A Rant: DDos Attacks

For a long time now, way too many comp games have been being hit with DDos attacks. At this point, I am beyond tired of it. I just came out a group where though we were stacked, 2 of our 3 games had our team DDos’d, with a total of 3 victims - where we would have literally won 3/3 of those games rather than 1/3. We almost 1 v 4’d those 2 games.

I am sorry for the rant post, but I think we can all agree something needs to be done about this. I know this is an Xbox issue as far as I am aware of, but I feel like there should be some Blizzard responce/initiative since this is being abused in one of their games and is clearly against their ToS. Even if it is as simple as a statement, it would at least feel like something is being done about it. It is becoming difficult to get motivated to play knowing that a 100% winnable game can be for no reason become a 0.01%.

I welcome anyone else to rant here, its just… frustrating… I might take a small break from OW.

I should note Blizzard Customer Service has responded to perceived DDoS problems on Xbox in a forum thread on technical support. TL:DR. Avoid using Xbox Party Chat to avoid exposing your IP address. Here is the full post:


Welp that was swift… not quite sure how I missed this. Thank you!

They locked the topic in Technical Support because it kept getting bumped.

Always found it suspicious that people kept inviting me to parties ONLY in Comp.

There is a specific service people use (not saying the name) to obtain people’s IP address just by entering their gamertag. That’s how the biggest part of the DDoSing works.

I don’t know what could be done about it, since the service is 100% legal, but the DDoSing is not. I have no clue how it would be handled

As mentioned the Xbox Party Chat service is what is being used to acquire IP addresses from players. Microsoft is working to dismantle Peer-to-Peer party chat entirely.

If you refer to some third-party software that does this, and if you have information on this, DO NOT post on the forums. Instead, send an email to hacks@blizzard.com.

Thanks Wyoming. Someone finally pays attention to us console players :smiley:

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