đź’ˇ A Mercy Rework Idea - Keeping Valk

I like it, but i would honestly keep chain healing, but making the chained targets only receive like 30 hps or around there to give it a more ult-y feel instead of just a straight power up to her healing beam

also why does it need to decay from 90? it is an ult after all and only last 8 seconds

I don’t hate this.

I’m just afraid it would give her too much power to have both a strong single and an OK aoe.

To keep her balanced and less frustrating (Think unkillable pharmercy) and to discourage tunnel vision and encourage multi-tasking.

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well it is an ult, zens heals like 300hps or something and can hit a lot of people. I think with the shortened duration it wouldnt be too strong? thats what testing is for tho lol! overall a cool idea. I like the change to rez too, currently its suffocating to cast and unfun to go against so that change would add more fun and skill to her kit


That sound good! :slight_smile:

my idea for Valk at first would be that during valk both beam fuse to make a green beam who heal and damage boost your allies,just so you can use the infinite ammo valk provide a little bit often once your team seem to be in a fine shape.

While I like that idea, I feel having valk give both health and damage at once would reduce her skill ceiling.

Maybe a separate upgraded damage beam?(Damage reduction? or a bit more damage)

Choosing when to give damage boost and when to heal is part of Mercy’s thinking, and I’m afraid it would cut room for growth to remove that decision! :frowning:

I think you mean LoL there :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, this is certainly an interesting take! I’m not sure if this is the best way to go about changing her but it makes for a good compromise. How much health (roughly) are you thinking they rez with?

+1 from for the unique ideas.

Another major issue with this idea, this still leaves valk as a rather hard ult to appreciate. It’s deceptively strong, and I’m not sure the changes to valk here actually fix that.

90 HPS for an 8 second ultimate. on a single target.
This does F all to the complaints about her not feeling impactful, for god’s sake Moira’s ult (which currently charges twice as fast as the Live Valkyrie on average) can get 140 on potentially multiple targets (and if you can’t get at least one then you misfired your ult cus no defense power stops it)
If you’re going to slice it down 120 is your minimum

a bit too complicated for a 1 star hero if you ask me, the concept is fine and I wouldn’t mind a kind of beserker mode on another hero but this goes against the simple but effective motif of the 1 star heroes.
rez could just be tied to the ult button or removed entirely, .8 second cast time would be more then manageable when attached to the ult and wouldn’t feel sluggish.

Yes, I’m an idiot. :sweat_smile:
Thanks for the correction!

As I mentioned first thing, don’t pay much attention to the numbers! I just meant for her to have a (balanced) really strong single target heal while on valk.

Hmm, it would not be that hard to use, but hard to use correctly.
I assume some would use it when an ally is low (-40%) health instead of at the brink of death.
In low ranks many would still attack them, so it would work anyways. And if not, it would give them the chance to retreat.

But I do agree with your concern. She should still be easy to pick up.

That would make Mercy much more weaker. Not interested sorry.

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then yes a single but heavily amped up beam is a good idea I agree 110% I just felt the need to point out that Coalesance should be your frame of reference. whic means you could argue the healing go all the way up to 200 and it’d be balanced still.

It’s just the wordy nature of the ability that concerns me, I for one wouldn’t mind the ability persay though I think thematically it’d fit more with some kind of brawler kinda person rather then Mercy. but 1-star heroes should have all of their abilities be described in one sentence, that’s the frame of reference I think should be used more or less and this pre-emptive rez dosen’t follow that rule at all.

Because of the numbers or her abilities?

Moira has no utility and her ult has to be aimed, so I was scared that’d make mercy too strong if her ult was comparable in strenght.

Perhaps it is because I don’t know how to better describe it, english isn’t my native language.

“Mercy uses an aura that revives the user once their HP reaches 0” Or something?

You are most likely right, though, I just thought it’d be so fun to use :sob:

Since that allowed the most impressive plays, which meant she’d be OWL material.

They enemies also get a chance to outplay. Kind of like with reflect. And it’d feel good to be about to kill X, and bait the mercy’s res.

There are other good res suggestions I’ve read.
A charge based res (More health the longer you hold or more targets the longer you hold) that also works on a resource, gained by playing well, resets to 0 on death.

Coalesance as of right now also charges twice as fast and once we finally get Moira able to heal through barriers again she’ll be the AOE healer with more raw healing then Mercy making Moira the one with the tank focused comps (I believe 60 HPS is needed for Mercy so she can be expected to heal A main tank but I also believe that these triple tank builds should be semi viable as long as they aren’t the only thing viable which is why Moira should shine)

also remember AOE potential with Moira AND she also does damage at the same time.
Thus similar healing on a single target should be manageable for Valk if it has comparable healing, it’d take more skill to get similar effect as a decent coalesance.

Thanks for trying but your valk ultimate looks just like a normal ability to me. Which is fine since it is one in my opinion. I just think neither valk nor e-rez can really work out and feel great for the player. Rez needs too many restrictions which basically shows that it has the power of an ult behind it and valk… well it does everything but nothing good. The moment it did something good we all called it OPAF and wanted it nerfed away.

Moira has an AOE left click that does 80HP/S and lasts for 9 seconds. That marginally beats a 90HP/S beam that decreases to base healing for just healing 1 person. Mercy doesn’t need more healing. I think that’s what people need to realize. She needs to have an “I can do stuff too” ability.

Valkyrie and Rez should be mashed together as an ultimate. Similar to how McCree ultimate works. Where it takes time to go through a lock on and the HPS of her allies will affect the time it takes to lock onto them in order to Resurrect them. While in Valkyrie she is able to freely heal and damage boost. Upon pressing Q a second time she will burst heal a proportionate amount of lock on to living allies, and allies who have gone through the complete lock on and are dead will be revived.

That makes more sense of an impactful and engaging ultimate that doesn’t really interfere with Mercy’s 1 star hero qualities.

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I’m just curious and biased, so I want to understand your side a litle better.

Why sould a preemtive res not feel good for the player?
Do you think it would still need even more restrictions than I mentioned? (LOS, medium range are some I didn’t mention but think would be needed)

I did mention the numbers were not the main thing! The idea is to make her really strong in single target healing while ulting, but not making pocketing possible because it would be frustrating to play against.

That is another option. Mine was a different approach!

There are a lot of good ideas, I just chose those I thought were simple to implement and understand. But there are many possibilities if they are willing to make major changes.

I mean my changes aren’t too drastic.


  • Resurrect now is a part of Valkyrie and is now a lock on mechanic similar to McCree deadeye
  • Allies who are living will receive a burst healing proportionate to how much they’ve gone through
  • Dead allies will need a full lock on to be Resurrected
  • Beam range reduced to 1.5x instead of 2.0x distance
  • GA range reduced to 1.5x instead of 2.0x distance
  • Lock-on range is 20M so, no Mercy skybox Rez.
  • Mercy has free movement while Valkyrie is active, upon second Q cast Valkyrie finishes.
  • Chain healing removed
  • Valkyrie now 8 seconds down from 15 seconds

E ability (insert name)

  • Healing stream increased to 70HP/S
  • Damage boost increased to 35%
  • Unlimited ammo on pistol

Base Healing remains at 50HP/S. <- Because of her E ability.

This makes Valkyrie pretty useless.

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I just think it would lead to cheesy plays again. Which would lead people to complain about no skill hero having an OPAF ability. Then they have to restrict it even harder like current rez which pretty much sucks.

But being pre-emtive would add the skill to it, I think?
Like, it wouldn’t give invulnerability nor cc protection, nor damage reduction.
It would only work if you kill them with the aura on.

Is there something I’m missing?

This would basically mean a backup for a flanker who wants do to something risky and stupid. So Mercy buffs them and if they fail they come back and havent lost much. Once again people will be mad because they just killed the Gengu/Tracer/Doomfist just to see the enemy standing up again punching them in the face.
It would reduce Mercy to a backup plan for certain heroes which I dont think is something we need or want. I would much rather take any other form of utility than rez as her e-ability. Plus it is still on the longest CD ever only matching ultimates in that regard.

It would reward good timing and gamesense yes you are right about that. But I think we could give her something else way less powerful she can use more frequently. Like Anas bionade for example.