A question that probably shouldn't be here

And no, it’s not “When Blizzard removes smurfs and leavers?” or “Why they did something to (insert character name), I can’t play him?” And again, probably shouldn’t do it, but meh, I’ll try.

Does anyone know if something like “Overwatch for dummies” exist?
Because I’m getting a bit lost in anything people say. Anything at least non-smurf/leaver-related, that is.

There are tons of great videos on YouTube for new Overwatch players, as well as more in depth guides. Just search around and see what you can find!

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Stuff I locate usually loses any sense after “the controls” part. Either I’m really bad at this game’s terminology or it’s not for someone who came here after years of not playing any video games. I don’t really know at this point. Still, thanks.

Get a coach, play with people better than you. You’ll be able to learn and ask questions


An interesting option, but considering where I am right now (I recall you seein it), it might take an eternity and/or result in telling me to go quicks or bots forever. Still, thanks.

i would focus on getting your settings right before doing much anything else. lower FOV slider to 80. turn on reduce buffering, turn off tripple buffering. Keep your refresh as high as possible in resolution settings. lower your sens till a mouse pad swipe is a half or quarter turn.

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Sounds weird, especially with FOV (I kept it on the max) but okay, I’ll try. Thanks.

Overwatch dot gamepedia dot com might help.

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Overwatch University

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Sorry, it didn’t. It’s just a wiki. Thanks anyway.

As far as terms go, this might be helpful if you come across something you don’t know:

As far as strategy goes, most of it just comes from experience, though looking up a few youtubers/streamers who play whatever hero you enjoy might help.


Hmm… thanks, I’ll look into it.

Also make sure you raise your fps slider to 300 or max your pc can take. You can lower your resolution aswell to help make things bigger.

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I’ll keep a note on it when I’ll get a better gear (my PC got dead before 2019, so I’m stuck with a laptop, both shouldn’t even remotely accept the game, according to some persons, yet they both did and I even could actually play). Thanks.

Youtube doesn’t sound like an option, I feel dizzy when a lot of stuff drops at me and it’s even worse than that moment when I was literally unable to get out of the spawn room, scrolling through all characters in hopes one of them could do it. Still, thanks.

The biggest FPS boost you will ever get is by turning the render scale down to 75%.

Lower than that looks absolutely horrible and blurred though.

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Alright, points taken, thanks to everyone and to all a nice day.

Nah, bet if you got one you’d be diamond by the end of the year

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/laughs/ Wow, bro, you certainly put it high. Diamond, hah)))

Nah man, I really do think anyone could get diamond in 10 months with a proper coach

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Yeah, okay, I get it, it just sounded like something impossible to me)