A strong TP would fix many of Sym's shortcomings

Longer range (30m)

Faster deploy (Take 0.5s off the cast time.)

Larger interact radius (From practically 0 to say, 3m)

TP can randomly destroy itself. TP placement around railings is a buggy nightmare that costs precious seconds.

If Tracer’s recall had a chance to randomly fail, I guarantee you it’d be treated as an emergency and hotfixed ASAP. TP is a core mechanic for Sym and for it to be this buggy is inexcusable and is a direct result of her lack of popularity. How can you expect a character to be taken seriously and utilized in pro play outside of gimmicks if her CORE MECHANIC can just… fail?

Optional: infinite duration

And boom. Sym has better team utility, survival, mobility, and consistency. All tied to what is arguably her defining ability.

Let us feast, devs.

ADDED: Have TP always spawn directly under Sym’s feet, no exceptions. No weird inconsistencies that can waste 12 seconds of a failed turret bomb.


Let. us. feast. LET US!


Honestly, no one cares about Sym right now, Armor is where its at

I know and that makes me sad.


Well at least the beam its going to be slightly stronger against armor, so its somthing

Try 50m. IMO, the devs should just make the range ridiculously long and see what happens, then rein it in until it feels right.


I… wouldn’t even mind this. I just wonder if it’d make it more difficult to fine tune your placement since less vertical mouse movement would translate to more distance… right?

*laughs in ShadowStep


I want both fixed, believe me.

Bugfixes for both and speedups for both.

sym is perfectly fine if you’re good at her

they reworked her into a high skillcap dps

I just rolled an entire plat team with my (solo) gold team because our sym had good strats and shotcalling

That’s… Not evidence. Anyone could have picked any character at any point in time and rolled a plat team with them if they were skilled. This does not mean that no character was ever underpowered or undertuned.


Doesn’t exactly matter how good it is, more than anything it needs QoL changes for the team so they can quickly determine if it’s an acceptable risk or not.

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Good point. I’ve argued for an arrow indicator on the ground for allies to know at a glance where the exit is. Currently there’s a particle effect but it’s difficult to see and impractical to use in the middle of battle.


The extra 5m could end up making a big difference. I like it.

I really, really hope they implement these changes. TP is what makes Sym. Let it be awesome!

These changes would make it better against grav too. Being that much faster (1s faster may even be ok) and a larger interact radius are key.

If Sym can’t do on-demand damage since she’s a utility DPS, let’s make her utility strong!


Beam should pierce and affect more than one hero at a time

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Hey, if it worked for Mei, whose advertised weakness is supposed to be being outnumbered (nice work guys), why not Sym? I like it.

This needs more attention IMO

Longer range may let team bypass the choke and tp directly onto the points, or onto upper-ground behind the point, so I don’t think the dev will do that.

They can however, increase the duration of the teleporter. It’s a bit annoying constantly recreating the teleporter.

Fair point. I don’t think a tiny bit of extra distance would be that problematic, but I could live without it.

Mostly the bug fixes, interact radius, and speed of deployment are what we absolutely neeeed.

I have a lot of admiration for Sym players. Y’all are some of the most beautifully creative playmakers in the game. Here’s hoping for some much-deserved dev attention in the near future.