolling a wheel is weird for a single press type action but it works flawlessly for these ‘passive’ type activities.