A Mercy Rework or Revert

Read comment below for better format

So by now we all know that Mercy is the most controversial hero in Overwatch. When Mercy was released in beta, she was underpowered. Invulnerability was added, she was overpowered. Reworked happened, again she was overpowered. 2.1 released, she was balanced (imo). Now we have this. I'm not even sure what to call this but a complete failure. Now mercy mains are getting yelled at for fighting for their hero even though some are completely fine. Words such as "no brain, no aim, Mercy main" are being used. Aiming isn't the only skill. Now if I said mercy skills were for scouting and positioning, people would say "any hero can do that" which is completely true. Mercy was meant for consistent heals and to have great mobility. She had 50hps which was to low so they gave her 60hps which was just fine or some say way to much. When us Mercy mains say " how about 55hps" (which I said the first day her healing nerf pat h came out) we were given hate for it's just 10hps down and you don't need an extra 5 hps. Also, several people said "She'd still be a must pick". Mercy needs a rework. I can't think of any way of balancing her without reverting with tweaks(Los, Small cast time(like a sombra hack or a little longer), give her chain healing as a cd ability , and damage reduction to replace invulnerability, and 55hps.) or revert her to 2.1. Lastly and the saddest one is to completely remove rez completely. Instead we can give Mercy 55hps, a chain healing ability that last for 4-5 seconds and a cd of 7 seconds start after use. Her ultimate could be when she had mass rez and invulnerability except nobody is getting rezzed and just being invulnerable for 1 second and a damage reduction that decays for 4-5 seconds. 

Mercy mains don't want solely Mercy to shine nor all supports but her to shine. We had our little moment in the spotlight and y'all have y'alls. Why can't we all share the spotlight. Every hero in the game was meant for greatness. Lastly, people say choose another hero or play something else but just evaluate your main and look at their biggest cd getting nerfed. I should know cause sombra and mercy were my mains before season 5 and roadhog was my tank main. So look at your main, ex. Moira and say she didn't have the orbs or Zarya and say she couldn't shield herself for longer then 1 second. We all love the game, we all love most heroes. So remember, MOIRA NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO HEAL THROUGH BARRIERS.  Oh and you probably won't see this but thank you @AriaRose

Dear God, why would you format it that way, OP? Here it is, so everyone else can read with peace of mind.

So by now we all know that Mercy is the most controversial hero in Overwatch. When Mercy was released in beta, she was underpowered. Invulnerability was added, she was overpowered. Reworked happened, again she was overpowered. 2.1 released, she was balanced (imo). Now we have this.

I’m not even sure what to call this but a complete failure. Now mercy mains are getting yelled at for fighting for their hero even though some are completely fine. Words such as “no brain, no aim, Mercy main” are being used. Aiming isn’t the only skill. Now if I said mercy skills were for scouting and positioning, people would say “any hero can do that” which is completely true.

Mercy was meant for consistent heals and to have great mobility. She had 50hps which was too low so they gave her 60hps which was just fine or some say way to much. When us Mercy mains say " how about 55hps" (which I said the first day her healing nerf pat h came out) we were given hate for it’s just 10hps down and you don’t need an extra 5 hps. Also, several people said “She’d still be a must pick”.

Mercy needs a rework. I can’t think of any way of balancing her without reverting with tweaks(Los, Small cast time(like a sombra hack or a little longer), give her chain healing as a cd ability , and damage reduction to replace invulnerability, and 55hps.) or revert her to 2.1.

Lastly and the saddest one is to completely remove rez completely. Instead we can give Mercy 55hps, a chain healing ability that last for 4-5 seconds and a cd of 7 seconds start after use. Her ultimate could be when she had mass rez and invulnerability except nobody is getting rezzed and just being invulnerable for 1 second and a damage reduction that decays for 4-5 seconds.

Mercy mains don’t want solely Mercy to shine nor all supports but her to shine. We had our little moment in the spotlight and y’all have y’alls. Why can’t we all share the spotlight. Every hero in the game was meant for greatness.

Lastly, people say choose another hero or play something else but just evaluate your main and look at their biggest cd getting nerfed. I should know cause sombra and mercy were my mains before season 5 and roadhog was my tank main.

So look at your main, ex. Moira and say she didn’t have the orbs or Zarya and say she couldn’t shield herself for longer then 1 second.

We all love the game, we all love most heroes.


Oh and you probably won’t see this but thank you @AriaRose


Can we stop using aria rose as an “amazing unbiased source”


Thank you so much. It wasn’t formatting correctly. I didn’t do that.

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I much prefer a rework. Bye bye rez


They would have to get rid of a couple sprays, a highlight intro and change an achievement.

I don’t think they would do that.


They can change just the achievements and the cosmetics can be for nostalgia

I would prefer a second rework also

E-rez & Valkyrie need to go away


this is so hard to read, why did you put in a box! Also I’m sure Aria will read this

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Read the comment below. I didn’t choose that box it did it for me instead and I didnt know how to get rid of it.

Reaper still has sprays for the Soul Orbs that used to drop for him :slight_smile:


no, mercy is fine the way she is. she is still useful in niche scenarios, which is how she should be. the easiest hero in the game should not be applicable in all, or even most, situations


So brig shouldn’t be viable in most situations?

Seriously tho why make easy heroes (and such likable ones) if you can barely ever use them, or only use them at low ranks and make it impossible to climb


no, she shouldnt be. lol

and to answer your question: the game was meant for people to actually pick more than one hero and change their hero based on the situation. im fairly certain they didnt create mercy with the intention of people fuking one tricking her and not being able to play any other heroes. mercy is still powerful in certain situations. if she is not applicable, LEARN ANOTHER HERO. you shouldnt expect to climb to gm by only knowing how to play the easiest hero in the game


Just rework Mercy again.
Symmetra got a 3rd rework, why can’t Mercy.


Just want to get this out here regarding Aria and people in favor of a revert to Mercy’s kit.

While Mercy’s old ress maybe able to be balanced in terms of her kit exclusively I dont see much talk about how said revert would tie in with the current state of the game. A lot of changes, new heros, maps ect. have happened since Mercy 1.0 and while I wouldnt be against trying mass ress Mercy again im apprehensive that its what the game ultimately needs.

The way I see it is Mercy Brig support cores with rally taking the place of sound barrier after res like the old Mercy + Lucio comps and the key issue is that Brig counters the flankers whose job it is to stop Mercy from hiding before the fight. Another example is Pharmercy comps, any buff to Mercy is an indirect buff to Pharah and vice versa and those two alone are very problematic for lower elo brackets and console players. I dont really see many post (or Aria) touching on much outside of Mercy’s kit which is important to look at since the game isnt Mercywatch.

Also I dont think Mercy is problematic at the moment. She very well may be the weakest supports and although its not an excuse she had her time in the spotlight longer than any other hero (besides maybe Tracer) and its okay that shes a niche pick at the moment. Niche picks can still be very strong with in certain situations (see above about Pharmercy).

Final point if your complaint is that the hero “Isnt fun to play anymore” then you SHOULD swap to a hero that you do enjoy. Fun is subjective and while by all means voice your opinion but acknowledge it as just that, your opinion.

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Chill out dude lmao. You clearly have a passionate hate for mercy one tricks. I just personally think you should be able to climb to gm with every single hero if you’re the best at them. Where’s the value in making super easy and useless heroes? Like I’m totally fine with heroes having a niche and pretty much every one does, but I’m not fine with making heroes utter useless garbage just cuz they’re “easy,” at that point it’s better to rework them to be more skillful and more effective. And it’s pretty difficult to one trick mercy to GM so the people that can do it deserve it in my opinion.


We need a 2nd rework for Mercy at this point with or without rez is on Blizzard.


Revert and let’s pretend that debacle never happened. And keep the flight during ult.