A Mercy Rework or Revert

There’s no point in heroes being relegated to specific niches if they don’t exceed in those niches.

Symmetra 1.0/2.0 for example was played in a specific situation, so while her pickrate was low, she had an unusually high winrate because she succeeded in her niche.

Mercy doesn’t right now


Mercy currently works in the off support slot.

Her “utility” is pocketing a hitscan or Pharah, and her rez. Valk might be a bit weak, but otherwise her kit is still sound.

She is situational, but a solid pick under the right circumstances.

It’s not what the Mercy one tricks who would never be able to play any other hero within a thousand SR of their account’s current rating wants to hear, but that’s the way it is. Pointing to winrates is misleading, because it comes from these same players still religiously picking her in every single game, and most likely losing in sub-optimal conditions.

Mercy/Ana is a viable healer comp. Her “niche” isn’t being played as a generalist healer who can sustain both squishies and tanks at the same time.

I do not think that the few OTP mercy influence the database not only of overbuff, but also of others. And coincidentally, the OTPs defend the current mercy. And often they have private profiles.
You can not see the problem of the insane game of being always behind only one dps by a main support. And you do not understand that playing it so often is lost.

Thing is though Mercy was still largely pocketing DPS during the Hanzo/Widow sniper meta we just got out of. Legit the only change was 10hps her gameplay pattern didnt change.

Mercy IS convenient within her niche just not the game changer she used to be is what I’m saying. You can still pick her but shes team comp reliant now and not ubiquitous which in a game like overwatch is great.

Excuse me, your sentence makes me think that you do not know the game well. If you play with ana + mercy you are very likely to lose the game. Because you have no ultimate defenses to protect your team while your opponents use ultimate combos.

And does it seem normal that a main support becomes an off support?

But in fact mercy was in the meta because of the double sniper. And it was to be stopped as a meta.
It counts a lot of 10 hps less.

I’m not going to disagree, because Mercy has ALWAYS been boring to me, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why people want to play her. But there are people who DO like her, and they have just spent the better part of a YEAR being far and away the best support in the game.

Toning her down was absolutely necessary, and that is where we are now. Ana was in the trashcan not only during this year of Mercy’s reign, but a few seasons prior to it as well. Other heroes needs far more attention than Mercy does, as she remains more viable than Ana was for 18 months straight.

I suppose you are right in that it’s not a good comp in an unorganized setting, but it works well in certain maps/comps in 4k+ scrims. Not having a defensive ult means you have to play around that knowledge.

Do not balance a game assuming that the opposing teams are not organized, let alone the scrim. Because otherwise we have to give a nerf to pharah

Right her niche was good and as a by product so was she. If Pharah comes back with the planned changes soon Pharmercy gets stronger and potentially comes back as well.

Also to add Ana/Mercy CAN work as a heal core, bio nade + valk can save you from certain scenarios like 76 ult (un boosted) and gravs + dragon(?). I wouldnt run it into burst ults like tire or pulse bomb (trans wont even save you from that) but lacking a defensive ult isnt always terrible.

It does not work, soldier kills anyway not to mention the grav + dragon
It works sometimes, the combo valk + coalescence.
But you’re wasting two ultimate ones. And it does not always work like the ultimate zen or lucio.

Yes, but let’s get back to the first speech. It is insane that a main support is always behind only one dps.

Yes, because officially, there is no such thing as “main” and “off” supports. There are just supports with high enough healing throughput to sustain your team through raw healing.

Lucio/Zenyatta was the original dive meta. Notice the complete lack of sustained healing.

Where does this come from? It has nothing to do with them being disorganized, but rather your team being organized and well positioned enough to mitigate team wipe ultimates.
You probably won’t believe me, but Lucio and Zenyatta are not the only ways to counter a Dragonblade.

The whole point is that you have to not rely on a Zenyatta to save you. If your entire team positions well enough, grav is a very survivable ultimate. Add ult economy to the list as well. Another super useful skill that is rarely found in lower brackets.

Maybe. But somehow I have never seen a Mercy player complain about Pharmercy? Isn’t that doing exactly what you apparently loathe?

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I’m grateful for a Pharah just to get me away from Genji/Tracer.

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I’m sorry but you have a very low OW experience. I do not mean to ignore you, and you do not understand the advanced mechanics of the game. Your assumptions are based on chance. There is also the difference between main support and off support. An off support has low healing but ultimate defensive. Main supports have high healing but ultimate offensive or persistent healing.

But typically, Mercy will prioritize pocketing the Pharah. Since this sort of gameplay is apparently not desirable, shouldn’t something be done to mitigate that interaction?

It would’ve been a lot quicker to just type “I have no rational argument so I have to give up debating”

I also speak from my personal experience, pharmercy you see it very rarely. And anyway I assure you that using pharmercy (before this nerf) you are not always attached to pharah. If you do, you lose the game.

Yes, but everytime the topic has been brought up before, people suggest nerfing Mercy to stop it which won’t work because Pharah is the one enabling the combo.

Good. Playing Mercy now, you are not always attached to your dps. If you do so, and ignore your Ana, and even tanks when they need it, you will most likely lose.

I thought I explained, you’re assuming that the randomness of events functions.