A new slant on mercy

I have an idea I haven’t seen yet: give her 2 ults, which will increase her skill ceiling but also solve the Rez-on-30-second-cooldown issue. It would work like sym, the change (press q) would be an icon appearing on your screen of wings or rez icon, then pressing primary fire to confirm. The last issue is balance. Here, you could buff Rez or nerf Valkyrie. It depends on if the ult should be spammy or more impactful. But these are just my two cents, please don’t argue over it that much.

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Mass Rez isnt going to come back.


The skill ceiling on Valkyrie is MUCH, MUCH higher than it was on mass rez. Valkyrie is better in every way I can possibly think of for both the hero and the game in general. It’s just not as apparent to the rest of the team when it’s done well, so people who preferred mass rez don’t get the recognition they used to enjoy. That’s not a reason to revert, though. We need to leave her alone. Valk is awesome in the right hands.


Valkyrie is terrible.


So make the player choose between current E or Q?

Flat nerf, yet changes little gameplay wise.

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Power-wise, yeah. But it’d be nice if it were a little more… I dunno… punchy? Impactful-feeling?

I hated Mass Rez (and rez as a mechanic in general) but I still have to admit Mass Rez had a hell of a lot more oomph to it. I just wish Valk could have that kind of feeling.


It’s terrible in the hands of terrible players (people who just hold down m1 and float around).


honestly just remove rez and give mercy something else and buff her valk…im sick of people fighting over rez


Nope, it’s just terrible. It is a terrible, horrible, deeply flawed, and uninteresting ultimate. Doesn’t matter how you use it.


We see this ad hominem pretty much every thread. Boils down to git gud non-argument. I’m just considering requesting a VOD review at this point, you guys must be great Mercys.

Beyond that, Valk is just Mercy minus engagement, which is why it plays like poo and why “git gud” isn’t cutting it.

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I think the cieling for valk is incredibly low and doesn’t promote much change in Mercy play outside of pistol which I think goes against what the hero is designed for. I think valk as a concept should have been tossed in beta and seen as a low risk ability instead of an ult.


You cannot argue about this. There is no arguement about if valk is good or not. For it is subjective.

However, it is to be noted that if the main arguement for valk being unfun is “it feels unimpactful” when it is actually really impactful and nigh fightwinning, that is not a call for blizzard to change valkyrie, that is a call for blizzard to implement better feedback systems into the game so that you can better analyse when you are making an impact.


It absolutely matters how you use it. It lasts for as long as it does to make for creative and interesting ways to use it. Of course things like Tac Visor and Dragonblade can’t last for fifteen seconds. Those are both examples of taking a single aspect of the hero (damage output) and scaling it up to the extreme, which could only reasonably be allowed for a short time. That’s the same reason transcendence isn’t fifteen seconds long.

Valkyrie is a completely unique ult. It takes all aspects of Mercy’s kit and cranks them up considerably without increasing any one of them to the max. It makes her better at everything she does for the duration and unlocks new possibilities at the same time (through literal flight and not having to reload). It can last as long as it does because it doesn’t make any single aspect of her completely overpowered.

Valkyrie’s power comes entirely from how the player chooses to use it. It’s the most versatile ult in the game by far and it’s up to the player to maximize their effectiveness for every single second of it. If you find yourself floating and holding down M1, you’re not using the ability to its maximum potential. I love this ability more than can probably express with text, but I’ll try to anyway.

You have to mix and match your abilities from second to second all throughout the time you’re given. In a SINGLE usage you can heal for a bit, slingshot your way past a distant teammate to pull out your infinite-ammo pistol and take out an enemy, fly up to reach that rez you couldn’t before, go back to group healing for a few seconds, and then group damage boost the whole team to finish off a push. You can also pop it solely to fly up and take out those snipers or PharMercy that’s plaguing your team. You can use it offensively, defensively, proactively, reactively, for mobility, to escape, to reach places you couldn’t before, and you get to pick whichever of those you need the most in that moment before switching to the next thing you need most and you get an incredible fifteen seconds to do it.

Valkyrie is incredible when used correctly, but it’s not always very visible to people who aren’t looking up at you. I’m going to start saving some clips of myself using it to show people what it’s capable of. I’ll update the forums when I’ve done that.


We can argue about subjective things. Art is almost always subjective, that doesn’t make Beethoven equal to Justin Bieber. Subjective doesn’t mean it’s completely unreasonable.

Reasonably and arguably, Valk is garbage (and also balanced).

I agree with the reasoning but not with the conclusion. Valk still needs tweaking to allow for more player expression. Feedback needs to be improved overall but that doesn’t change Valkyrie’s poorly thought-out design, it might mask the issue, but won’t fix it.

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I’ll get that video for you. Give me a couple of weeks to compile some good plays. That’s a good idea.

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I’m sure you’ll teach many scrubs to git gud.

Valkyrie will still be poorly designed and in need of tweaks.

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I think I misworded my original arguement. I was trying to express my disdain to you calling it a non arguement; whereas I think that on these subjective things, all arguements are valid (at the same time not valid, shrodingers validity)
It is valid for him to say you need to git gud to see the impact of valk.

Every transformation ult reduces player expression. Whole hog literally gives me LESS things to do. Moira makes her a boringer version of zarya for a bit. I could go on.
But these ults FEEL good.
Concept: give mercy healmarker in valk


Valk involves almost no skill or timing whatsoever, as fun as it is.

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Yeah true…I think mercy players are used to instant gratification.

Did you read the thing I linked to you?

Auras are impossible to set up in such a way where they…

  1. are Long
  2. are Balanced
  3. Feel impactful

There’s a reason Lucio got a partial rework. There’s a reason why Sona from League of Legends got a rework. There’s a reason why this item from LoL doesn’t exist anymore Emblem of Valor | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom.

Aura’s generally DO NOT WORK.

That’s exactly what the main draw of Valkyrie is supposed to be… and it does not work.