A slight change to Mystery heroes





It’s fine the way it is. Please don’t change what does not need to be changed.


I would rather see the following 2 changes.

  1. If you get hero X then you can’t get that hero again till you gone though 5 other heroes first.
  2. Taking any damage from the enemy then falling to your death within 10 seconds of taking that damage counts as a kill on you. To many people are near death on a hero that is good and they jump off a cliff so they can keep that hero.

Oh and they need to fix it when D.va de-mechs over a cliff and then dies as baby then it’s counted as D.va killing herself.

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Yeah this is also the big worry with removing stacks, a rise in toxicity because “you’re not playing the hero good enough but preventing anyone else from playing them”

Like if your only Mercy/Moira decides they want to DPS instead of healing while at the same time preventing anyone else from getting that hero and doing their job properly.

except for several weekly posts saying its not :man_shrugging:

alternate version?

I would be fine if they rotated MH with a version of MH with hero limits. As long as I can play old MH. However, good luck convincing the devs to do something about it.

People only post here when they’re mad about something and usually don’t say anything if they don’t have a problem.

Several people not liking something and making threads about doesn’t mean that’s the feeling of the majority.

There is no problem getting 2 or 3 of a hero. The problem is if people can play the hero. I was on a team with 3 bastions, me a rein, a healer, and I forget the 6th. What do all 3 bastions do? All 3 go right, all 3 set up in same spot and all 3 die in under a minute. I have been a lone Moira on our team, and was able to beat 2 Moiras at the same time on the enemy team. I have beaten 2 brigs as a brig (2v1). What do the 2 Moiras and 2 Brigs have in common? They were not that good at the hero.

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Agreed. One MH game I rolled Hog and my team got up to 3 Mercys (the other 2 were DPS). Being constantly healed, damage boosted and rezzed was incredible. We managed to nearly push the whole map.

I wouldn’t get those fun games anymore if MH was changed.

People focus too much on what they play against, and not as much on what they get to play as. I have never had more fun in Overwatch than when I was thrown into a Mystery Heroes match where my team began in spawn with 5 Soldiers and 1 Reinhart. That obviously wouldn’t have happened if there were hero limits, and it would never happen through player choice in No Limits. That scenario could only realistically happen randomly. And I’m glad I got a chance to experience this random occurrence that I wouldn’t have been able to experience anywhere else.


Having one random time you had fun does not take away from the countless number of times games have been unwinnable to the point just due to comps.

Mystery Heroes isn’t about winning or losing, it’s only about having fun. If your having fun is completely dependent on seeing VICTORY flash across your screen at the end of the match then quite frankly Mystery Heroes isn’t for you.

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Want people to have fun in it? Take out those stupid boxes from it. If you’re in a decent sized group you have the option of TWO modes in this Arcade at the moment. Make us just play games and you’ll fix the problem. When you force people to get wins, especially on a limited amount of time, its going to make it not fun.

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I’ve been suggesting that Mystery Heroes be taken out of the arcade and given it’s own permanent slot next to QP and Comp for months now. I couldn’t agree with you more.

Though, nobody is forcing anybody to get wins. That’s a bit extreme.

And i’ll never understand how people find mystery heroes fun. Fun is subjective

There are a lot of things annoying about MH, but it’s often the best of a few bad choices in the arcade. Not only is it better than 1v1 mystery duel and other modes I don’t like but it’s popular. That means you can wait 5-10 minutes to get into a capture the flag match or almost instantly get a MH one.

One of the big problems I have with MH is well team advantage, especially on 2cP maps. Most 2cp matches are a complete steam roll, which ever team gets the best comp first wins since the points turn over so quickly.

Quite often this benefits the attacker since they only need one good push while the defender has to hold the point for 5+ minutes. Sure some times the defense team gets lucky and gets a tank, a healer and some kind of strong DPS. But most of the time your trying to defend a point with 3 hanzo’s and 3 tracers or something silly like that.

For what ever reason since about last December I have really noticed a huge increase in dupes in MH. Not just multiple tanks/healers being on a team but 2-3 Winstons or the like. Even at the start of the match it’s very common to get multiples of the same exact hero.

Then you have the deaths to consider. I think my personal best is 15 deaths in one round, a really bad one in which we got completely stomped. The thing is despite all that I played maybe 4 different characters.

You easily go form say Doomfist to Roadhog back to Doomfist. A small pool of 4-5 hero’s over and over again. Out of 29 hero’s RNG some how keeps giving you the same ones in a match.

Never mind that again out of 29 possible hero’s dupes happen often as they do. For what ever reason there isn’t an even chance for every hero in the RNG. In theory you should have a 1/28 chance of getting any hero (excluding what your last death was).

Yet it feels more like your given a small pool of 5 or so hero’s per match and constantly cycle between those.

Mystery should be fixed in 2-2-2 without any form of hero stacking. The AI should not even allow the same character to appear in the opposing team, a Mystery match should be composed of different heroes at all time.

But I think that they wouldn’t do it because it would be a better mode than QP.

an easier solution, without constraining to 222 or hero limits is to change the algorithm that produces the heroes. after initial spawn, the respawn algorithm should determine what is needed based off of existing heroes. so, if there are 3 tanks or 3 dps, then it determines that a support is needed and the next respawn player has a higher chance of becoming a support. same goes for supports and dps. if there are more support or tanks, then dps is rolled …

this way, it evens out the teams a bit better but still has a chance to have crazy comps …a small chance, but still a chance.

I’d hate this. Not only could I not possibly respawn as any of the 5 heroes my teammates are playing, but I could not possibly respawn as any of the 6 heroes my opponents are playing either? The draw of the mode is that you could potentially respawn as any hero on the roster after being killed. Taking more than a third of the roster off the table at any given time is a terrible idea.

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Mystery Zaryas

Am i the only one who gets one given character (In my case Zarya) too often in Mystery heroes?

You know that by simply getting rid of the hero stacking that you are already increasing the likelihood of getting tanks and supports right?

I just die…instead of picking out of 29 heroes I can only pick out of 24…and the 5 thaT I can’t get are dps (assuming your team was all dps)

Same for no tanks or no dps (unlikely as that is)