A slight change to Mystery heroes

Because the absolute worst games I’ve have in MH have had 0 stacks but a perfect unbeatable combo that you can’t do anything about. Removing stacks would make this a heck of a lot more common.

People complain about things like triple Orisa but do you really think it would it be any better if it was Orisa/Rein/Winston? NOPE!

Just looking at the screenshots I took from games where one side was getting wrecked by the other and these are the comps…

Dva/Ashe/Basion/Junkrat/Orisa/Wrecking Ball
Doomfist/Soldier/Orisa/Rien/Torb/Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball/Zen/Widow/Rein/Hog/Dva
Brig/Bastion/Torb/Zen/Rein/Mercy < We were attacking on Blizz world and it was an absolute slaughter, 0 deaths for me and there were 0 stacks.
Zen/Reaper/Mccree/Ana/Widow/Orisa < this is what the enemy had on Defence Numbani 1st point, the Widow was pocketed and protected the entire game and we couldn’t do ANYTHING about it and not even having 2 Mercys could help us break the hold and again ZERO stacks for the winning team
Doomfist/Soldier/Orisa/Rein/Torb/Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball/Zrn/Widow/Rein/Hog/Dva

the list is endless…

It’s just easier to point at the stack and say “this is why we lost” and when it’s not a stack you just ignore it. If you get a hero limit the next thing you’ll be demanding is a class limit because “they got 5 tanks and a mercy IT’S NOT FAIR WAAHH”

Just another thing I want to add about a game I had the other night. We were up against triple Torb who were on defence on Route 66, its started out ROUGH and we could barely get out of spawn, 2 people left pretty fast but YOU KNOW WHAT? We managed to take out the Torbs one by one and then went on the WIN the game! It felt flippin awesome to beat something like that, I admit I thought it was a lost cause at first but the key is to not give up the second you see the odds are completely stacked against you and keep trying to the end because you never know who you’ll spawn as next.


What a long post only for me to say no, you’re wrong.

Limiting hero stacking intrinsically increases the chances of you getting a manageable comp, because if you already have 5 dps, the likelihood of getting a healer/tank is automatically increased. It fixes multiple issues of MH.

And I love these posts of “omg what else are you going to complain about”

We’re asking for ONE thing, no stacking, stop trying to guess the future.

What a short post only for me to say no, you’re wrong.

You’re asking for “one thing” yeah, but that “one thing” ruins the whole mode so its intrinsically a bad idea.

See, yours is opinion. My statement was fact, you can re-read what I said. I never said it would make it better or worse, just how it would address many issues that many people have with MH.

Small minds though.

Removing the no limit on heroes would be a good start. Its complete trash that you can get double heroes that almost break the mode.

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If only someone had logged games that showed how broken stacking is…MH + Hero Stacking = Broken...any chance we get alternate version? (game log included)

Yeah I kinda did and do keep track of that, which is why I know that hero stacking isn’t the problem.

Stacking is completely fine. Usually the problem is in your own hero rolls or skills. I’ve seen players complain about double orisa/double moira/double mercy but I don’t really see the problem with these.

Besides if you look at the previous discussions or topics stacking is something that the crushing majority don’t want to remove and that the devs have thought about limiting something like this but came to the conclusion that it’s not a problem and removing it would just make the game less mystery heroes. Same thing goes for role preferences over all having an equal chance to be your next hero

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First of all if you were on forums with any frequency then you know that plenty of people complain about this

Second they have not said that it’s not a problem…they have said that they’ve considered both ways and see positive/negatives both ways which is why they haven’t changed it

The other thing that Jeff has said is that he absolutely hates no limits so it’s ironic to see it in the game mode where you cannot adjust to it


The majority of MH matches are squashes. There’s no dynamic gameplay, its die until you finally get the hero who can counter that gold gun you’ve been playing against.

It would be fun to randomize the heroes. But There’s no amount of Mercy’s that will overcome the Bastion/Torb/Erisa/Mercy combo on the payload.

The fact of the matter is that MH is proof that overwatch, at its core, is broken. If they provided a way to counter any character with any character, there’d be a chance. But if you have a junkrat, there’s no way to kill the Pharahs. And by the time you do get to a hero that can shoot them, 4 people on their team are on fire and you have 5 ults to deal with versus your teams 0.

You can’t fix MH without fixing Overwatch in general, which means it will never happen.

I mean the supreme irony here is that I also despise “no limits” as a game mode and the best thing they ever did was remove stacking from QP.

But it works in mystery hero because no one can choose what they want to play, so you don’t get 6 torbs/syms or whatever unless RNGsus wills it to be and even then if you can take the torbs down then they’ll come back as something else.

People tend get overconfident when they’ve got stacks like that and usually ends up with them blowing their advantage. (eg, that triple torb game we were able to beat that I mention earlier)

I invite you to take a look at link I put up a few replies before this…

You can take fun out of the equation…it doesn’t work for many reasons

You know how the chief underlying reason people hate the game is the fact that a lot of what goes on is completely out of their hands?(because of the team oriented gameplay)…well this game mode suffers from the exact same thing BECAUSE of he stacking…

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Then WHY are they choosing to play a mode designed entirely around RNG and random picks??? The WHOLE POINT of this mode is to take “control out of your hands”

The problem isn’t the stacking, its people playing the mode who don’t actually want to play it in the first place. They just do it for the loot boxes and ignore it for a week.

People who play this mode constantly don’t tend to have a problem with stacks because it’s just part of the game. The other night we got crushed by a team with no stacks and I said in the chat “these are the games I point to when people whinge about stacking” and most people seemed to be in agreement that stacks aren’t a problem because when one guy did say “stacks suck” more people chimed in to say “No” “nope” “wrong!” etc.

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for the same reason that people play a competitive game mode they seemingly hate…there doesnt have to be sole reason for playing a game mode…perhaps they want to just play random stuff…perhaps they want to play in an essentially toxicity free environment…perhaps they just hate every other game mode there is…w/e…

none of that means that a game mode doesnt have flaws…and the stacking is a MAJOR one…“mystery heroes” doesnt have to mean “no limits” included…you can take it away and it would still be mystery heroes…

im someone who plays the mode “often” (apparantly 465 hours worth)…im quite aware of their potency and how important it is to get rid of the ASAP…doesnt mean that i can even knowing this…because frankly there are plenty of situations where there is just about nothing you can do (especially late in timers)…

there are levels of control people are willing to give up on…complete loss of control (there isnt a damn thing you can do about whats about to happen) is usually not one of them…people often leave because of that…

not to mention im usually arguing for an alternate mode anyway…id actually be curious to see how much they would each get played if you had the choice between the two

I think there needs to be a “Mystery Mode” section akin to arcade section but its all just mystery modes.

That way we can have the “Limited Mystery” you want AND the “Classic Mystery” I want as well as place to put “Mystery FFA” and “1v1 Mystery”

It’d also give us the option for some NEW varents. I would love to try a “Mystery Mayhem” mode thats “Total Mayhem + Mystery Hero” or even “Mystery CTF” or something.

“Get off X hero so someone else has a chance to play it”

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It’s fine the way it is. Please don’t change what does not need to be changed.


I would rather see the following 2 changes.

  1. If you get hero X then you can’t get that hero again till you gone though 5 other heroes first.
  2. Taking any damage from the enemy then falling to your death within 10 seconds of taking that damage counts as a kill on you. To many people are near death on a hero that is good and they jump off a cliff so they can keep that hero.

Oh and they need to fix it when D.va de-mechs over a cliff and then dies as baby then it’s counted as D.va killing herself.

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Yeah this is also the big worry with removing stacks, a rise in toxicity because “you’re not playing the hero good enough but preventing anyone else from playing them”

Like if your only Mercy/Moira decides they want to DPS instead of healing while at the same time preventing anyone else from getting that hero and doing their job properly.

except for several weekly posts saying its not :man_shrugging:

alternate version?